Middle School eNews 1

Welcome to 2018

To all of our new and existing families, welcome and thank you for being a part of the Av԰ Christi College community. Thank you and well done on a terrific start to the year.

As the new school begins it is really important that students take every opportunity to perform to the best of their ability in every aspect of College life. Be it in the classroom or on the playing field, it is always important to be consistently giving your best. Being well prepared and trying to always perform to capacity is the only way to ensure a really solid foundation to support future activities. Organisation for class, participation in-class and completion of assigned tasks should never be an afterthought, but the main focus of a school day.

Please note the following compulsory events coming up:

·       Community Mass Tuesday 20 February 6.00pm – College Oval

·       Inter-house Swimming Carnival Thursday 22 February – HBF Stadium

·       Inter-house Cross Country Friday 6 April

Important Dates


Term 1 begins:   

Teachers commence:             Staff Days Monday 29 January and Tuesday 30 January

Wednesday 31 February:       Years 7, 11 and 12 Students commence

Thursday 1 February:             Years 8, 9 and 10 Students commence

Term 1 ends:                         Friday 13 April

Term 2:                                   Tuesday 1 May – Friday 29 June


Term 3:                                 Tuesday 17 July – Friday 21 September

Term 4 begins:                     Monday 8 October

Term 4 ends:                         Friday 19 October:              Year 12 Students

                                              Friday 30 November:          Year 11 Students

                                              Monday 3 December:          Year 10 Students

                                              Thursday 6 December:        Year 7, 8 and 9 Students

                                              Friday 14 December:            Staff


College Calendar

Please refer to the College Website and Calendar for the most up to date details. Details in the College Diary may change.

College Leadership Team

Caroline  Payne                Principal

Karen Prendergast            Vice Principal

Jim Elliott                          Deputy Principal – Student Ministry

Frank Italiano                    Deputy Principal – Middle School

Damian Scali                      Acting Deputy Principal - Senior School

Sharon Carmichael             Business Manager


Pastoral Care Team

The Pastoral Care Team is one of the key groups within the College.  Its mission is to focus on the wellbeing and pastoral care of students.  The Pastoral Council is chaired by Mr Jim Elliott.  Other members of the Pastoral Council include:

Mark Barron                                                                         Head of Year 7

Simon Messer                                                                     Head of Year 8

Yvette Pearce                                                                      Head of Year 9

Middle School Parent Information Evenings Invitation

Parent Information Evenings are designed to brief parents regarding matters relevant to a particular Year group, whether related to the academic programme, study and homework, digital learning advice or social activities, to name but a few. Further details will be provided by Heads of Year, but please note these dates in your calendars:

Tuesday 6 February Year 7 Parents Information Evening - 6.00pm Sadler Centre

Thursday 1 March Year 9 Parents Information Evening - 6.00pm Sadler Centre

Monday 19 February Year 8 Parents Information Evening - 6.00pm Sadler Centre

Parent Communication Guidelines

Parents are welcome to make contact with the College to discuss progress or issues at any time. It is important that parents contact the relevant staff member when making contact with the College. The flow chart below outlines the order in which staff at the College should be contacted.

Parents should start at the beginning of the chart and then proceed to the next level, if the matter is not resolved to their satisfaction. Alternatively, the staff member may pass the matter onto the next level should they be unable to respond to questions raised by parents.


 Academic Excellence: Testing and Personalised Learning

 During weeks one to three, all Year seven students will be undertaking a range of tests that include the Progressive Achievement Test in Mathematics (PAT-M), Progressive Achievement Test in Reading (PAT-R) and the Middle Years Ability Test (MYAT).

Most Year 8 and 9 students completed all the testing at the end of 2017. Students who missed any of the above-mentioned tests will sit these in the next couple of weeks.

Data is being collected and will be processed in the coming weeks. The data is used by Heads of Year and classroom teachers to inform teaching and learning programs as well as personalising the learning for individual students.

In addition, this data together with additional information from primary school reports, parent nominations and teacher nominations will lead to the identification of students that will take part in the Academic Excellence Program of the College. Parents will be notified if their son or daughter has met the criteria. If you have any questions or would like to nominate your child for the program, please contact Mrs Carvalho on

Filipa Carvalho
Head of Academic Excellence

Av԰ Christi College Learner Profile Years 7-12

 ·         The Av԰ Christi College Learner Profile is made up of 8 attributes or common outcomes which are deemed to be essential for success in the 21st century and for an ever-changing world.

·         The Av԰ Christi College Learner Profile supports the Catholic ethos of the College and its holistic approach to the individual in and beyond the classroom.

·         The Av԰ Christi College Learner Profile is designed so that students can become       successful learners, confident and creative individuals and active and informed citizens.

·         The Av԰ Christi College Learner Profile attributes will specify how students can become effective contributors to the local, national and global society.

Learner Profiles.png


Top 5 questions parents can ask their children


Acceptable Footwear – House Uniform and Physical Education Uniform

Health and Physical Education staff have always taught the importance of adequate
support, stability and cushioning in runners or sports shoes rather than leisure/street
shoes. Ideally, students should wear a sports shoe that is rigid in the heel, bends at
the bottom like toes are naturally designed to and a shoe that is not easily twisted.

To ensure adequate duty of care, the College provides the following clarity of
information with regards what shoes are not acceptable with House uniform (e.g.
Fridays) and Physical Education uniform.

Sports shoes must be lace up with non-marking soles. NO CANVAS, DUNLOP
VOLLEYS OR VANS are permitted.

Therefore, the following are not acceptable with house uniform (e.g. Fridays) nor in
PE classes.

               NO CANVAS SLIP ONS


              NO VANS

high tops.png


As a Catholic school, we also urge students not to be persuaded by expensive
products which do not provide the support necessary. If there is a doubt as to
whether certain footwear is acceptable, students should seek advice from Health and
Physical Education staff

 Year 7

Congratulations to Year 7 for an amazing start to the year.  Every student has wholeheartedly thrown themselves into the Av԰ Christi experience with great resilience and enthusiasm.  It is fantastic to see students settling so well with behaviour and attitude being exemplary from the outset.

After a busy start to the year concluding with the Quest Retreat breakfast and guard of honour on Wednesday of Week Two. Students are now well prepared for learning as they begin to engage with our teaching programs.  I have been carrying out learning walks this week and the students attitude to learning is superb.

Thank you to parents for the high attendance at our information evening , I have placed a link to the presentations used on our Year 7 Portal that can be accessed through SEQTA.  In addition, I have received a few queries this week relating to extra-curricular sport, the sport calendar can be also accessed through SEQTA using the Sportal.

I am very much looking forward to working with you and your children over the course of this year and would like to take this opportunity to encourage you to make contact with Homeroom Teachers, or myself if you have any concerns our queries.

Below are some key Year 7 Dates to be aware of in our calendar:

Year 7 Parent Information Evening -  6:00pm Tuesday 6 February.

Year 7 Swim Trials – Friday 9 February.

Inter-house Swimming Carnival - Thursday 22 February.


Year 7 Quest Retreat 2018

A central part of our faith is the quest for all of us to serve others. This is very much the theme of the Quest Retreat which provides a wonderful way for our Year 7 students to begin the year and experience a special part of the culture of our Av԰ Christi College.

We are very proud of the Senior School Quest Ministers and Cadre Leaders who work so well with the Year 7 students.

A special thank you to Mrs Judy Coelho and Ms Katrina Thomas for their coordination of this Retreat Program in 2017 and 2018. They have been ably supported by staff, parents and a large number of students. The Quest Retreat is a fitting way to commence Secondary School for the Year 7 students. New friendships are made, Av԰ Christi College connects to our local community

Mark Baron
Head of Year 7

Year 8

It was great to see the Year 8 students excitedly meet at their lockers at the start of the school year. They met their homeroom teachers who helped with their organisation for the first few days. Students demonstrated Christlike behaviour by sitting quietly through the whole school assembly, followed by a Year Assembly.

The students were reminded of the expectations of being a Av԰ Christi College student and were informed of some key dates this term such as:

  • Community Mass Tuesday 20 February 6.00pm on the College oval an

§   A Compulsory Event - attending training sessions or trials is not an adequate reason

       for not attending

  • Pastoral periods week 3, 6 and 9
  • Inter-house Swimming Carnival Thursday 22 February.

 Simon Messer
Head of Year 8


Year 9

 Year 9 has started with the usual hive of busy activity that each new year brings and the Year 9 students have been challenged to ‘Catch their dreams’, take opportunities and engage in as much as they can at Av԰ in Year 9!

2018 is the year for the Year 9’s to focus on developing their strengths with the culmination of the Personal Project.

Expectations have been reiterated once again and I ask parents to work with the College and myself in ensuring that the Year 9’s present themselves to the best of their ability and seek guidance and assistance where needed.

Two goals for 2018:

“Every day is another opportunity to start again and be better.” Misty Copeland and “GRIT - passion and perseverance” Angela Lee Duckworth.

We are going to focus on starting anew each day and taking every opportunity to be better and approach each new challenge with GRIT! One way for the students to demonstrate their passion and move to be better is through attendance at the Community Mass on Tuesday 20 February. I look forward to seeing you all there and the beginning of our Year 9 journey together.

Yvette Pearce
Head of Year 9



The Av԰ Christi College cafeteria in the Mater Christi Centre is a state of the art facility has been built with several things in mind. Ease of service, a cashless system and one which continues to promote a wide range of healthy and nutritious food and drinks.

There are two options for payment, cashless using your Smartrider card (preferred) or cash.

Students enter the cafe, make a selection of food, beverage or snack whilst inside, then line up in front of two touch screen cash registers, each with a check-out style bar code scanner for easy payment in each zone before exiting from one of two exit points.

In link is found here: 

Please note that the cafeteria is unlikely to accept $100 notes.


Transperth Transport system

Information regarding the topping up of your Transport Account can be found on the back of the student Smartrider Card. Year 7 students and new students in Years 8 and 9 will be receiving Smartrider cards shortly. The cashless purchases at the Cafeteria use the same Student ID Card but a different account from which to draw funds.

Should you have any queries about the My Student Account system, kindly contact the College ICT Help Desk 63322574 or email helpdesk@corpus.wa.edu.au

Uniform Shop

Opening Hours during Term:              Mon: 8.00am – 11.00am

Wed: 8.00am - 1.40pm

Fri:    12.30pm - 4.00pm

Phone: 6332 2581

The Uniform Shop is located on College grounds – on top of the main driveway and outside the Administration block.


How do you get your child to read books?

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