E-News 14 February 2023


Welcome to Week 3

Welcome to Week 3 and the first edition of our College E-News for 2023

 We are very grateful to College staff, students and families for their support in what has been an excellent start to the new year. The enthusiasm and energy has been infectious around the K-12 campus over the past few weeks as we look forward to another very exciting year of growth at the College.

 Core Pillars

 I have written extensively in the past around our College Vision of being “Outstanding for Others” and our Mission of being the Av԰ Christi every day by celebrating every special part of our one community.

In focusing our direction and driving us toward our vision, we look to our core pillars of Catholic Identity and Mission, Community, Learning and Stewardship. This is our strategic framework, with each pillar being developed by teams led by key leaders across the K-12 landscape. This longitudinal view across the College provides alignment and allows us to build developmental, holistic growth opportunities for students across all years. It also promotes clarity of communication for staff, students and parents. 

As a proudly Catholic school we integrate our Catholic Identity and Mission across all that we do. Our Catholic values and teachings are interwoven into our plans, conversations and decisions across the College. It is our lived expression of our Vision and Mission. We put our faith into action and make Jesus real in our community through our actions.

 It is within this rich Catholic environment that we can then look to build a genuine sense of Community where we welcome and celebrate the gifts of all. We want our students to feel safe, well and cared for at school. We want them to develop positive relationships with others and uphold the dignity of others always. Our aim is to build self-regulation and resilience in our students such that they can lead their own learning to flourish.

 In building a community of this type, our students then become “ready to learn”. They have the confidence to step outside of their comfort zone to find their voice, to express themselves and to discover new learnings which lead to growth.

 Building Community through Belonging

 To start the year, we have therefore concentrated on building Community through a focus on belonging. This is especially important at the start of the year as we welcome new staff, students and families to the College. It is also particularly significant for us as a recently amalgamated College as we continue to build our shared story together.

We want our students to feel a deep sense of connection with their school, where they can be themselves and confidently grow. We know when students feel as if they belong, then they will learn.

Our K-12 Pastoral Care programs and College events this term have all had a common theme of ‘belonging’. Students are to be commended for the positive way that they have engaged with the opportunities on offer to date.

In promoting sense of belonging, we want our parents to feel very much a part of our community as well. The College aims to engage fully with parents and to work collaboratively with them in support of their child’s learning and holistic development. It has been very pleasing to see the outstanding parent involvement in the College already this year across the different year levels. We also want to provide a genuine ‘voice’ for everyone in our community. Our Friends of Av԰ strategy provides an excellent opportunity for parents to share their thoughts and engage in the strategic development of our school. All families are invited to attend our next workshop scheduled for Wednesday 1 March. We also encourage all families to regularly monitor SEQTA and the College’s new communication app (available here) to support quality connection to the school.

 The voice of the student of course is critical in ensuring that they feel a deep connection to their school and their own learning. We are very interested in what they have to say and provide different opportunities to capture their input. We want our students to reflect on their own learning and to actively communicate with their teachers.

 As a recently amalgamated school, we have been very proactive in seeking input from all elements of our College community in growing our K-12 environment. This input has helped to shape what is a very exciting future for our excellent school.

 As the year progresses, we will continue to seek input from families, staff and students - especially as we progress the K-12 College Uniform and Master Plan discussions and designs.

 In genuinely belonging to a community, we uphold what it stands for. At Av԰ Christi, we commit to upholding our College values in all that we do. In being courageous, committed and compassionate, we cement our connection to this wonderful school and ensure that, collectively, we continue to provide the best possible learning environment for our students.

 I look forward to seeing all of our students, staff and families at our Community Mass commencing at 6.00pm Wednesday 15 February on the main College Oval.

 Best wishes and every blessing.

 Jeff Allen




Av԰ Connect App

We are proud to release the new Av԰ Connect app!
The development has been a joint project between the Friends of Av԰ and the College to provide a consolidated place for parents and guardians to access College services. This app is available for both IOS and Android operating systems and can be searched for using the terms: ‘Av԰ Connect’.
For more information about the app, visit:

School Fees – Reminder to Submit Payment Options Form for 2023

School fees accounts were emailed to families on 25 January 2023. The attachment to the email from collegeaccounts@corpus.wa.edu.au included a Payment Options Form which requires attention and action. Thank you to all the families who have returned this to the College, it is much appreciated.

All new and existing families are asked to complete the Payment Options Form and return it to Administration at Junior or Senior school, or email to collegeaccounts@corpus.wa.edu.au by Friday 3 February 2023.

If you have missed the Payment Options Form submission date and wish to sign up for a payment plan, please return this as soon as possible and no later than 17 February 2023. For families who do not sign up for a payment plan, your account is required to be paid in full by 24 February 2023

If you require a paper copy of your School Fees Account including the Payment Options Form, please attend the Senior Administration office and we will gladly assist you with this. If you have any queries regarding your fees, please contact the College Accounts team on 08 6332 2516 or email collegeaccounts@corpus.wa.edu.au.

Enrolments and Withdrawing Update

Kindergarten 2025 – Apply now

If you have a child born between 1 July 2020 – 30 June 2021, please apply now for 4 Year Old Kindergarten commencing in 2025. 

While we will not be interviewing for this cohort until a few years’ time, to avoid missing out on a place, applications are encouraged well in advance as places are limited. You can apply online, here:  

Year 7 2025 – Sibling Applications 

If your child is currently in Year 4 and is not already attending Av԰ Christi College- Junior School and you have not submitted an application, we encourage you to apply for Year 7 2025 as soon as possible. 

To be eligible for enrolment, all applicants must have submitted an application per child. If you are yet to do so, please apply online: 

Withdrawing from the College Information

A reminder to parents, if you are withdrawing your child from the College you are required to give a Term's notice in writing. Failure to give adequate notice will result in a Term's fees being charged as per the terms and conditions of enrolment. To notify of your intent to withdraw, please submit the online form available here: www.corpus.wa.edu.au/withdraw


Traffic Warden Update

We received a message from the Children’s Crossings Unit of the WA Police Force, that unfortunately, the traffic wardens are unavailable on Monday 16 February. While replacements are being sought as soon as possible by the Crossings Unit, we urge parents/guardians to be extra careful in approaching the crossing on Murdoch Drive, near Somerville Boulevard. For the safety of our students, please consider how your child can cross safely whilst the traffic wardens are absent.


A big welcome to our new and existing families to 2023. We are now in week 3 and are students are settling into their new routines with great enthusiasm. 

 In addition to our Learning outcomes, are our Community responsibilities which is where our Pastoral Care Program starts to take shape. Fundamental to our understanding of Pastoral Care is the belief in the dignity of each member of the community, created in the likeness of God who is worthy of respect and love. Pastoral Care is the expression of the caring partnership between members of the learning community (students, staff and parents), the Church and wider community. 

This year, the mapping of our Pastoral Care Program upholds BELONGING as the core foundation that we wish to bring to life. School is a wonderful place for students to learn, make mistakes, push boundaries and create lifelong connections. As we progress throughout the year you will see various pastoral-based sessions dedicated to belonging. I encourage you to discuss these sessions with your children so that they can reflect further on the importance of what it means to be part of something bigger. The single greatest influence to living a meaningful and fulfilling life is high quality personal relationships. Nearly everything that we will achieve in life will be through people, with people and by people, so we need to develop our students’ interpersonal skills to communicate and build that sense of belonging.

Wellbeing: The Start of a New School Year

Starting a new school offers excitement for most students and parents. Sometimes, with so many new beginnings feelings of nervousness and jitters can surface.  Please remember our Av԰ Christi community is here to ensure everyone’s transition back to school is a positive experience.

If you feel anxious about anything, please let your appropriate Head of House, Senior School or Junior School Class Teacher know so that the school can offer you support.

If needed, click on the link below for suggestions on how to support your child’s anxiety.

Patrick Woolley

Deputy of Community



The start of the school year has brought about a great sense of ambition and enthusiasm with meaningful learning underway. We commenced with a High Achievers Assembly to set the tone and celebrate the impressive work of the recent Av԰ Christi graduating class.

Students from the graduating class of 2022 joined us as we acknowledged their efforts and achievements. Four students – Emmanuel Foo, Grace Harben, Juan Selvan and Jennifer Tassone – achieved an ATAR of 99 or higher, placing them in the top 1% of graduating students across Western Australia. Jarrad Vescio and Sabina Vicoli also received Certificates of Excellence for Accounting and ATAR English respectively, meaning they achieved results in the top 0.5% of all candidates in their given courses.

We were also delighted to welcome Benton Miller to the stage as he received the VET Exhibition Award and the VET Certificate of Excellence. These prestigious accolades recognise his work as the most outstanding performer in an Australian VET Qualification and within his industry.

The graduating class of 2022 is continuing their mission to be ‘outstanding for others’ as they pursue further work in first class machinery, philosophy, computer science and surgical medicine. We congratulate our inspiring graduates and warmly look forward to the growth and success in store for our current students.

We asked the high achieving students for some parting wisdom and they kindly offered the following strategies for success:

  • Don’t leave studying to the night before. Small chunks at least a week before is better.

  • Make sure you get eight hours of sleep (especially during exam time).

  • Be mindful of procrastinating.

  • Use varied strategies for study, such as active recall, and attempt as many practice questions as you can.

  • Recognise your teachers are there to help you and take their feedback on board. If you’re still not sure about something, ask again.

  • Don’t waste time stressing about what you should’ve done. Everyone achieves differently, but make Year Twelve your full time job!



The latest events can also be found by visiting: www.corpus.wa.edu.au/events

Groups and Clubs

Sign ups for Term 1 groups and clubs are now open and we have something to suit everyone across Years 3 - 12!

Groups and club sign ups close on Friday 17 February.

With over 50 extra-curricular options offered throughout the year, students can participate in a range of activities outside of regular timetabled classes.

To register for groups and clubs please visit:


K-12 Community Mass

Av԰ Christi College K-12 Community Mass

Wednesday 15 February 2023, 6.00pm - 7.00pm.

Located on the Senior School Main Oval

The K-12 College Community Mass will be a celebration and opportunity to gather as a whole school community.

We welcome families to attend bringing a picnic rug or chairs to the event.

As this is a compulsory College event, students are required to bring an explanatory note addressed to the Principal, prior to the Mass if they will not be in attendance.

For more information, visit the events page.

Senior School Inter-house Swimming Carnival

When: Thursday 16 and Friday 17 February 2023 (Week 3).

Where: Av԰ Christi Aquatic Centre

For more information, visit the events page.

Year 7 Parent Information Evening

All Year 7 families will soon be sent an invitation to attend a Year 7 Parent Information invitation.

The evening will be an opportunity to learn more about the Year 7 journey and a chance to connect.

When: Monday 20 February 6.00pm - 8.00pm.

For more information, visit the events page.

Shrove Tuesday

On Tuesday 21 February is Shrove Tuesday. We welcome families to join us in the morning for some delicious pancakes! From 8.00am, we will be selling pancakes for $2.50 at both the Junior and Senior School with all proceeds going to support Caritas.

Please bring cash to participate:

  • Junior School: Undercover area

  • Senior School: Mater Christi Cafeteria

Treat yourself and your taste buds while supporting a great cause. Don't miss out!

For more information, visit the events page.

With Lent starting in Week 4, the Ministry Student leaders will hold a Pancake Sale on Shrove Tuesday at both the Junior and Senior College campuses to raise funds for Caritas' Project Compassion 2023. . The Project Compassion annual donation drive will be launched during the Ash Wednesday Liturgy and students are encouraged to support the College's fundraising efforts for Caritas with the theme "For all Future Generations." Service opportunities, including cooking for St. Patricks Community Centre and greeting card making for Regents Garden Aged Care, will also increase this term. For more information, please check student notices or visit the Ministry office.

Pallotti Patron Day

On Wednesday 15 February our Senior Students will be celebrating Pallotti Patron Day.

All students are encouraged to wear their House shirt on this day.

At recess, all Pallotti students will be receiving food and drink from the cafeteria. At lunchtime, all students are able to purchase pizza and soft drinks. This will be cash only sales with the following available for purchase: half pizza - $5, whole pizza - $10, drinks - $2. 

All proceeds from the sales will be going to the Pallotti House charity – the Pallottine Mission Centre in Rossmoyne. 

To learn more about Pallotti House visit: 

Junior School Swimming Carnival (Years 4-6)

When: Friday 24 February 9.00am

Where: Av԰ Christi College Aquatic Centre

More information is available here. The official program of events will be provided to families in the coming week.


A warm welcome to all Av԰ Christi families as we step into Week 3 of Term 1.

Parent Information Night

On Wednesday, we gathered as a community in the St Thomas More Parish Hall to welcome the new year and get inspired by the College's Vision and Mission. From there, it was beautiful to see the teachers connect with their students' families and share what learning and community will look like this year. I want to thank all the families who were able to join us that evening. If you were unable to attend the information night, please connect with the classroom teacher to share any important notes discussed in the evening.

Year 6 Leadership Assembly

Congratulations to our Year 6 Leadership team of 2023. It was wonderful to celebrate and present the students with their badges in an assembly led by our Head Boy and Head Girl, Isaac Pavy and Stephanie De Luca. One of the beautiful things about being in a K to 12 College is the ability to create these connections with our senior leaders, who walk alongside the Junior leadership team this year. Thank you to the parents who could join us in the celebrations.

Afternoon Drive Thru

This a friendly reminder to families to be mindful of the drive-thru routines for an afternoon pick-up and to remain patient as we get all our students home safely in the afternoon. Click here for more information.

Katya Anderson

Head of Junior school

Junior School Library Update

Our library is open every day for borrowing except Wednesday and students and parents are welcome to visit the library before and after school. A reminder that all students need a library bag when borrowing. We have spares for our younger students’, so they do not miss out.

This year our Scholastic Book Club will be run by Mrs Bettina Sinagra, a parent volunteer. Issue 1 catalogues have gone home this week and there are spare copies in the front office.

Mrs Catherine Munro
Library Technician - Junior School

Scholastic Book Club News  

The Scholastic Book Club is run by volunteer parents and money raised goes to Library and school resources. Av԰ Christi College earns 15% of sales from every order. Catalogues with the order form are sent out twice each term. One catalogue is sent home with the eldest child in the family. Issue 1 orders are due Thursday 16th February. All orders must be made and paid for online. You can set up an account via the following link:

Add your child’s name, find Av԰ Christi College K-12 Primary Av԰us Postcode is 6150. Search for Year/Class and the teacher’s name (Pre Kindy please choose Kindy).

Thank you and Happy Reading!

Bettina Sinagra

Parent Volunteer Coordinator

Melville Mazda gifts to the Junior School

Thank you to Melville Mazda for your generous gift of Netballs to Av԰ Christi Junior School. The students are very appreciative and are looking forward to using these in their Physical Education classes.

Head of Junior School - Ms Katya Anderson


School Immunisation Consent

Students in Years 7 and 10 have been provided with information by email regarding the school immunisation program. The consent form for these students is due on 20 February 2022.

Senior School Careers News

Interested in exploring your options, check out the February In Focus Careers News here.


Outstanding Students

Lewis Pianta, Jonas Gvozdin and Connor Davies - Year 7

Congratulations to three year 7 students who have just joined the College, Lewis Pianta (Merici), Jonas Gvozdin (Pallotti) and Connor Davies (Pallotti) who competed  in the Athletics West State Relay Championships on Saturday 4 February and were awarded:
U12 - 4x100 State Champions
U12 -  4x400 Runner Up State Champions.

Amazing effort team, well done!

Matilda Herbert - Year 9

Congratulations to Matilda in Year 9 Romero who dances at Betty Bentley Dance Academy. She was recently awarded an international dance award from the Asia Pacific Dance Association called the "Top Tier Award" for the Elementary Tap Three category. She received this recognition as she scored one of the highest 5 marks internationally for the exam for this grade. It is the second time that she has won this award, the first being in 2019

Very impressive effort Matilda, well done!

Madison Lewis - Year 6

Madison Lewis is acting out the College motto of being ‘Outstanding for Others’ by using her skills and talents to participate in the Starlight Super Swim challenge to raise money for sick kids. So far Madison has raised over $1000 dollars! To support her efforts, please donate by clicking the

Well done Madison, we are proud of you!

Year 7 Superstar relay team

Matilda Herbert

Madison Lewis

Share Your Story

We love celebrating student success, so if you have a story to share please send details and a photo to:



St Thomas More Bateman Parish Sacrament Dates 2023

Sacramental classes for St Thomas More Parish, Av԰ Christi College and other surrounding schools will commence on Wednesday the 8 of February.  These classes are conducted every week on a Wednesday from 4.00-5.00 pm in Terms 1-3, not including school holidays.

Enrolments for sacramental classes are available online and close on 26 April 2023 with high school classes commencing on the 26 April 2023. To register visit:

First Holy Communion - enrolments close for this class on 24 March 2023.

  • Saturday 17June 2023, 3.00pm

  • Sunday 18 June 2023, 11.30am  

Confirmation - enrolments close for this class on 20 July 2023.

  • Saturday 9 September 2023, 3.00pm

  • Sunday 10 September2023, 11.30am

Reconciliation - enrolments close for this class on 20 June 2023.

  • Saturday 28 October 2023, 10.00am                                                                      

High School Class - enrolments close for this class on 6 April

  • 26 April 2023

Bateman Parish also runs a special Sacramental Program for high school students from families within our Parish boundaries who may not have completed all of their Sacraments.

For all enquiries please telephone Judy Machado, Religious Education Coordinator, St Thomas More Parish Bateman on (08) 9310 1747 or email her on catechist.bateman@perthcatholic.org.au


Learn to Swim at Av԰

Av԰ Christi College offers a Learn to Swim Program onsite at the Jennifer Reilly Aquatic Centre. The aquatic centre features a covered and heated 25 metre, eight-lane indoor lap and water polo pool, a separate 12 metre learn-to-swim pool and terrace seating for 180 people.

Our Learn to Swim Program is facilitated by Speed With Style, a company who provide a unique approach to swim teaching called Individualised Custom Teaching, which was developed by Dr Nigel Williams in collaboration with head coach and Speed with Style Founder - John Williams.

The Learn to Swim program is available to both Av԰ Christi College students and those external to the College.

You can register and find more information about Speed with Style on the
College website: www.corpus.wa.edu.au/speed-with-style

In case you missed it...

Keep up to date with news as it happens by following our social media accounts and by checking out our latest updates below:


The next edition of the Av԰ Christi College e-News will be released on the 28 February.

Av԰ Communications