From the Principal - e-News 6 - 2017

Dear parents

Welcome back!

On behalf of the College, I welcome the return of our staff, students and parents to Term Two. I trust that parents had a wonderful Easter celebration in the middle weekend of the holidays.

After an extended holiday break, on Wednesday our Year 12 students started their term with their Retreat, with the remainder of the school commemorating ANZAC Day with a whole school ceremony. After a great deal of preparation work, we are grateful to Coordinator of Liturgies Mrs Judy Coelho on her coordination of the Retreat activities and Head of Year 12 Simon Messer, who addressed the logistical requirements and risk assessments for each of the sites. We are grateful to the staff who volunteered to attend the Retreats, either at New Norcia, Fairbridge or Baldivis.

On Thursday and Friday, our Year 9 students also participated in faith enrichment days coordinated by Head of Year Mrs Yvette Pierce, with the Youth Mission Team working with the students on one of the days, the second, a focus on service learning. Staff supervising are asked to engage with the students on these days.

In Week Two, we look forward to the Fire Drill on Monday, with Year 7 to 12 Parent Teacher Student Interviews on Thursday afternoon/evening. In Week Three, we have NAPLAN coming up, so I invite Years 7 and 9 teachers to ensure students are prepared, but not anxious, ready for these up and coming tests. As the instructions are circulated, I ask supervising teachers to carefully read all the necessary instructions in preparation for these tests.

Welcome to staff

  • We welcome Ms Naomi Larsen, who returns to her role of Head of Year 11. I take this opportunity to thank Mrs Chanel Fenwick for her wonderful stewardship of the Year 11 students in Term One
  • In the Religious Education Learning Area, Mr Simon Keane returns from Long Service Leave at the beginning of Week Two. We are grateful Mrs Pearl Morrow continues for the first half of Term Two, covering Ms Katrina Thomas’ Religious Education classes whilst she is on leave
  • Ms Joelle L’Augille has accepted the role of Christian Service Learning Coordinator this term, after completing a successful term as Xavier House Coordinator whilst Chanel Fenwick was Acting Head of Year 11. 

I also take this opportunity to welcome newly appointed staff members:

  • As Italian teacher Ms Maria Belloni is on parental leave, Mrs Daniela Pruiti Ciarello commences this week. A native Italian speaker, Daniela is an experienced Italian Teacher who has taught at Perth Modern, Beehive Montessori, Challenger TAFE and the Perth Language Institute, amongst other educational institutions. Daniela also has extensive teaching experience in the Visual Arts.
  • Mr Michael Gordon joins us to take over from Design and Technology Technician Doug Walker, who is retiring. As an engineering patternmaker by trade, Michael’s 17 years of workshop experience has equipped him with a vast and adaptable skill set. He possesses excellent traditional craftsman hand skills and techniques, as well as accomplished knowledge and use of modern day CAD modelling for CNC machines. Michael is comfortable working with a wide variety of materials, such as timbers, metals, plastics, resins, plasters and fibreglass. As a Kolbe Catholic College graduate, Michael is well acquainted with the Catholic education system.

I am sure the community will ensure our new and returning staff are welcomed in AvÐÔ°® style!

Changeover Period for the Winter Uniform

Just a reminder regarding the changeover period for the Winter Uniform this term. For the first two weeks only, students will be able to choose to wear either their full summer or full winter uniform (no mixing and matching). By Monday 8 May all students will be in their full winter uniform. Homeroom teachers will be monitoring this change, which will continue to be reviewed afterwards.

Parent Teacher Student Interviews

Feedback is an essential part of effective learning. It helps students understand the subject being studied and gives them clear guidance on how to improve their learning. Research has indicated academic feedback is more strongly and consistently related to achievement than any other teaching behavior. Feedback can improve a student's confidence, self-awareness and enthusiasm for learning. Our teachers understand feedback can take many forms directly to students, both formative during the semester, and summative, as a result of tests and assignments. In partnership with parents, we work together to assist our students to learn successfully, the purpose of the interviews to be held on Thursday. It is also the reason we prefer students to attend the interviews, reducing the possibility of miscommunication, but more importantly, empowering students to act on feedback with the support of their parents.

Our teachers are prepared for the interviews which will take place on Thursday with details noted on our website and elsewhere in this documentation. So that you are able to pick your child up from school, please note the early closing time of 12.00pm immediately after period three. The interviews will commence after teachers have had a short luncheon in the staffroom.


Community events in the next fortnight include the P&F Meeting at 6.30pm on Tuesday 2 May in the staff room, Board members will be aware the Board Strategic Planning Day is being held next Saturday morning in the Board Room, all AvÐÔ°® mums are invited to the Mothers’ Day Breakfast to be held from 7.15am in the Mater Christi Centre on Friday 12 May, and the Cambodia Immersion High Tea in the Staffroom will be held on Saturday 13 May at 2.00pm. Please generously support one of the major fundraisers for our Cambodia Immersion Program, the High Tea, by contacting the College. Details have been included in the information in this copy of the e-News.

Yours sincerely

Caroline Payne

IT Support