E-News 1 February 2022



A very warm welcome to AvÐÔ°® Christi College for 2022. A special welcome to those families joining the College for the first time. 

This week is an historical one for the College as we commence our journey together as a K-12 school. It was very exciting to see a bustling and energised College campus full of students this week after so many months of preparation and planning.

I would like to again acknowledge the support and commitment of our families, Parish community and College staff in the lead up to welcoming our students to AvÐÔ°® Christi College this week. This generous contribution will continue to shape our community as we grow our K-12 College together.

As a K-12 College we are a Christ-centred, child-focused community. Our priority is to provide rich and engaging personalised learning opportunities for each of our students, all within a safe, caring and faith-filled community.

We aim to ensure the development of the whole child as they seamlessly transition through the school from Kindergarten to Year 12. As a K-12 school, we are in a very privileged position to be able to scope and sequence meaningful and engaging growth opportunities as students progress through the different social, emotional, spiritual and educational phases of development.

In engaging with staff, parents and students across campuses, it is obvious that a genuine sense of community and belonging exists at the College. This type of inclusive community, underpinned by positive relationships, provides a safe environment for students and builds their confidence in exploring new and different learning opportunities. We want our students to be resilient, self-regulated learners who take full advantage of the many different growth pathways and experiences available at the College.

We are very excited at the ongoing development of the College and look forward to further engagement with our community to support the future growth of K-12 AvÐÔ°® Christi College.

Principal Jeff Allen with Head Girl Sabina Vicoli and Head Boy Emmanuel Foo.

Recent Events

Staff Professional Learning

As a learning community we believe that the educational journey never stops. In striving to provide innovative and engaging learning opportunities for students, it is important for College staff to regularly review, research and reflect on existing curriculum offerings and delivery. To this end, College staff spent two very fruitful days on Thursday and Friday of last week working collaboratively on learning opportunities for students for 2022. We look forward to the positive impact that our ongoing planning will have on future student learning outcomes.

Year 12 College Ball

The Year 12 College Ball is an important milestone in the lives of our graduating class. It provides the opportunity for our senior students to gather to celebrate their final year at the College and to recognise the special friendships that they have made, and experiences that they have shared, over the years.  

This year’s College Ball was held at the Perth Convention and Exhibition Centre on Friday 28 January. Students represented themselves and the College well as they shared a very enjoyable and entertaining evening together.

We are very grateful to Head of Year 12, Mr James Ramsey, for his considerable efforts in ensuring the success of the night. Thank you also to the Year 12 Homeroom teachers and other College staff for their support of the event. We also recognise our student leaders for their input and assistance.

Days 1 and 2

The College had a staggered start for students this year, welcoming Years K-7 and 11-12 on Monday, with students from Years 8-10 joining them on Tuesday.

The two days were filled with a wide range of activities designed to support student transition to the start of a new school year and to learn about the K-12 AvÐÔ°® Christi story. From meeting their new teachers, to finding their classrooms, making new friends and exploring their learning agendas for the year, these first few days are designed to help settle students into key routines and prepare them for their exciting journey ahead.

 The start of the year provides an excellent opportunity for students to review their past efforts and set their learning goals for the year. This will obviously look different from Kindergarten to Year 12, however getting into the habit of setting and reviewing goals is a very positive step to help students manage their own learning. It focuses action and helps make students accountable for their own decisions.

The first few days can be somewhat daunting for students, especially for those new to the College. We encourage students and parents to contact Homeroom Teachers and Classroom Teachers if they have any concerns. Our pastoral leaders across the different year levels are also available to support families. We want all of our students to feel safe and well at school to support their learning and overall development.

Whole School Assembly

We were very pleased to have the opportunity to gather as a whole school on Tuesday this week to celebrate the commencement of our new K-12 Community. The vibrant atmosphere present highlighted the excitement amongst the students and staff in acknowledging the beginning of a new chapter for the school.

We also welcomed our new staff to the College and enjoyed outstanding musical performances from our students. Additional highlights included Head Boy Emmanuel Foo and Head Girl Sabina Vicoli’s interview of Primary students on their thoughts about our K-12 community and the launch our latest welcome video presentation showcasing Day 1 at the College.



As per my previous communications to families, I reiterate that the health, wellbeing and safety of all students remains our highest priority. We therefore remind students to maintain good hygiene behaviours and adhere to COVID-19 related regulations. Further information is available at:

As we navigate the current COVID-19 climate, we need to maintain a sense of agility regarding events and activities at the College. It was with regret that we were not able to hold our Community Mass as planned and have had to limit external access where possible to certain events and activities.

We thank you for your support and understanding in this uncertain COVID-19 impacted environment. We will keep our community updated regarding access to future events and activities scheduled at the College.

Thank you

Can I again thank you for the very warm welcome that I have received since my arrival at the College. I am very grateful for the wonderful hospitality of this very special community. 

Best wishes and every blessing 

Jeff Allen



News (all years)


In case you missed it...

Keep up to date with news as it happens by following our social media accounts and by checking out our latest posts, blogs and podcasts below:


To access the College calendar please visit: www.corpus.wa.edu.au/calendar


📌 Absentee Reminder ðŸ“Œ

Did you know that WA law requires all school-aged students to attend school every day and we are required to keep attendance?

How can you help?

Parents - If your child is going to be absent even for part of the day, please let us know!
Students - Please do your best to get to Homeroom on time, otherwise you will need to visit Student Services on the way in.

Primary Absentees

Parents are to report all absentees to the teacher & office before 8.30am. This can be done via the Primary Absentee Form here: 

Secondary Absentees

Parents are to provide updates of their child’s absence via the following options: 

Phone: +61 (8) 6332 2522 (Call)

SMS: + 61 481 883 528 (SMS only)

Email: Absentee@corpus.wa.edu.au

ICT Helpdesk FAQs

Do you have questions about setting up a Quickclick or Flexischools accounts, Apple ID’s, iPads and more? We have an ICT FAQ page that can help!


Cafeteria Volunteers

There are various volunteer opportunities to support the College throughout the year. For those who have the time to volunteer regularly you may wish to support the Cafeteria. Please fill in the form below if you would be happy to be contacted to volunteer your assistance. 


Student Success

Ella Waddy (Class of 2021)

Congratulations to Ella, who is having one of her essays published in the Literature Good Answers Guide for 2022.

Trinita Kardia (Year 12)

Trinita graduated from the Knights Catholic Leadership Academy on Monday 17 January 2022, after being involved with their leadership program in 2021. Well done Trinita!

Cameron Cavaney (Year 8)

Cameron was awarded a Green Award/Silver Medal at Singapore Maths at the end of 2021 for his results and outstanding effort throughout the year. Well done Cameron!


We love celebrating student success, so if you have a story to share please send details and a photo to:




We continue to follow the guidelines provided by Catholic Education Western Australia (CEWA) in line with State Government and Department of Health advice in the current COVID impacted climate.

To ensure a smooth transition into the routines of the College and classroom, please read the information below: 

Start of Day - Drop Off Routine

For families with surnames that begin from A to M, please use the Administration Kiss n Drop drive through, if possible.

For families with surnames that begin from N to Z, please use the Canteen Kiss n Drop drive through, if possible.

Pre-Primary, Year 4 - Year 6 Families

If you would like to escort your child into the school, please use the single gate to the RIGHT OF THE ADMINISTRATION OFFICE.  

Parents are reminded to please always wear masks and to sign in via the QR code on the gate prior to entering the College grounds.  

Gates will open at 8.15am.  Students and parents are asked to wait in the undercover area until 8.30am at which time Pre-Primary students will go to their gate and be admitted through to the verandah area, along with their parents.  Children will place their bags in their allocated locker and then move through to their classroom.  

Parents are not able to go into classrooms at the present time - so please 'kiss and leave' at the door.  

Year 4 to 6 students and parents will move through to the senior atrium where students will hang their bag, say goodbye to parents and move into their classrooms. 

Parents are not able to go into classrooms at the present time.  We ask parents to leave the atrium area as quickly as possible after their child is safely in their classroom.  Tuition time will begin promptly at 8.40am.

Year 1 - Year 3 Families

If you would like to escort your child into the school, please use the single gate to the RIGHT OF THE CANTEEN.  

Parents are reminded to please always wear masks and to sign in using the QR code on the gate, prior to entering the College grounds.  

 Gates will open at 8.15am. Year 1 to 3 students and parents will move through to the Junior Atrium where students will hang their bag, say goodbye to parents and move into their classrooms.  Parents are not able to go into classrooms at the present time.  We ask parents to leave the atrium area as quickly as possible after their child is safely in their classroom.  Tuition time will begin promptly at 8.40am.

Kindy (Monday To Wednesday) Pre-Kindy (Thursday) Families

Kindy parents (and Pre-Kindy parents on Thursday) are asked to wait at the double gates to the LEFT OF THE ADMINISTRATION OFFICE.  

Gates will open at 8.50am. Parents, are reminded to please always wear masks and to sign in via the QR code on the gate, prior to entering the College grounds.  

Please move through to the undercover area to wait.  A member of the Primary Leadership Team will direct 10 families at a time to move through to the Kindy gate and escort their child into the Kindy classroom.  You will receive further direction, once in the classroom, from the Kindy staff.  

End of Day - Pick Up Routine

For families with surnames that begin from A to M, please use the Administration Kiss n Drop drive through, ifpossible.

For families with surnames that begin from N to Z, please use the Canteen Kiss n Drop drive through, if possible.  

A Primary Leadership Team member will be supervising, calling and assisting students to move safely to their parent's car.

Kindy Families

​Double gates will open at 2.50pm for Kindy families only.  

Parents are to move through to the Kindy classrooms and wait outside the door.  Children will be released to them at this time.

Please note:  As per our usual procedure, if your child becomes restless or upset during the day at any stage, parents will be notified to come and collect their child earlier than the end of the school day.  

Pre-Primary - Year 6 Families wishing to pick up students from the classroom.

The single gate to the right of the Administration Office will open at 2.50pm - parents of PP and Year 4-6 students are asked to enter via this gate and to go to the PP gate or senior atrium area to wait for their child.  The single gate to the right of the Canteen will open at 2.50pm - parents of Year 1-3 students are asked to enter via this gate and to go to the junior atrium area to wait for their child.

If you are new to the College and are unsure of where to go, please refer to the College Map available, here: 

Again, we thank all parents for their support, understanding and positive attitude at the beginning of our school year.  The safety and emotional wellbeing of students and families is the number one concern for our College.  

We will continue to update parents, as the days progress, should there be any changes to which we will need to adopt.


Primary Assembly

Following the postponement of the , we are also limiting external access where possible to certain events and activities. This includes the Primary Assembly on Friday which will now be limited. An update will be provided in due course regarding the arrangements. We thank you for your support and understanding as we prioritise the wellbeing of our students in this uncertain COVID-19 impacted environment. We will keep the community updated regarding access to future events.

Classroom communication – Seesaw

Seesaw is an app that the College uses to be able to connect families to the classroom – this often includes photo updates and messages from the teacher. 

The Seesaw app information will become available to all parents in week 2. 

Primary Parent Information Evening

There will be no face-to-face meeting with parents however class communication will be sent online by Friday afternoon of Week 2. 

Primary Cross Walk

The WA Police have informed the College that there is a traffic warden shortage and this may impact the crosswalk attendants availability for the College. We encourage families to utilise the attended crosswalks where possible which on some occasions may mean utilising the crosswalk at Secondary if the Primary crosswalk is unattended and vice versa.

Pre-Kindy Reminder

We look forward to welcoming our Pre-kindergarten students to the College on Thursday 3 February 2022. 

Tuesday Coffee Van

A coffee van will be located outside the Pre-Primary classroom in the car park on Tuesday mornings. 

The Coffee van accepts both cash and card. 

Learn to Swim

Term 1 registrations for the Learn to Swim Program are now open!

Open to students from all primary schools, the swim classes are held at the AvÐÔ°® Christi College Jennifer Reilly Aquatic Centre and cater to different swimming ability levels.

From covering the fundamentals at beginner level, to developing sound technique across all 4 swim strokes and honing skills at Advanced and Dolphin Squad level, there is something for everyone.

Sessions will run on Monday or Wednesday afternoons at 3.30pm and 4.00pm in Term 1.

Places are expected to fill up quickly. To find out more and register your interest, visit:


Secondary Groups and Clubs

Sign ups for Term 1 groups and clubs for Year 7-12 are now available for registration!

We have a number of clubs, teams and groups to join at the College, with something to suit everyone.

With over 60 extra-curricular options offered throughout the year, students can participate in a range of activities outside of regular timetabled classes.

To register for groups and clubs please visit:

Keep an eye on the notices throughout the term for more opportunities as they arise.

Invitation to join Public Speaking in Semester One 2022

Public Speaking is a popular extracurricular activity, which is open to all students from Years 7 to 12. Beginning in Week 5, small groups meet with a coach after school every Tuesday in Semester One in a relaxed, nurturing environment. Within this atmosphere, students from beginners to experienced speakers, develop skills that will allow them to express their ideas clearly and confidently. These are invaluable skills that will set them up for life.

This extra-curricular activity will conclude on Wednesday 28 June when all students will participate in the AvÐÔ°® Christi College Public Speaking Competition. There are also several opportunities for selected students to participate in community-based competitions such as the Rotary Club 4 Way Test.

Please encourage your son or daughter to come along and join the group. The first session is on Tuesday 1 March at 3.30pm – 4.30pm in M09.

 Students should check on SEQTA (Student Notices) where they will find a link to register their interest.

 If you have further questions, please do not hesitate to email the coordinator:

Miss Melanie Bird


Senior School (Years 10-12)


WACE 2021 

Normally, at the initial College Assembly we acknowledge the achievements of last year’s Year 12 students in their WACE examinations and final course results. Unfortunately, we were not able to have these students and their parents on site today so I would like to recognise them here.

General Exhibition 

This award is only given to eligible students who ranked in the top 50 ATAR scores in the state. In 2021 we had had two winners in Leah Nigli & Megan Schutte.

Subject Exhibition

This award is presented to the student who scores the top mark in a subjects ATAR exam. In 2022, Victoria Chong scored 100% in the French exam and hence was awarded the subject exhibition for French

Subject Certificates of Excellence (ATAR courses):

Certificates of Excellence are awarded to eligible students who are in the top 0.5 per cent of candidates based on the examination mark.

In 2021 we had 5 recipients of this award.

  • Giorgia Maurogiavanni (Dance)

  • Toby Soliman (Human Biology) 

  • Victoria Chong (Maths Applications)

  • Leah Nigli (Maths Applications)

  • Megan Schutte (Religion and Life

VET Certificate of Excellence

Awarded to eligible students who are in the top 0.5 per cent of all students who completed a certificate course in a chosen field.

In 2021, Cohen Tarzia was the recipient of the Automotive, Engineering and Logistics Certificate of Excellence

Certificates of Distinction

The School Curriculum and Standards Authority awards Certificates of Distinction to eligible students who in their last two consecutive years of senior secondary WACE enrolment, achieved 190–200 points.

The points are accrued from 20 Year 11 and Year 12 units of which 10 are at Year 12. In essence, these students achieved all A grades and at most one B grade during Year 11 and 12.

The following students were awarded a Certificate of Distinction in 2021

  • Christopher Cakir

  • Victoria Ann Chong

  • Max Coten        

  • Thomas Erkes        

  • Mwenya Kabondo

  • Antoni La Ros               

  • Llenell Lai

  • Alira Malan               

  • Ashley Morgan

  • Isabella Murray

  • Leah Nigli            

  • Adriana Romeo         

  • Megan Schutte

  • Sanjeev Singh                

  • Jacinta Symons 

  • Kathryn Tan         

  • Josee Van Der Linden

  • Kayla Van Der Linden     

  • Ella Waddy         

  • Charley Wehr                   

99 Club

The College has introduced the 99 Club to recognise the outstanding achievements of students who attain an Australian Tertiary Admission Rank of 99 or above. This is calculated on the students four best scoring WACE examination courses – to achieve an ATAR of 99 students need to attain an average final scaled score of 85% in each of their courses.  

Students attaining an ATAR of 99 or greater have their names added to the 99 club Honour Board.

 In 2021, our 99 Club inductees are:

  • Alexis Low

  • Victoria Chong

  • Leah Nigli

  • Megan Schutte

  • Sanjeev Singh

  • Charley Wehr

  • Kathryn Tan

The College congratulates these students and all the 2021 Year 12 students who achieved success in 2021. Over 98% of the students (ATAR, bridging and alternate pathway students) who applied for a position at university had received an offer by the 24th of January which is an outstanding result and great reward for all their hard work as well as their teachers through Year 7-12.

Pastoral Care Sessions and Parent Webinar Monday 7 February

 On Monday 7 February, Years 10-12 will be involved in their first Pastoral Sessions of the year. The first sessions will be facilitated by Your Choicez focusing on preparing and educating young people to make positive and healthy choices in a non-judgmental, empathetic and empowering way through research-based content and high-quality programs.

 In a world where teens seem to be more connected than ever before, many are struggling with real and meaningful connections. Teenagers can struggle to find genuine, helpful and satisfactory answers to a growing problem: how do I find, build and navigate healthy and safe relationships.

Later that evening, AvÐÔ°® Christi will be hosting the BRAVE Parenting Web Event together with Your Choicez. Join us to hear David Kobler, a youth expert who has spoken to over 250,000 teens, parents, and teachers. He will discuss the impact young people face growing up in a society and the incredible opportunity you have in helping shape your child to have a healthy understanding of relationships. 


Year 12 College Ball

The Year 12 College Ball was held on Friday 28 January at Perth Convention Exhibition Centre. The Ball is a wonderful way to formally mark the commencement of Year 12, enabling the group to come together as a cohort to celebrate friendships and create lasting memories. All of our Year 12s looked fantastic and it was fabulous to see everyone get into the spirit of the evening. Our Head Girl Sabina Vicoli and Head Boy Emmanuel Foo gave a wonderful address before students were treated to a lovely three-course meal and there was much excitement and conversation on the tables throughout the evening. 

The Year 12s were very keen to hit the dance floor as they danced away the night with the help of a well-received DJ. It was so pleasing that the Year 12 cohort could experience this event together for a night that students will cherish forever. The College Ball would not have been possible without the support of the many staff who attended the event and ensured that students had a memorable experience. 


Welcome to Ministry 2022



Romans 12:3-8

Humble Service in the Body of Christ

For by the grace given me I say to every one of you: Do not think of yourself more highly than you ought, but rather think of yourself with sober judgment, in accordance with the faith God has distributed to each of you. For just as each of us has one body with many members, and these members do not all have the same function, so in Christ we, though many, form one body, and each member belongs to all the others. We have different gifts, according to the grace given to each of us. If your gift is prophesying, then prophesy in accordance with your faith; if it is serving, then serve; if it is teaching, then teach; if it is to encourage, then give encouragement; if it is giving, then give generously; if it is to lead, do it diligently; if it is to show mercy, do it cheerfully.

The Message

In this reading we are called to be part of Christ’s body of chosen people. A community whereby we all bring our gifts and talents to the table, this way each of us find our meaning and function as part of his body. As this community of people we find ourselves fashioned into these excellently formed and well functioning parts in Christ's body. We are therefore called to go ahead and be what we were made to be, without enviously or pridefully comparing ourselves with each other, or trying to be something we aren't. If you preach, just preach God's Message, nothing else;  if you help, just help, don't take over; if you teach, stick to your teaching;  if you give encouraging guidance, be careful that you don't get bossy; if you're put in charge, don't manipulate; if you're called to give aid to people in distress, keep your eyes open and be quick to respond; if you work with the disadvantaged, don't let yourself get irritated with them or depressed by them. Keep a smile on your face. As a community let us share in the gifts we bring to the table.

Start of School Year

We have been off to a busy start with our Staff Eucharistic celebration last Thursday. Fr Simeon from St Thomas More Church celebrated this mass for us. As part of coming together as a Kindergarten to Year 12 staff each person was given a beautiful glass cross. These crosses were different shapes, colours , each reflecting the makeup of the gifts and talents of our staff. I am very grateful to talented Ms Pannell and Ms Fabris from our Art department who along with some Year 11 students created these for us. A huge thank you to them.


Faith In Action our Service Learning Program

In 2021 the Year 9 students were involved in decorating pencil cases and bringing in stationery was part of their Retreat program. These were given to an agency called Give Write. The donations we gave were distributed to families who need the support. Again a huge thank you to our community of students and staff.


Please see thank you letter via below button:

The next edition of the AvÐÔ°® Christi College

e-News will be released on Tuesday 15 February 2022.

AvÐÔ°® Communications