E-News 18 October 2022



A very warm welcome to all staff, students, parents and caregivers to the start of Term 4. I hope that you enjoyed the holiday break and are looking forward to a very exciting final term at the College, filled with opportunities and learning possibilities.


The start of a term provides the opportune time for our students to reflect on their past performance and effort with a view to look for future improvement opportunities. We want our students to take full ownership of their learning and to consistently look for ways to grow and fulfill their God-given talents.

Whilst we are all blessed with different gifts, there is a critical constant common ingredient that supports us to live them out to their full – that is to consistently give one’s best. We are encouraged to let our light shine from the roof top and not to ‘hide it under the bushel’. God has provided us with our talents to use in developing our best selves in service of others.

We therefore have a strong focus at Av԰ Christi College of recognising those students who give of their best and step outside of their comfort zone to learn, often despite obstacles and challenges. Each week in the Primary school at assembly the College awards Merit certificates to those students who display this wonderfully positive attitude to life at the school. We also present Endeavor certificates across all years in recognition of excellent student application in them working toward their goals.

We were thrilled last week to present the latest round of Endeavour Certificates to students from Years 7 to 10. These students are to be commended for their amazing work ethic and determination to consistently give of their best. These students are wonderful role models to our community and show us what can be achieved through a growth mindset and a strong willingness to try hard and to remain focussed on the task at hand.

We encourage all of our students to consistently adopt high levels of effort and application for any task that they undertake. This common ingredient to success will promote development in whatever pathway they chose.

Endeavour Awards

Groups and Clubs

As a College we recognise the individuality of students and hence provide a plethora of different growth opportunities for students both in and outside of the classroom.  Recently we promoted the extraordinary array of clubs available at the College.

Our clubs are intended to engage students in an area that interests them and to connect them with like-mined students. We are very grateful for the support of teachers and encourage students to step forward and get involved. The full list of clubs is available at www.corpus.wa.edu.au/extra-curricular

Av԰ Christi is most definitely a school of opportunity through the provision of pathways which personalises learning for students. To develop as whole persons, we encourage all of our students to fully invest themselves in their selected range of options. We want students to show great endeavour always, to regularly seek out support from staff when needed and to feel safe within our College environment to step outside of their comfort zone to grow.

Planning and Feedback 

We are very grateful to our community for the excellent feedback we have received from parents, caregivers, staff and students as we continue to shape our K-12 College. 

We were thrilled to recently receive over 160 feedback submissions from parents in response to our College uniform refresh survey. We will collate ideas which will help to shape up the process, timeframe and style of the College uniform moving forward. We will also be engaging with our students to seek their feedback on the uniform design in the early stages of Term 1 next year.

We are also very thankful for the feedback we have received regarding communication across the College via the Friends of Av԰. This feedback has promoted the design of a College-wide app that will improve the consistency and certainty of communication across the College. Thank you to members of the Friends of Av԰ who volunteered to be part of the consultation group to help design the app. A draft version of the app is nearing completion with a trial process being organised for the parent consultation group later this term. We look forward to then releasing the app to our full College community.

Friends of Av԰

The next meeting is on Wednesday 9 November 2022 in the Sadler Centre from 7.00pm - 8.30pm.

Register via the link here:

For more information on Friends of Av԰ please visit here: www.corpus.wa.edu.au/friends-of-corpus

Outside School Hours Care (OSHC)

We are now seeking feedback from our parents and caregivers on our Outside School Hours Care (OSHC) strategy. The College understands that Outside School Hours Care is an important service for some families within our community. The College is fortunate to have a dedicated space for the Outside School Hours Care program with a carpark conveniently located close by. The aim of the service is to provide children with experiences before school, after school and in their holidays which are enriching and engaging, whilst allowing families to be flexible in managing care.

The current service contract with Av԰ Australia is due for renewal at the end of 2022. I am kindly seeking your feedback regarding the service by 31 October 2022.

The link to the feedback form for the OSHC service:

Master Planning

As you are aware, the College recently undertook a process to select an architect to work with our community in the development of a new K-12 Master Plan. This plan will inform the future capital development and capital improvements for the combined College.

Following a very rich and in-depth selection strategy, we are pleased to announce that the successful candidate is Munns Sly Moore Architects.

Munns Sly Moore Architects serve projects in Perth and Sydney, and in regional communities across Australia. They are an award winning architectural, interior and urban design practice with a wealth of experience in broad range of project types, with particular expertise in public and educational building design.

We look forward to working with the team from Munns Sly Moore Architects in continuing to develop our campus to ensure the spaces we design provide a catalyst to support learning and growth across all years. As a connected community, we are excited to work with our students, staff, parents and caregivers to collectively shape up the best possible learning environment for the current and future holistic needs of our students.


Upcoming Events

1.     Year 12 Graduation Assembly, Mass and Ceremony

This is a very special week in the lives of our Year 12 students as they progress toward their formal graduation from Av԰ Christi on Thursday. We look forward to recognising their contribution to the College at our upcoming Graduation Assembly during the day and then celebrating together as a community at our Graduation Mass and Ceremony being held at St Mary’s Cathedral in the evening.

2.     Primary Athletics Carnival 

Best wishes to students for their Primary Athletics Carnival scheduled for Friday this week. We look forward to parents, guardians and friends attending the event in support of the students.

3.     Sacrament of Reconciliation

Our prayers are with our Year 3 students as they celebrate their Sacrament of Reconciliation this weekend at the St Thomas More Parish Church. We wish them well on this very special occasion and thank the Parish as always for their excellent support.

Best wishes and every blessing

Jeff Allen


News (all years)


Enrolments and Withdrawing Update

Kindergarten 2025 – Apply now

If you have a child born between 1 July 2020 – 30 June 2021, please apply now for 4-Year-Old Kindergarten commencing in 2025. 

While we will not be interviewing for this cohort until a few years’ time, to avoid missing out on a place, applications are encouraged well in advance as places are limited. You can apply online, here:  

Year 7 2025 – Sibling Applications 

If your child is currently in Year 4 and is not already attending Av԰ Christi College Primary and you have not submitted an application, we encourage you to apply for Year 7 2025 as soon as possible. 

To be eligible for enrolment, all applicants must have submitted an application per child. If you are yet to do so, please apply online: 

Withdrawing from the College Information

A reminder to parents, if you are withdrawing your child from the College you are required to give a Term's notice in writing. Failure to give adequate notice will result in a Term's fees being charged as per the terms and conditions of enrolment.

To notify of your intent to withdraw, please submit the online form available here: www.corpus.wa.edu.au/withdraw

Drop off / Pick up Reminder

The welfare of students is our number one priority at Av԰ Christi College.

With the beginning of a new term, we take the opportunity to share our campus-specific reminders below:


  • Please enter the Primary drive-through via Dean Road and do not ‘double park’ along the drive-through area.

  • If parking at the Parish, students are to be accompanied to the crosswalk and walked over to the school.

  • Our Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten carpark (corner of Murdoch Drive and Marsengo Road) is accessed via our usual drive-through route from Monday - Thursday.

  • Please abide by the speed limit in place, for the safety of our students.


  • When entering the Secondary drive-through, immediately proceed as far forward as you can and use the second entry lane to keep moving forward.

  • Please use the marked drop off and pick up bays.

  • Do not stop close to the entrance of the College or perform a U-Turn there.

  • Please abide by the speed limit in place, for the safety of our students crossing.

By following the road rules and being courteous to one another, we can ensure a safe and continuous flow of traffic for all.

We thank everyone for their co-operation in ensuring the safety of our students and community.

Traffic Warden Update for Week 2

We received another message from the Children’s Crossings Unit of the WA Police Force, that unfortunately, the traffic wardens are unavailable for the rest of the week, returning Monday 24 October. Unfortunately, the Children's Crossing Unit has no relief staff available to cover the position.

We urge parents/guardians to be extra careful in approaching the crossing on Murdoch Drive, near Somerville Boulevard.

Learn to Swim - new facilitators

Av԰ Christi College offers a Learn to Swim Program onsite at the Jennifer Reilly Aquatic Centre. The aquatic centre features a covered and heated 25 metre, eight-lane indoor lap and water polo pool, a separate 12 metre learn-to-swim pool and terrace seating for 180 people.

From Term 4, the Learn to Swim Program will be facilitated by Speed with Style, a company who provide a unique approach to swim teaching called Individualised Custom Teaching, which was developed by Dr Nigel Williams in collaboration with head coach and Speed with Style Founder - John Williams.

The Learn to Swim program is available to both Av԰ Christi College students and those external to the College.

You can register and find more information about Speed with Style on the College website:

2023 Term Dates

The term dates for 2023 have been provided from CEWA this week and can be found on our term dates web page:


Please be advised that the listed term dates are subject to change and may vary depending on the placement of professional development and planning days for staff. This information will be finalised before the end of the academic year.

Families will be notified when the 2023 calendar is available.

Class of 2021 Gift

Last Friday, 2021 Head Boy Sanjeev Singh took time out of his medicine studies at Curtin University to present the 2021 Class Gift to the College on behalf of the 2021 Prefect team and Class of 2021.

The prefects commissioned West Australian Artist Jeremy Holton to produce this digitally created artwork, which represents the amalgamation of Av԰ Christi College and Yidarra Catholic Primary School.

We thank the Class of 2021 for this generous and fitting piece of artwork which is currently on display in the Secondary reception area.

Group Photo Ordering - MSP

On our recent group photo days, speciality group images were taken (eg Netball Team, Faction Captains).
These images can be viewed and purchased at a unique website, which is DIFFERENT to where you order the portraits and class photos online.

1. To place your Order online simply go to 

2. Locate the Schools Name, then select the album titled Av԰ Christi College Specialist Groups - 2022

3. You will then be required to enter a password to view the Album. The password for this CCSGPC22

4. Please ensure that you use your child’s name at the checkout

5. The images you are viewing are uncropped and will be cropped to fit to a 10x8 print (as per the first image in your gallery, a sample of layout & colour)

  • The online orders will be open until midnight on 31/10/2022 – for the Bulk Pricing Offer

  • The Bulk Pricing Offer is $25 per print and these will be delivered to the school BY CLASS GROUP

  • After the $25 pricing expires, the photos will remain available online, but the photos are now at a cost of $40 per image and delivered to a preferred address.

If you have any queries please contact MSP Photography on 9240 8000 or via email on ordering.perth@msp.com.au.



The latest events can also be found by visiting: www.corpus.wa.edu.au/events


Class of 2022 Graduation

This Thursday we will be celebrating the Class of 2022 and their Year 12 Graduation.

The day will commence with the Year 12 Breakfast and Assembly. We will then have the College Graduation Assembly with Years 6 - 10 students in attendance, followed by a Morning Tea for our graduates with their families at the College.

To view the Assembly Live Stream, please visit:

In the evening we will hold the Graduation Mass at St Mary’s Cathedral. 

For any queries please contact Head of Year 12 – Mr James Ramsey.

Primary Athletics Carnival

The Av԰ Christi College 2022 Primary Athletics Carnival takes place on Friday 21 October 2022.

This carnival is an all day event. Students must come to school dressed in their faction sports uniform, and must bring their own lunch, drink bottle and warm clothes, in case of poor weather.

Students will proceed to class as normal at 8.40am for the roll to be taken, before being escorted down to the oval for a 9.00am start.

Please click through to the event page to view an approximate timetable for the day:


Primary Grandparents Liturgy and Morning Tea

Next week we will welcome our Primary grandparents to the College to celebrate a Liturgy with their grandchildren on Tuesday 25 October 2022.

Please arrive for a 9.30am start at St Thomas More Bateman Parish.

Following the Liturgy, grandparents will be invited to the Primary Av԰us to visit their grandchildren's classrooms and enjoy a morning tea.

Please RSVP using the events page below, by the end of today (Tuesday 18 October 2022).

We look forward to celebrating the special connection our students have with their grandparents.

Primary Meet the Teacher Morning Tea

Following assembly on a Friday, from approximately 9.15am – 10.00am, parents and guardians will be invited to a ‘Meet the Teacher’ morning tea for their child’s year group.

Term 4 year group dates are as follows:

Year 5: Friday 11 November 2022 

Year 4: Friday 18 November 2022

Primary Disco

We are pleased to announce that the Primary Disco will be held on Friday 4 November 2022!

The disco will run over three separate sessions on the Primary Av԰us, as outlined below:

  • 4.30pm – 5.30pm: Kindergarten – Pre-Primary

  • 5.45pm – 7.15pm: Year 1 – Year 3

  • 7.30pm – 9.00pm: Year 4 – Year 6

To RSVP and to volunteer your assistance on the evening, please visit our events page:


We can't wait to see our Primary students celebrate with their peers at what we are certain will be a fun-filled event!

Secondary Music Recital

Save the Date

Please save the date for our Term 4 Secondary Music Recital, to be held on Wednesday 9 November 2022.

Ticketing details to be released closer to the event.


Save the Date

Please save the date for our Secondary music event RockFest, to be held on Friday 18 November 2022.

Ticketing details to be released closer to the event.


Update from the Head of Primary 

  • Students arrived brimming with excitement and looking great in their summer school uniforms. A reminder that students are asked to transition to summer uniform by the end of Week 2. 

  • We have a number of new students - and, therefore, new families - that have begun at the Primary campus this term…. A very warm welcome to you all!  We know you will find many warm and nurturing friends amongst the Av԰ Christi College community and look forward to getting you know you better.

  • Our classrooms continue to be very busy places of learning – if you are wishing to be a parent helper in our classrooms, please approach the classroom teacher to find out if there are any rosters, this term, that you can join.

  • We welcome our parents to come along and enjoy the 2022 Primary Athletics Carnival this Friday 21st October on the primary oval.  Students will be sitting with their faction and supporting their team throughout the day.  Thank you to Mr Debowski for the huge amount of organising he has already accomplished so that we enjoy an extremely successful day!

  • We ask that all families keep our Year 3 students in their prayers -  especially this Saturday 22 October when they will be receiving the Sacrament of Reconciliation for the first time.  As a whole community, we wish them God’s blessings and grace always.

  • Don’t forget to RSVP to our Grandparents Day Liturgy and Morning Tea on Tuesday 25 October and our exciting Primary Disco which will be held on Friday 4 November.

  • We wish those students involved in the FUSE Cup - Mario Kart Live event on Wednesday morning all the best. These students will be competing online in a series of heats against other schools from around the world.

  • A reminder to families to remain current on the happenings around the college by checking the College calendar frequently and also going through to the ‘Events’ tab where you will read detailed information about the many, important coming events this term!   

Although it is very exciting, and natural, to look to the future and all it can bring, lets focus our students on the wonder of the present, the gifts that God brings us in each ordinary day,  and how our ‘presence’ to each other can assist us to continually grow and be “outstanding for others”.  I wish all our students, parents, carers and staff a great term of deep learning and a rich sense of community.

“Be happy in the moment, that’s enough. Each moment is all we need, not more.” — Mother Teresa

Rosemary Paparella
Head of Primary

Primary Library Update

Scholastic Book Club

2023 Volunteer

We are looking for a parent volunteer for 2023 to take over the role of Scholastic Book Club Co-Ordinator for our Primary Av԰us.

Please contact Library Technician Mrs Catherine Munro for further information.

Latest Issues

Scholastic Book club Issue 7 catalogues have been sent home.

There are a few catalogues in the pamphlet stand in the Primary Office if you need one.

Issue 7 orders are due Thursday 20 October 2022.



Middle School (Years 7-9)

A big welcome back to Term 4, and whilst some of us are preparing to enter Senior School and establish academic pathways aligned to future careers and passions, others are collectively breathing out as the hump of settling into middle school is overcome. 

Week 1 saw us start with Year Assemblies where we acknowledged various Endeavour Award winners. The Certificate of Endeavour is awarded to one student in each class who has demonstrated: 

  • outstanding effort over the term

  • consistent application in class

  • positive cooperation and

  • thorough completion of homework and assignment tasks.

Each assembly also maintained a key theme for this term. Please find a description of these below

Year 7

Assembly Theme: Effort

Our first assembly was not just celebrating a select few students’ effort, I’d like to acknowledge all of Year 7 efforts. This has been a big year. They have achieved many things as a result of serious determined effort. 

Students were encouraged to think back over the year and think of the challenges they have faced. The biggest one that has come to mind is starting high school. “You’ve done it, you’ve gotten through the discomfort, the yuckiness of your locker, new uniforms, timetables, SEQTA, all amidst a pandemic that threw more difficulty on top of it. But after all that, you’re here, fronting up and attempting school.”

I then challenged students, “I want you to continue to exist in the space of discomfort and as a result, keep moving forward. The way you do this is by elevating your effort. Little things like, read before bed so you can sleep better, get up early and go for a walk/run before breakfast, have breakfast, try not to talk to your mates in class because all those things require extra effort.” 

“You know when you’re not trying your best. You know when you’re cruising. You know when you take the easy option. I want you to push, I want you to try harder because that effort is the difference between being an ok friend and a great friend. That effort is the difference between creating a happy environment with mum and dad at home and fighting with them. That effort is the difference between you getting the next endeavour award and you sitting down for the whole assembly.”

“Realise that effort is the only thing holding you back from being great. I am not asking you to be the next LeBron James, Greta Thorburng or Jacinta Ardern, I am simply asking you to be a great you. As that will make a massive difference to the people who care most about you.” 

Year 8

Assembly Theme: Belonging

Students were encouraged NOT to put people in boxes, instead to see each of their peers and teachers as humans made in the IMAGE AND LIKENESS OF GOD. In doing so they have been encouraged to RESPECT and CONNECT with all members of their Homeroom and extended Year 8 Family.

The Student Leadership Team (SLT) will be working with their Homerooms to build community through the Inter Homeroom challenges and Intra Homeroom activities. The remainder of the assembly was spent acknowledging the various Endeavour award winners. 

Year 9

Assembly Theme: Change your habits, change your life.

It has been pleasing to see the Year 9 cohort return, looking smart in full summer uniform and ready to learn.  Whilst celebrating student success in our Endeavour Awards assembly earlier last week, students have been challenged to continue to build momentum in their work ethic. After the huge accomplishment of the Personal Project last term, I am hoping that students continue to push themselves daily for the remainder of Term 4. Our staff are finalising the marking process for the Personal Project and they will be released to students over the coming weeks.

Key points from our assembly included:

The Importance of building good habits

Students were challenged to identify an area that they would like to change in Term 4 to ensure that the rest of Year 9 is a positive experience. We looked at how changing habits can change your life.  Discipline can help to create the foundation of amazing opportunities. Now is the time for Year 9 students to prime themselves for success. 

Year 9 Social

Students have been asked to look out for an invite to the Year 9 Social towards the end of the term. We will be holding an outdoor cinema evening at the College, this will be an invite-only event for students who have been demonstrating the required qualities across Term 4.

Key dates for Term 4 :

  • Tuesday 25 October - Pastoral presentation on vaping

  • Friday 11 November - Pastoral Periods focusing on Wellbeing

  • Wednesday 16 November - Year assembly

  • Friday 2 December - Awards Ceremony

  • Week 8 - 9 - Year group social event (Specific date and time TBC)

Patrick Woolley
Deputy Principal Middle School



Year 9 Retreat

The Year 9 Retreat was entitled Connection and ran over two days in Week 1.

The Retreat was an opportunity for students to participate in engaging sessions from Youth Mission Team (YMT), Soul Gestures and College staff. The sessions challenged students to learn more about themselves, connect with their inner person and understand compassion, which leads them to Acts of Kindness.

This Year 9 Retreat enabled students to have a real connection between Head, Heart and Hands and we were thrilled with the positive feedback from both our presenters and our students.

To learn more about the Retreat, please visit:


Year 10 Faith in Action Hours

This is a friendly reminder that the hours for Year 10 are due this Friday 21 October to the Upper Room. Students are required to complete a minimum of 15 hours and two of those was from their Retreat at the beginning of the year.

If your child requires some help completing these, please speak to their Homeroom Teacher, Head of Year 10 - Mrs Marroccoli or Christian Service Learning Coordinator - Ms Katrina Thomas, in regard to this. During extended homeroom on Wednesday, a reflection will take place and time for any questions to be answered.

Faith In Action opportunity:

  • Location: Kulungah-Myah Family Centre, 136 Le Souef Dr, Kardinya

  • Date: Saturday, 19th November 2022

  • Time: 9am to 3pm (any length of time and start-time within that period is fine, but we do ask they undertake a 2-hour minimum commitment)

  • What to wear: closed shoes preferred (some of the toys are quite heavy and we don't want any injuries) and comfortable clothing.

  • Tasks:
    Clean toys and storage shelving
    - Clean storeroom (quick sweep)
    - Take out/put away toys back in their shelves

Please see Ms Thomas if you are interested in the above.

Selfless September – Middle School

Last term during September we launched ‘Selfless September’, where we are asked the Middle School students to reflect and complete 30 days of small acts of kindness. This Wednesday during Extended Homeroom is the final part of Selfless September where we will be reflecting and handing in their sheets. Students are asked to bring their sheet into Homeroom on Wednesday. 

Some may ask why do we have to, what is the point? Recently our Year 9 students participated in a retreat experience run by Soul Gestures, Catherine Kolomyjec who recently she completed research into the area of compassion and how it affects your body and your health. Catherine explained that “when you're compassionate it affects seven separate areas of your brain just by doing acts of compassion. Basically, the oxytocin opens up your blood vessels, so it's actually good for your heart health, and serotonin has a calming effect which can actually help when you're anxious and dopamine is a rush of the feel good.” This all relates that doing a small act of kindness for someone, it can help you in your body and mind. So next time instead of thinking of it as a chore, think of all the benefits that you will receive when you complete your Faith in Action.

New Opportunity for Middle School, Primary School (Year 6) and Staff

This term we are offering the opportunity for students in the Middle School, and Year 6 students in the Primary campus and all Staff to come and cook for St Patricks Community Centre. We will be starting this Week 3 and finishing Week 7 of Term 4 (depending on numbers). If this is something that your child might like to do with some friends, please send an email to through to katrina.thomas@cewa.edu.au to register. This will be happening on Thursday after school on the Secondary Av԰us in the D02 (Home Economics Room). All you need to do is bring the required ingredients and find some friends to cook with. 

New Opportunity for Secondary Students and Staff

On Tuesday Afternoon we are starting a new activity called Fidget Blankets. These are to help with people who have Dementia in our community. Fidget Blankets are a small blanket / rectangle piece of fabric/felt which has all textured items, zips, velcro etc sewn onto it. Interested students are to send an email to through to katrina.thomas@cewa.edu.au to register or visit her in the Upper Room. We will start Week 3 and finish Week 7 of Term 4 (depending on numbers).

Remember: ‘The very nature of kindness is to spread. If you are kind to others, today they will be kind to you, and tomorrow to somebody else.’ Sri Chinmoy

Katrina Thomas
Christian Service Learning Coordinator



Student Success

Tahlia Reimers - Year 7

Talented cheerleader Tahlia and her TNT cheer team won their Level 1 division at the recent states championships. Her team scored high enough to be crowned grand champions – which is achieved by having the highest score out of all teams in their level. Their score was high enough to qualify for nationals in Queensland later this year where she and her TNT team will compete against teams from all across the country.

Congratulations to Tahlia and best of luck for nationals!

Gisella Colletti - Year 9

Gisella competed in the Elite Eisteddfod these holidays and we are pleased to share her outstanding results:

  • 1st place 13-14 yrs contemporary vocal solo 

  • 2nd place 13-14 yrs Musical Theatre

  • 1st Place 13-14 years Contemporary Duo 

  • Judges Vocal Technical Excellence award from Dixie Johnstone.

Look out for Gisella Live on Telethon this Sunday October 23 at 10.30 am for her solo performance. 

Year 9 Footballers

We congratulate Hudson Cooper, Oliver Fenwick and Nathan Watters who competed as part of the BullCreek Leeming Sharks team in their Grand Final in September. Their team won the Grand Final (Fremantle district top division) for the 3rd year in a row. Well done boys!

Kade De Luca - Year 10

During the holidays Kade performed at Fierce Talent Competition and Elite Eisteddfod.

He was awarded Overall Highest Scoring Vocalist of the entire competition with a score of 98, as well as:

  • First Place Teen Vocal

  • First Place Teen Mr Fierce Title Holder

  • First Place over 15 Pop/Contemporary duo

  • First Place 15-16 Musical Theatre duo

  • 2nd Place 15-16 Musical Theatre

Well done Kade!

Michael McFerran - Year 10

Michael was selected to represent Western Australia in the Under 15 Water Polo state team at the State Championships, held recently in Melbourne.

We congratulate Michael on this fantastic achievement!

Amanda Gan - Year 11

We are thrilled to provide the community with an update on Amanda's representation of the Australian Junior Golf team at the Maple Leaf Team Invitational at the Royal Niagara Golf Club in Canada held in September. Team Australia won 1st place after 3 rounds of golf, with Amanda finishing in 2nd place in the Girls category, 2 shot off the leader. Well done Amanda - what a fantastic experience and achievement!

ACC All Stars - Netball

Congratulations to Florence Chapman of Year 11 who represented Av԰ and the ACC who won the Netball Tri-Tournament, played Sunday against the All Star teams from School Sport WA and Independent Girls’ Schools Sport Association. This tournament featured the best of the best school age netballers in the State. Both of the ACC’s matches were close and exciting to watch as we came from behind to secure wins in the final quarters. Well done Florence on your selection as an ACC All Star!

ACC All Stars - AFL

Congratulations to Jack Johnston, Liam Piper and Luke Cardy of Year 12 and Taj Forrest of Year 11 who represented the College and the ACC in the All Stars game against School Sport WA at Leederville Oval on Friday 14 October. The ACC boys went down by a few goals in a highly skilled contest against School Sport WA. The ACC All Star team had more competitive 2nd half and all our Av԰ players had a positive impact on the game. Well done boys on your selection as ACC All Stars!

Dickson Phoon - Year 12

Congratulations to Dickson on his selection to represent WA teams in Soccer at the following tournaments:

  • Kuala Lumpur Soccer Tour - 2nd - 10th December 2022

  • National Southern Cross Championships Sydney 2022 (16th - 18th December 2022)

We wish Dickson all the best in the upcoming tournaments.

Share Your Story

We love celebrating student success, so if you have a story to share please send details and a photo to:




St Thomas More Bateman Parish

We are a proudly Catholic school with strong ties to our local parish, St Thomas More Bateman Parish.

In keeping our College and Parish community informed, we wanted to share the new Mass schedule for St Thomas More Bateman Parish, to be implemented from Saturday 1 October 2022.

We look forward to seeing many families engaging in our Parish and College community life.

Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend

Take time out for yourselves. Celebrate the gift of your Marriage and your unique love and have the opportunity to focus on each other, away from everyday distractions. We invite you to attend the Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend to be held at Prendiville Catholic College, Ocean Reef on 5-6 November 2022.

For more information or booking contact: Valerie & Brendon on 0493 534 865 or:

Email: wabookings@wwme.org.au



South Side Symphony Orchestra

The South Side Symphony Orchestra will be performing at the College Theatre on Sunday 30 October 2022.

Ticketing details can be found in the poster attached.

Young Salesians Summer Av԰

The Young Salesians are a not-for-profit organisation who have been running camps for over 30 years for youth aged between 11½-15 and attract youth from parishes and schools around the metropolitan area. We are recognised by the Perth Archdiocese and CYM as a Catholic Youth organisation and are working closely with the archdiocese to ensure we are meeting with the appropriate safeguarding policies and procedures. 

Our camps are ideal for those students graduating from Year 6 as the prepare to enter high school next year or for those already in high school.

If you would like any further information on our camps or to get to know us a little better, please feel free to call me on 0418 979 600 or by return email. Alternatively, please feel free to visit our website:

In case you missed it...

Keep up to date with news as it happens by following our social media accounts and by checking out our latest posts, blogs and podcasts below:


The next edition of the Av԰ Christi College

e-News will be on Tuesday 1 November 2022.

Av԰ Communications