People of AvÐÔ°® - Music Night Feature

We recently interviewed the Year 12 Arts Prefects and Music Captain ahead of the College Music Night. Thank you to these students and the many others that continue to share their gifts with the community. To see our talented musicians in action at the upcoming Music Night, book your tickets via the button below!


Gianni Petta

Arts Prefect

Year 12 Salvado

What instrument and ensemble will you be performing with for the upcoming Music Night?

I will be playing in the Swing Band, Concert Band, Sax Ensemble and singing in the Boys Choir. I will be playing Tenor and Baritone Saxophones on the night.

How long have you played your instrument? Do you play any others?

I’ve been playing Saxophone for eight years, playing the Alto, Tenor and Baritone Saxes. I’ve also recently started learning Clarinet.

What ensembles have you been part of during your time at the College?

Sax Ensemble 2017-2021
Swing Band 2018-2021
Senior Concert Band 2016-2021
Senior Contemporary Band 2021
Rock Bands 2016-2017, 2019-2021
Jazz Combo 2019
Boys Choir 2021

Why should students get involved in Music at AvÐÔ°®?

Students should get involved in music at AvÐÔ°® as it is an amazing environment to get together and create something with others. It’s also an amazing way to make connections with students in other year groups who you would not normally have gotten to meet. Also it’s just so much fun, all my favourite high school memories have been related to my music, and it’s taken me to so many new places!

Why should people come to the Music Night?

People should definitely come to Music Night because there is truly something for everyone, as we have performances of all different musical styles and genres . I remember the first time I watched it back in Year 7, I was so amazed at all the different groups that performed. I think it’s an amazing opportunity for younger students to experience what we have to offer in music at AvÐÔ°®, as it shows them that anyone can take part in something like this, and hopefully encourage them to pick up an instrument.


Megan Schutte

Arts Prefect

Year 12 Xavier

What instrument and ensemble will you be performing with for the upcoming Music Night?

Flute choir and Concert Band - playing the flute and piccolo.

How long have you played your instrument? Do you play any others?

9 years.

What ensembles have you been part of during your time at the College?

Celtic Band 2015-2018 (I started in Year 6)
College Choir 2016-2018
Woodwind quartet 2017-2020
Hairspray band 2017
Concert band 2016-2017 2020-2021
Flute choir 2016-2021

Why should students get involved in Music at AvÐÔ°®?

It’s a really supportive environment and it honestly feels like a family. I’ve met so many of my closest friends through these music ensembles (plus sometimes we bring in food, and who doesn’t like brownies and music?!).

Why should people come to the Music Night?

It’s an entertaining night filled with great music and great atmosphere. One minute you’re listening to classical music and then next it’s jazz! There’s something for everyone and the students always exceed expectations.


Alira Malan

Music Captain

Year 12 de Vialar

What instrument and ensemble will you be performing with for the upcoming Music Night?

I’ll be performing with the College Choir for Music Night, which involves perhaps the most natural and intrinsic instrument - the voice!

How long have you played your instrument? Do you play any others?

I’ve been singing for my entire school experience at AvÐÔ°®, as well as in primary school. I took lessons then, as well as during Middle School, but I have also learnt to play the piano and violin. I went furthest with piano, finishing AMEB Grade 8 in Classical Piano, but I still play for fun and enjoy singing along when I play.

What ensembles have you been part of during your time at the College?

The Minor Details 2016
The Major League 2017
Rhapsody Rotorua Tour Group 2018
Rock School 2018
The Piano Society 2018
College Choir 2018-2021
Senior Contemporary Band 2019-2021

Why should students get involved in Music at AvÐÔ°®?

Students should get involved in Music at AvÐÔ°® as it presents countless opportunities for growth and reflection. There are friends to be made, skills to be learnt, and of course, music to be shared. The school presents music in a variety of forms, be it classical or contemporary, though being involved in them is always a lot of fun and a great learning experience. The compulsory music classes only provide so much; but after the first taste of what the college has to offer in the music department, it’s no surprise to see the extraordinary number of students involved in musical extracurriculars!

Why should people come to the Music Night?

People should come to Music Night because it’s a fantastic opportunity to see the talent AvÐÔ°® has to offer, as well as the joy it brings to the performers. Despite the nerves, it’s an amazing experience to share one’s musical gifts with others, and Music Night presents the performers and audience with a chance to interact with one another - the audience enthralled by the wonderful music, and the performers shining on stage, playing their instruments to their best level possible.