'Have Sum Fun' Maths Quiz


“Have Sum Fun" is an annual mathematics competition in a quiz night format, open to Years 7-12. Teams of six students race against the clock to solve four tough rounds of eight challenging maths questions, in a very intense, but also very fun environment.

It was wonderful this year to have so many students keen to take part in this competition. On Friday 12th March, four teams of mixed Year 10, 11 and 12 students competed at John Curtin College of the Arts supported by Mr Platel. On Friday 19th March, four teams of mixed Years 7 and 8 students competed at John Curtin College of the Arts supported by Mr Pauley, and two teams of mixed Years 9 and 10 students competed at All Saints’ College supported by Miss Coma. 

All students enjoyed the evening and it was wonderful that a Year 7-8 team placed 2nd and a Year 11-12 team placed 4th! These are fantastic results, and we congratulate all students for their participation!

Challenge yourselves to the below questions from the quiz – calculators allowed (check answers below)!:

Years 7-8:

A pencil case contains 42 pens that are blue, red, green or black. There are three more red than green, one more blue than black and two more black than red. How many green pens are there?

Let A, B and C be positive integers. If A < B < C; A + B + C = 16; ABC = 140; and A2 + B2 + C2 = 90; what is the value of C?

Years 9-10:

What number comes next in this pattern? 1, 0, 1, 4, 4, 3, 9, 8, 5, 16, 12, _____

In the diagram below, the lengths of the sides of the triangle are 8, 9 and 13 centimetres. The centres of the circles are at the vertices of the triangle, and the circles just touch.

What is the radius of the largest circle in centimetres?



The students who participated are listed below:

Year 10, 11 and 12

Joe Bose

Brendan Boudville

Victoria Ann Chong

Zack Cohen

Sophia Connolly

Steven Darbyshire

Thomas Erkes

Emmanuel Foo

Georgina Hartono

Audrey Ho

Antoni La Rosa

Leah Nigli

Gianni Petta

Mai Anh Pham

Daniel Ristic

Marius Rodari

Juan Selvan

Avinesh Singh

Sanjeev Singh

Toby Soliman

Kathryn Tan

Adelbert Tjoeng

Year 9 and 10

Leon Du Toit

Declan Kartadinata

Josh Laboudeuse

Christopher Ng

Joshua O'Brien

Hannah Oversby

Isaac Pavy

Edvin Prince

Nathan Rodrigues

Angelyne Varen

Ruth Vincent

Mia Watanabe

Year 7 and 8

Emily Boudville

Fletcher Brown

Raidan Chipchase

Oliver Colgan

Chris Dass

Oscar Du Toit

Isla Emmerson

Harry Gao

Isaac Golding

Aldrich Kartadinata

Ben Kelsey

Varad Kurkute

Dorothy Lai

Naomi Lee

Liza Monkina

Lani Newman

Jacob Pascoe

Ruben Reji

Dylan Romeo

Aadarsh Sah

Maureen Sherry

Olivia Vahala

Leo Webb

Zamia Williams

Answers to above challenge questions are: all 7!