College Grand Piano


We are pleased to announce that our beautiful College Grand Piano has arrived back at the College after many months of restoration work in Albany!

Staff and students alike are excited to once again ‘tickle the ivories’ on this magnificent instrument. The extensive restoration returns the piano to its original glory, with restorer Patrick Elms citing Rob Cowell (formerly of Snaddon’s Pianos) as dating the history of the piano to in or around 1931 when it would’ve been assembled from pre-made parts. Dr Adam Pinto of the University of Western Australia is currently researching the piano’s history further and we hope to share more details in the future.

The purchase and restoration work was funded by the 2020 Parents & Friends (P&F) Levy. We thank the P&F and College community for their continued support of the College and the Arts as our music program continues to go from strength to strength.

The piano will be unveiled to our community at the upcoming Music Night, to be held on Wednesday 1 September.

To purchase tickets to this showcase event, please click the button below: