E-News 16 May 2023


Welcome to Term 2 Week 4

Welcome to Week 4

Learning at Av性爱

At Av性爱 Christi we challenge every learner in our community to seize their potential and push the boundaries of possibility. We have a strong focus on developing confident, creative independent learners who are resilient and committed to being their best selves and fulfil our vision of being 鈥榦utstanding for others鈥. 

In delivering a dynamic and engaging educational environment at the College, we ignite an energy and enthusiasm around the discovery of new learnings. We build student agency to support fresh ideas, personal transformation and renewal. Our aim is for students to have a clear voice and choice in their leaning and to lead their own educational journey as they transition through the College to their preferred future pathway.

We know that learning happens anywhere, anytime. We therefore focus on the delivery of a rich array curricular and co-curricular activities across the years. This philosophy of learning has been very much in evidence of late at the College through the exceptional efforts and strong sense of agency demonstrated by a number of different student groups.

I would like to firstly highlight the terrific efforts of the cast and crew of our whole school College Production Peter Pan which ran on the 5th and 6th of May in the Caroline Payne Theatre. This was our first K-12 College production with students from both the Junior and Senior schools involved. This wonderfully vibrant and entertaining production was enjoyed by sold out crowds over two evening shows and a matinee.  

The Arts allows our students to shine, encourages them to be creative and to express themselves as individuals. It gives them a voice. It provides the vehicle for students to share their talents with the world and to receive immediate and authentic feedback in return. The Arts also importantly promotes collaboration and leadership skills in students as they work together toward a common goal.  

Our dedicated students committed more than 80 hours of scheduled rehearsals toward the production since preparations began in Week 4 of Term 4 last year. The cast numbering 73 students is the largest that we have ever had at the College. Meanwhile the dedicated crew of 38 was made up almost entirely of Av性爱 Christi students.

We are very proud of our students for their courage and commitment to ensure the success of the show. Their learning journey continued after each rehearsal and show as they absorbed the authentic feedback from the audience and dedicated College staff to continually hone and grow their performance. These are great skills that will set them up for future success in their chosen pathway. 

We acknowledge the outstanding dedication from the College staff in supporting the students. Led by Director Mr James Dove, this excellent team is to be commended for their concerted efforts and attention to detail in delivering such an enjoyable College Production. We also acknowledge the terrific engagement from parents and caregivers in supporting their child鈥檚 involvement in the show.

Another group of students who demonstrated great courage to learn was our Year 6s who attended their Av性爱 at Forrest Edge in Waroona last week. These students were encouraged to step out of their comfort zone and complete a variety of different challenging tasks and activities. They were required to work in teams, collaborate, communicate and be accountable to one another.

The students are to be commended for the positive way that they rose to the occasion and stepped up to the challenges presented. They show grit and determination to achieve set goals and grew as persons in the process. They learned how to evaluate and to reflect on their actions to seek improvement. The students made their own choices, they willingly gave of their voice and confidently inputted to solve problems. Again, these are the types of skills that will set up students for an exciting future learning journey.

Our very committed Junior School staff who attended the camp are to be recognised for their outstanding contribution to the success of the event. I know that students are most appreciative of their efforts.  

We were also thrilled to hear of another special group of students achieving wonderful things whilst representing the College. Groups of students from the Junior and Senior school took up the challenge to compete in the Da Vinci Decathlon held last week. This is a highly competitive academic event held across three days.

We were thrilled to hear that our Year 9 team won the Maths competition and were runners up in the Coding Breaking section. Our Year 8 team meanwhile successfully took out the Creative Production category. We celebrate the outstanding performance of these students and acknowledge all students who took part for their excellent collaboration and critical thinking skills in tackling the tasks presented. These higher order thinking and problem-solving skills will set them up for ongoing future success in their learning. We acknowledge Mr Adrian Richmond for leading a team of staff in supporting the students at the Decathlon.

In reflecting on these events, the consistent message is one of encouragement for students to step forward and harness the many and varied learning opportunities available at the school 鈥 both in and outside of the classroom. Learning is cumulative and builds to expand the depth and understanding of the next experience. We want our students, as empowered learners, to become agents of their own education and to seek out growth opportunities each and every day at the College.

We wish our senior school students all of the very best in the upcoming exams. We know that they have been preparing strongly for these assessments and encourage them as always to continually seek out support from teachers at point of need.

Best wishes and every blessing.

Jeff Allen




Enrolments and Withdrawing Update

Kindergarten 2025 & 2026 鈥 Apply Now

If you have a child born between 1 July 2020 鈥 30 June 2021, please apply now for 4 Year Old Kindergarten commencing in 2025.  If you have a child born between 1 July 2021 - 30 June 2022, please apply now for 4 Year Old Kindergarten commencing in 2026.

While we will not be interviewing for this cohort this semester, to avoid missing out on a place, applications are encouraged well in advance as places are limited. You can apply online, here:  

Year 7 2025 & 2026 鈥 Sibling Applications 

If your child is currently in Year 4 or Year 5 and is not already attending Av性爱 Christi College and you have not submitted an application, we encourage you to apply for Year 7 2025 and 2026 as soon as possible. 

To be eligible for enrolment, all applicants must have submitted an application per child. If you are yet to do so, please apply online: 

Withdrawing from the College Information

A reminder to parents, if you are withdrawing your child from the College you are required to give a Term's notice in writing. Failure to give adequate notice will result in a Term's fees being charged as per the terms and conditions of enrolment. Please liaise with your childs Classroom Teacher or Head of Year prior to withdrawing. To notify of your intent to withdraw, please submit the online form available here: www.corpus.wa.edu.au/withdraw

Flu Season

As we move into the cooler months, we wanted to remind you of the importance of taking precautions during flu season. Please be vigilant in monitoring your child's health, and if they are showing any flu-like symptoms, we ask that you keep them at home until they have fully recovered. This helps to prevent the spread of illness and keeps our school community healthy.

We would also like to draw your attention to the free flu jabs that are available throughout the month of May for everyone in WA (enquire with your GP or local Pharmacy).

Thank you for your cooperation in keeping our school community safe and healthy.

Premier鈥檚 Reading Challenge

Attention all parents and students, get ready for the Premier's Reading Challenge 2023! Starting from Monday, 8 May until Friday, 8 September, students from Kindergarten to Year 6 will be encouraged to participate in this exciting challenge. This year, there are new and exciting prizes up for grabs. All students need to do is log at least 12 books during the challenge period, but they can read and log as many as they want! Plus, there are two weekly prize draws, so there's even more chances to win! Last year, one of our Year 4 students was a weekly winner, so let's see if we can get more winners this year! For more information about the challenge, please visit:

Av性爱 iPad Program 2024

Av性爱 Christi College is excited to announce that we are reviewing our current student iPad Program for 2024. During this review, we encourage parents to hold off the purchasing of iPads for the 2024 school year while we continue the development of our new device program.

As part of the review, the College recognises that developing a successful device program requires input and collaboration from all stakeholders, including teachers, students, parents, and administrators. We will be inviting representatives from each of these groups to participate in discussions and provide relevant input. 

We are committed to staying at the forefront of educational technology, and the development of the device program is an important step towards achieving this goal. The College will keep the community informed throughout this process and will notify you as soon as a final decision is made with details of the next steps.

We would like to thank the entire College community for their understanding and cooperation during this transition. As always, the College is committed to working together with all stakeholders to provide the best possible education for its students. 

For any enquiries, please contact Head of ICT - Daniel Chapman.

K-12 Talent Show

The Av性爱 Christi Day Talent Show auditions are now open and we are calling on all singers, musicians, performers, and entertainers to showcase their talent to the College community. Auditions are open to students in years 1-12, whether they prefer to perform solo or as a group. To audition, please record a video of the performance (up to 3 minutes) and upload it through the provided link by Monday 22 May, which is in Week 5. The successful acts will have the chance to perform in front of judges and our K-12 audience on Av性爱 Christi Day in Week 7!

To submit a video performance, upload



The latest events can also be found by visiting: www.corpus.wa.edu.au/events

Junior School Prayer Assemblies

We would like to invite all parents to join us on Wednesday morning at 8.40am in the Junior undercover area for a class-led prayer assembly. This is a wonderful opportunity for our school community to come together and take a moment to reflect and offer our thanks.

The assembly will go for 10 minutes and will be led by our students. We believe that prayer can be a powerful tool in promoting positivity, and this weekly gathering provides a space for us to connect and support one another.

We encourage all parents to attend and be a part of this meaningful tradition. It is a great way to start the day and we look forward to seeing you there.

  • 17 May 2023 - Led by 5G

  • 24 May 2023 - Led by 4B

  • 31 May 2023 - Led by 4G

  • 7 June 2023 - Led by 3B

  • 14 June 2023 - Led by 3G

  • 21 June 2023 - Led by 2B

  • 28 June 2023 - Led by 2G

Junior School Assemblies

We are excited to announce that Junior School weekly assemblies will continue this term on Fridays at 9.00am in the Caroline Payne Theatre. These assemblies are an important way for us to come together as a school community and celebrate our achievements and milestones.

Each week, we will be presenting merit awards to students who have shown exceptional effort, progress or achievement in their academic, sporting or artistic pursuits. Parents will be notified via SEQTA if their child is receiving a merit award and are invited to attend and share in this special moment.

Following the merit awards, each class will present an assembly item that showcases their learning and achievements from the term. This is a great opportunity for our students to demonstrate their talents and share their learning with the wider school community.

Below are the dates that year levels will be presenting an assembly item for Term 2.

  • 26 May 2023 - Led by Year 3B (Coffee Van available - note the below)

  • 2 June 2023 - Led by Year 6B

  • 23 June 2023 - Led by Year 4B

  • 30 June 2023 - Led by Year 4G

Junior School Coffee Van 

On Friday 26 May a mobile coffee van will be serving hot beverages from 7.45 - 8.45am at the Junior Av性爱us. Purchases will be at the cost of the consumer.  

All parents are welcome to remain and join us from 8:50am in the Caroline Payne Theatre for our Junior school assembly led by  Year 3B.


Own Your Path 鈥 Parent and Year 10 Student Subject Selection Evening 

24 May 2023 4.45pm - 6.45pm

Career and Subject Selection Showcase

David Heath Community Centre

4.45 pm 鈥 7.00 pm

Presentation in the Caroline Payne Theatre 

5.45pm 鈥 6.15pm by the Deputy Principal Teaching and Learning, Mrs Jenny Miraudo.

More information is available on our events page: www.corpus.wa.edu.au/events

Friends of Av性爱

We welcome all parents and guardians to attend our Friends of Av性爱 meeting on Wednesday 24 May at 6.30pm.

Please register your interest to attend here: www.corpus.wa.edu.au/friends-of-corpus

More information about the location of this meeting will be provided closer to the event date.


URSTRONG Online Workshop

URSTRONG鈥檚 whole-school friendship strategy has improved the social climate in schools around the world, connecting over a million kids, parents, & teachers with a common language of friendship.

Families are invited to attend an online Language of Friendship parent-child workshop on Tuesday 30 May at 7:00pm.



Week 4 Enews

Welcome to week 4 of the term! I hope all our wonderful families had a fantastic Mothers鈥 Day over the weekend.

Year 6 Av性爱

Last week our Year 6 students attended camp at Forest Edge in Waroona. I had the privilege of joining the students and teachers on this adventure. It was an incredible experience watching our students鈥 conquer challenges like the fear of heights as well as making new friends. It was also an opportunity for them to focus on working as a team, through clear communication and trust in one another. The camp continued to reinforce our school focus of students being outstanding for others by showing compassion, courage, and commitment.

These camps of course cannot be a success without the dedication of our staff. I would like to extend a massive thank you Mrs Dalley and Ms Monteleone for organising such a successful camp and to Mr Cunningham, Mr Antulov, Mrs Kingsbury and Ms Myers for giving up their time to come and help support our students at camp.

 Morning Drop off

A friendly reminder to families that the school鈥檚 duty of care in the morning starts at 8.15am. Families are encouraged not to drop their child off at school before this time as they would be unsupervised. If you require an earlier drop-off, Av性爱 Australia are open from 7.00am. Your child鈥檚 safety is of the utmost importance to us, therefore we appreciate your support in this matter.

Junior Events

We encourage you to download the new Av性爱 Christi app where you can subscribe to the relevant calendar events for your child鈥檚 year level. Information regarding the app is available here.

 You will also find on the College Calendar upcoming assemblies, prayer assemblies and Parish Mass.  We welcome all family members to attend our gatherings, it is always wonderful having you be part of the celebration.

We wish all families a happy, healthy and safe fortnight ahead.


Katya Anderson

Head of Junior School


Junior School Community Update


Dear Junior School parents. I am delighted to inform you of the commencement of our URSTRONG Junior School friendship program. This program teaches wellbeing, relationship skills and resilience through targeted sessions focusing on building friendship skills.

From Pre-Primary to Year 6, the students will participate in fortnightly sessions using the proven, skill-based strategies of the 'Friendology' curriculum that teaches kid-friendly concepts, skills and language to help them build and maintain healthy friendships. 

Our teachers are super excited to explore the wonderful opportunities this program presents to assist your child's personal and interpersonal wellbeing. Be sure to access the website URSTRONG.com for more information or alternatively, see your child's class teacher for tips and suggestions for use at home.  Alternatively, feel free to email me direct at danielle.damjanovic@cewa.edu.au for any assistance needed.

Community Connectors

Our Class Community Connectors are excited to commence their role which serves to build positive relationships across our College. Our Community Connectors are as per the below:

  • KB - Nicole Della Rocca

  • KG - Tania Martino

  • PPB - Cristiana Ambrogio

  • PPG - Shalyn Klvana

  • 1B - Olivia Martin

  • 1G - Jess Lindsay

  • 2B - Nicole Paganini

  • 2G - Jenene Luis

  • 3B - Amanda Smith

  • 3G - Jess Lacey

  • 4B - Nikole Chong

  • 4G - Emma Cole Henley

  • 5B - Padma Gibson

  • 5G - Liyana Huang

  • 6B - Kiri Murray

  • 6G - Katie Clarke

To support them to offer support to their respective year / class group, your completion of this form is greatly appreciated:



Teaching and Learning Update

Missed Assessment sessions commence in Week 4 for students in Years 7 鈥 12

 Av性爱 Christi College will trial Missed Assessment sessions in Term Two, as part of our commitment to providing an outstanding learning experience for our students.

 Commencing in Week Four, the Heads of Learning will run two missed assessment sessions each week, with one session after school on a Wednesday and one before school on a Friday. Students are encouraged to communicate with their teachers beforehand to agree on a time to complete their missed assessment.

 These sessions are for students who may have been absent due to illness on the day of an assessment. Previously, students were encouraged to sit assessments during class-time when they return to school. This trial of Missed Assessment sessions is to address the issue of students being delayed in their return to programmed learning.

 Each session will be supervised by a Head of Learning in assessment conditions. Assessment tasks will be organised by teachers beforehand, meaning all that is required from students is for them to attend at the agreed upon time to complete the task. Completed assessments will then be returned directly to teachers for prompt marking.

 Please note this is a trial phase of the missed assessment process. We recognise students may not be able to attend at the two times available each week and they can still arrange an in-class time if needed. We nonetheless hope to see students taking up this opportunity, as it will allow them to get back on track following absence as seamlessly as possible.

Jenny Miraudo

Deputy Principal Teaching & Learning

Da Vinci Decathlon

Last week Av性爱 entered six teams into the prestigious 2023 da Vinci Decathlon.

Held at the University of Western Australia, our students went up against some of the brightest young minds in the state in ten different disciplines. Our Av性爱 teams conducted themselves with maturity and poise, fully embracing teamwork and collaboration.

Congratulations to our Year 8 team for taking first place in Creative Producers and second in Cartography, our Year 9 team for their first place win in Mathematics and second place win in Code Breaking, and our Year 10 team for their impressive second place win in Code Breaking.

Overall, our Year 9 team came in 7th place, and our Year 10 team came in 9th out of a total of 45 teams!

These are truly outstanding achievements considering the caliber of the competition. Way to go, Av性爱!

2023 Sydney & Canberra Tour

The Humanities Senior School tour was a great success with and allowed students to visit significant and educational sites across Sydney and Canberra. Students were given the opportunity to participate in a variety of educational programs with a focus on Australia鈥檚 history, culture, heritage and democracy. The Tour departed Perth airport early on the 20th April and returned on the 26th April. In Sydney, the students visited the Powerhouse museum, took a tour of the Sydney Opera House, saw Bondi Beach and went to Taronga Zoo.

 On the 22nd April the Tour continued to Canberra and allowed the students to visit Parliament House, Old Parliament House, The High Court, the National Capital Exhibition and the National Electoral Centre and the Australian War Memorial. These activities allow Humanities to come alive for our students and show the importance of learning that extends beyond the classroom.

 On the 25th April, the students attended the Dawn Service at the Australian War Memorial. This was a sombre and reflective occasion and the students appreciated Anthony Albanese鈥檚 tribute to the ANZAC legacy and those who put their lives on the line for the nation.

 The Australian Government recognises the importance of all young Australians being able to visit the national capital as part of their Civics and Citizenship education. To assist families in meeting the cost of the Tour the Australian Government contributed funding of $510 per student under the Parliament and Civics Education Rebate program.

 The College would like to thank the staff for the success of the tour and commend the students on their outstanding representation of Av性爱 Christi College in Sydney and Canberra.


Ministry Update

Last Week St. Patricks Community Centre put out a call for non-perishable food items, their stores were bare.  St Pat鈥檚 would make hampers of food up for those that needed it and last week they ran out.  We put the call out to the student community this week and have been very impressed with the generosity of the students.  We managed to fill an entire ute tray with food and the staff at St Pat鈥檚 were so grateful for the student鈥檚 generosity!  Our student community this week really showed how to be outstanding for others.

Vinnies Winter Appeal

Our Vinnnies Winter Appeal is underway and we need your help to make it a success!

We are asking for donations of blankets, sheets, and sleeping bags - the essential items needed to help those sleeping rough stay warm during the cold winter months. Please donate any new or near-new items into the tubs provided before Wednesday 17 May.

Let's come together as a community and make a difference in the lives of those who need it most. Your generosity and support are greatly appreciated. Thank you!

Weekly Faith In Action activities

Cooking for St. Patricks Community Centre, the Greening Project and Containers for Change are all up and running for this term.  We have had great sign-ups from the students to get involved with Cooking nearly full every week.  If you would like to sign-up, please come up and put your name down in Student Ministry.

HBF Run for a Reason

On Sunday the 21st of May we will have 38 student runners, 3 staff runners participating in the HBF Run for a Reason, the students will be raising money for Lifeline and have all raised a minimum of $50.  Students are participating in the 12km and 4km run or the 4km walk.  On top of this, we have an army of 50 volunteers helping the run a water station on the course.  These students will be volunteering their morning (early morning, needing to arrive at 5:30am) to ensure that all the runners coming out of the Graham Farmer Fwy on the 12km course are well hydrated and encouraged to the finish line.  

Year 10 and 11 Service Learning

At the start of this term the Year 10鈥檚 and 11鈥檚 completed a Faith In Action extended homeroom.  Each student completed a plan of how they aimed to achieve their service learning requirements for this year.  I encourage every parent to have a discussion with their student about their plan and how they can support them in their service learning journey.


Mischa Pizzo - Dancing for Sick Kids

We are thrilled to share that Year 12 student Mischa Pizzo has been involved in Dance for Sick Kids for the last 4 years, and is once again participating in this incredible fundraising event. Mischa's dedication to this cause is truly inspiring!

From 15 - 21 May, Mischa will be dancing her heart out to raise funds for Ronald McDonald House Charities, which supports thousands of families across Australia each year. Her goal is to raise $300, and she has already made an impressive start with $215 in donations.

By fundraising for RMHC, Mischa is helping to provide valuable family-centred care to families while their child receives treatment. This support is crucial in making a difficult time a little bit easier for those who are going through a challenging experience.

We encourage everyone to show their support for Mischa's incredible efforts by visiting her fundraising page at . Let's help her reach her fundraising goal and make a positive difference in the lives of families in need.

Congratulations, Mischa, on your commitment to this important cause.

Stephanie De Luca

We would like to extend our warmest congratulations to Stephanie De Luca and her saxophone teacher, Mia Vukovic, for their outstanding performance at the HeartKids Gala Ball on Saturday, 13 May. We would also like to commend Av性爱 Christi College graduates Gianni Petta, Killian, and Andrea Jordan-Keane for their generous volunteer work at the event.

The Saxophone Quintet gave a beautiful performance for around 200 VIP guests in the Crown Tower Ballroom foyer, adding a touch of class and elegance to the occasion.

We are proud to have such talented and compassionate students and alumni at Av性爱 Christi College, who are committed to making a positive impact in our community. Well done, Stephanie, Mia, Gianni, Killian, and Andrea!

Nicolas, Chirag and Meiken

We are happy to share that three of our talented flute students, Nicolas W, Chirag V, and Meikin A, represented Av性爱 Christi College at the WA Flute Competition held at Penrhos College on Sunday 7 May. The competition was judged by the highly respected Andrew Nicholson and Sonya Croucher from WASO.

We are proud to report that all three students performed exceptionally well and demonstrated their dedication and hard work to their craft. Nicolas Willey was awarded Highly Commended for his Grade 2 flute solo and Meikin Ashby was awarded Highly Commended for her Grade 4 flute solo. These achievements are a testament to their talent and the hours of practice they have dedicated to their instruments.

We would like to congratulate Nicolas, Chirag, and Meikin for their outstanding performance at the competition. We are excited to see what the future holds for these talented musicians and wish them all the best in their future endeavors.

Evie and Rosie

Congratulations to two of our year four students, Evie Cordina and Rosie Edgar, who have been selected into the Sub junior WA State team to compete in the Australian Calisthenics Federation National Championships held in Brisbane in July.

Both Evie and Rosie have been dedicated to their training and have worked hard to earn their place on the state team. We wish them all the best in their upcoming competition and know they will represent Av性爱 Christi College with pride. Congratulations to Evie and Rosie on this fantastic achievement!

Share Your Story

We love celebrating student success, so if you have a story to share please send details and a photo to: marketing@corpus.wa.edu.au


St Thomas More Bateman Parish Sacrament Dates 2023

Sacramental classes for St Thomas More Parish, Av性爱 Christi College and other surrounding schools will commence from Wednesday 8 February.  These classes are conducted every week on a Wednesday from 4.00pm-5.00 pm in Terms 1-3, not including school holidays.

Enrolments for sacramental classes are available online. To register visit:

Confirmation - enrolments close for this class on 20 July 2023.

  • Saturday 9 September 2023, 3.00pm

  • Sunday 10 September2023, 11.30am

Reconciliation - enrolments close for this class on 20 June 2023.

  • Saturday 28 October 2023, 10.00am                                                                      

For all enquiries please telephone Judy Machado, Religious Education Coordinator, St Thomas More Parish Bateman on (08) 9310 1747 or email her on catechist.bateman@perthcatholic.org.au


Learn to Swim at Av性爱

Av性爱 Christi College offers a Learn to Swim Program onsite at the Jennifer Reilly Aquatic Centre. The aquatic centre features a covered and heated 25 metre, eight-lane indoor lap and water polo pool, a separate 12 metre learn-to-swim pool and terrace seating for 180 people.

Our Learn to Swim Program is facilitated by Speed With Style, a company who provide a unique approach to swim teaching called Individualised Custom Teaching, which was developed by Dr Nigel Williams in collaboration with head coach and Speed with Style Founder - John Williams.

The Learn to Swim program is available to both Av性爱 Christi College students and those external to the College.

You can register and find more information about Speed with Style on the
College website: www.corpus.wa.edu.au/speed-with-style

In case you missed it...

Keep up to date with news as it happens by following our social media accounts and by checking out our latest updates below:

The next edition of the Av性爱 Christi College e-News will be released on 30 May 2023.