Relay for Life (14 - 15 October 2023)

Relay for Life went fantastically well over the weekend.

We had nearly 50 students participate and raised over $9000 dollars for the Cancer Council (Top 10 in the state and Top 30 nationally for funds raised). As a student team, they all committed to their allocated timeslots throughout the 24 hours and continued walking the whole time. They completed 283 laps as a team, which works out to be about 120 km, plus many students did extra outside of their allotted times.

Thanks so much to the team of staff that helped make this happen, Mr Ian Bean, Mr Damian Chandler, Ms Alyssa Cutler, Miss Abrieanne Aviles, Miss Em Macpherson and Miss Mel Bird. They gave up pretty much their whole weekend and sleep to help support this cause.

Students today that participated, may be a bit tired but are excited by their achievement and they all enjoyed themselves!


Arreum Han-Caporn