Remote Learning Ready

The sudden need for an alternative method of delivery for our Year 7-12 students is a challenge for which Av԰ Christi College is particularly well-placed, after a successful shift to Remote Learning in 2020 which garnered overwhelmingly positive feedback from parents and students alike.

Technology at the Core of Curriculum Delivery

One of only a few schools in Western Australia to have achieved Apple Distinguished School status and the first school worldwide to feature in Apple’s global campaign for digital creativity in education, the College’s preparedness goes beyond having an existing 1-to-1 device policy for its students.

Technology is already a core aspect of curriculum delivery, with students enjoying a learning environment that allows them to create, interact and explore on their iPad from Year 3. Apps are utilised in innovative ways in all subjects, even in Health & Physical Education and the Arts.

This digitally-enriched culture means it is less of an initial shock to adjust existing lessons to the online sphere. In a demonstration of agility and teamwork, the teaching staff at the College have finessed a learning environment where every student can log on remotely and participate in engaging classes with their teachers and peers online.

“The College, in liaison with Catholic Education WA, has invested heavily for many years in building an ICT infrastructure to support a contemporary model of learning which promotes student self-regulation, metacognition and the development of higher order thinking skills. Our ICT systems provide a catalyst for effective communication, collaboration and creativity in student learning and access to quality explicit teaching and resources at the point of need.”
- Jeff Allen, Principal

Guidelines for Remote Learning

All students have completed trial lessons this year in preparation for Remote Learning.

Virtual classes are supported by clear guidelines for students on how to prepare for and attend their lessons, including taking care of their wellbeing and workspaces at home.

Students who are not isolating are able to complete their online learning at the College from their designated classrooms.


Ready for the Future

In facilitating the seamless continuation of the school term, families can rest assured their children’s education is taken care of in a time of unprecedented societal upheaval.  

For more information on Remote Learning, please visit:

Av԰ Communications