e-News 25

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[tab_item active="yes" title="From The Principal" tabs="tabs"]

Dear Parents and friends

It was wonderful to meet with a number of parents who attended the Parent/Teacher/Student interviews this week. Year 12s are now on the home straight in their final term of schooling with Year 11 students are also completing courses in Term Three. Year 10 students are finalising their course selections, whilst Year 9 students will be selecting subjects in a new Year 10 educational programme for 2017. This can be a stressful time for parents as well. Please remember, whether it be Heads of Year, subject teachers or our Careers Coordinator Mrs Rachel Burke, there is always someone here at AvÐÔ°® Christi College who can assist you with advice.


The Year of Mercy is an opt-in year, an invitation by Pope Francis to look at our communities in terms of how mercy is part of being Catholic - part of our Catholic identity. World Youth Day starts today, Wednesday 27 July 2016. Our teacher of French Ms Joelle L Aiguille is attending and writes to the school community:

The Pilgrimage has been a great blessing so far. It is just wonderful to meet so many young people who are so happy and proud to share and celebrate their faith.


After the final Mass in the parish yesterday we have spent a night at Kalwaria Zebrzydiwska, the Shrine of the Mother of God described by Saint John Paul II as a reservoir of faith, hope and love. Words cannot really describe how beautiful and amazing this place is. There we had the opportunity to walk the road of Calvary and reflect on the presence of God s mercy in our lives. So far, the experience at Kalwaria has been the highlight of my trip.

I am very grateful for having been given the opportunity to attend this special event of the Catholic Church and I am really looking forward to sharing it with the AvÐÔ°® Christi Community.

I ask that you all pray for us and if there are any prayer intentions that the AvÐÔ°® Christi Community will like me to pray for during this journey please do not hesitate to let me know.

We are now in Krakow where World Youth Day will officially start. Australia is truly well represented with about 3000 pilgrims. May God bless you.

I know we have a number of former students also attending World Youth Day in Krakow - we pray for all young people attending and the future of the Church.


We welcome the return of teacher of Italian Ms Maria Balloni after three term s leave, as well as Student Ministry Coordinator Mr Simon Keane, Mathematics teacher Mrs Jean Hein and Teaching Assistant Mrs Stephanie Marini, all returning from Long Service Leave last term.

I take this opportunity to welcome our newly appointed staff:

  • Mr Christopher Pietroniro is able to continue at AvÐÔ°® Christi College, covering Mr Ian Bean s Health and Physical Education classes. He joins Ms Stacey Lindsay teaching Outdoor Education during Semester Two, (Stacey comes to us from a similar role at Mandurah Catholic College) and Mrs Natasha Hague teaching Physical Education in Term Three, who has come to us from Carnamah District High School after teaching in the UK for four years.
  • Mr Lauchlan Bain will be teaching Dance and English for the next two years, whilst Mrs Chanelle Spark is on Parental Leave. Lauchlan is an accomplished dancer, having been involved in teaching and performance in the UK, including dancing with One Direction, before returning to WA to study teaching, also performing in the Sound of Music. Lauchlan achieved two awards at Edith Cowan University including the Double Outstanding Practicum Award. Most recently, he has taught English and Dance at John Forrest Secondary College, and has held Choreography positions for the musicals at Presbyterian Ladies College and St Mary s College.
  • Mr Ulrich Seydel has held a variety of Mathematics teaching roles at Presbyterian Ladies College, Treetops Montessori and tutoring through Class Professional, and is covering Mathematics teachers on leave in Terms Three and Four.
  • Mr Tim Bottrell will be teaching Design and Technology for the first five weeks of term, prior to Mr Dale Briers commencement for the remainder of the year. Tim has most recently taught at John XXIII College; Dale Briers has held a variety of positions, most recently as a Senior Careers Development Officer at the Career Centre in Perth, and a 22-year period of service in the Navy.


All WA schools will be required to fully implement the new curriculum in Humanities and Social Sciences (HaSS) and Health and Physical Education, joining English, Mathematics and Science (curricula which have been revised) for 2017. The College will be assessing and reporting on these new curricula in 2017. This requires the College to change its Year 10 educational programme.

In the past two months, in consultation with the Academic Council and Heads of Year, the College developed a Year 10 curriculum for 2017 which is able to meet the requirements of the SCSA mandated WA curriculum, whilst still adopting some of our senior school principles including student choice, a transition into Year 11 ATAR and General courses, and the ability to accelerate student learning.

This was the reason for the postponement of the Parent Information Evening last term. Parents of Year 9 students will be invited to attend an information evening, soon.


Former staff member Phil Burns and his wife Mary, contacted me recently to invite the AvÐÔ°® Christi College community to support a worthy initiative. On 2 May 2016, their son and former student, Steve, had an epileptic seizure that took his life. I quote from their email to me this week: Steve had his first seizure at the age of 28 when he was working in London in 2009. Eight months later he had his second and was diagnosed with Adult onset Epilepsy and so started his seven year journey with Epilepsy. You can read more of his story on the Everyday Hero’s page on this link:

AvÐÔ°® was a huge part of our lives for many years as the boys were all growing up and it had an enormous impact on Steve. Many of the friends he met at AvÐÔ°® Christi College stayed his best mates all his short life. I see this as an opportunity to raise awareness of not only Adult onset Epilepsy but the daily struggle all those with Epilepsy may face.

We are raising funds for Epilepsy WA to research the condition and to raise awareness in the work place and in the social setting for those who are coping with Epilepsy. I have attached some flyers that explain some of the fund raising events and we d welcome anyone who wanted to participate or leave a donation on the Stephen s Angels website. Our target is $34,000 - a thousand dollars for each year of his short life. Thank you to those of you who have already given a donation.



I quote from an email from Acting Director of Learning Technologies when the Pokemon Go phenomenon hit Perth during the holidays:

Well who would have thought the Pokemon thing would be such a phenomenon?! If you have no idea what I am talking about, go outside at night and observe the zombie-like masses (friendly zombies) chasing imaginary creatures around the neighbourhood! Augmented reality - one of the big tech trends we will see emerge and it has just got a huge jolt with this app. Have a read of this post from Skye Moroney:

Like all tech disruptions governments, regulators and those in authority ignore them at their peril, they don’t go away. Although we know our students will be engaging with this new application, for us, it s no to Pokemon Go on site during the school day.

It’s worthy looking at our current policies:

  • Personal devices should only be used in classes, whereby teachers have expressly permitted their use for a particular educational purpose
  • If a student needs to use a mobile device other than an iPad for a class, they should retrieve the device from their locker in the break preceding the class (e.g before school, at the end of recess or lunchtime)
  • Mobile phones or portable music devices are not to be used during the school day (from 8.25am until 3.15pm) for any other purpose other than educational. Emergency calls by parents are to be directed to Student Services
  • Mobile phones should be out of sight and turned off during the school day if not stored in their student locker. If a mobile phone is sighted by a staff member, the device will be confiscated and sent to Student Services, where they will be collected at the end of the school day
  • Mobile devices and laptops are not to be used at recess and lunchtime except in the Library, under the guidelines set by Mr Greg Port.

This issue has engendered some discussion amongst teachers and I am aware there can be educational uses of augmented reality and games across all Years of schooling.


Each school holiday period is a wonderful time for our Property Manager and the Grounds and Maintenance Team to undertake a variety of maintenance and building projects. The Term Two holidays are no different. I list the projects undertaken for your information:

  • Eleven classrooms in Mayne Block have been re-carpeted, with the passageways to be completed in the October school holidays.
  • Handrails in the stairways in Mayne Block have been installed, ensuring compliance with updated building regulations. Assessors are looking at the rest of the campus.
  • Room to protect the Laser cutter in Design and Technology has been completed.
  • Garden beds near the James Nestor Auditorium have been re-landscaped.
  • An automatic door in the toilets of Sadler Centre has been installed today, enabling students who are disabled to enter when the doors are closed.
  • New blinds installed in the Pastoral Head of Year office.
  • Turf replaced in front of soccer goals on the top oval.
  • Window tint applied to rooms H10 and H11 facing the oval.
  • Painting of all verandah posts in the College and the cleaning of bore stains off concrete, brick walls; concrete pathways cleaned.
  • Locker repairs; testing and tagging of all electrical equipment; emergency exit lights repaired.
  • Annual HECS fire equipment tested.



At the end of last term, 25 members of the College Choir travelled to Rotorua, New Zealand to take part in the music festival for schools Rhapsody Rotorua. 

Attending this year were five schools from Australia, and nine from New Zealand. The tour was a huge success for our College, with all three AvÐÔ°® Christi groups winning Gold, the only school to achieve this result. There is a more detailed report in this copy of the e-News.

The College can be proud of the students too in the way that they represented our school and our community. Two detailed emails of gratitude from Catholic schools the students performed for were testimony to their friendliness, enthusiasm and good manners.

    I take this opportunity to recognise and acknowledge Head of Music Mr David Harries on his overall coordination of the Tour, supported by Mrs Michelle Hunt, Miss Selena Meegan and Miss Shanice Palfrey who accompanied the students on tour, working tirelessly behind the scenes, both prior to and during the tour. We are grateful for their dedication and commitment to Music, and caring for the pastoral welfare of our students.


Our Year 11 students are attending their Retreat next week and those going to Mulan leaving next weekend. We keep these students in our prayers.

Best wishes and God bless.

Mrs Caroline Payne Principal

One sentence / line here describing this section, can be static, like what is from the principal? it's a message from the principal. It's silly, but it needs to fill up one full line.


[tab_item icon="" title="Middle School" tabs="tabs"]


[accordion_item title="Year Seven in Term Three" accordion="accordion"]

Mrs Yvette Pearce

Head of Year 7

The Year 7s have made another enthusiastic start to the school term. We started the week off with a Year Assembly where we honoured some of the Year 7s. We are choosing to honour students to recognise their positive attributes, commitment to the College and for their demonstration of the Learner Profile qualities. 

This week we honoured Max Coten, Ashan de Alwis, Amaris Go, Jennifer Rose, Cairo Coventry and Dominic Davies, particularly for demonstrating the Christlike quality towards their peers, their demonstration of resilience to their peers and for their efforts in striving for excellence. These students were selected to be honoured by their fellow students.

Next we honoured Maya Surjan. Maya has very generously given her time and demonstrated the quality of Christlike through her volunteering to sing and bring sunshine to children currently undergoing treatment for cancer at the recent Pirate Day Friday for Telethon.

Finally we honoured the students who have received a Step Up in Good Standing in Semester One. The following students were honoured for either taking responsibility for their actions, maintaining focus on their learning or demonstrating a high standard of courtesy, cooperation and respect for others within the College:

Jayde Watson, Ella Waddy, Christopher Lie, Eric Lau, Elly Kember, Chelsea Federer, Nayan Brown, Elijah White-U, Lara Passauer, Natalie Martins, Layla Kenny, Amy Fimmel, Emmanuella Depiazzi, Victoria Ann Chong, Ashley Cannell, Anna Thomson, Georgia Ettridge, Fabiana Velezmoro, Emma Runyon, Giorgia Maurogiovanni, Ashton Chow, Benjamin Thompson, Aria Shine-Dunsire, Shannon Rees, Jaden Felipe, Joseph Diaz, Ashley Morgan, Jack Garland-Dixon, Alexis Low, Jennifer Rose, Menü Muthukrishnan, Charlotte Zollner, Julian Sinagra-Orr, Adriana Romeo, Alira Malan, Antoni La Rosa, Blake Conley, Jaren Carr.

It is fantastic to start the term off with such a positive number of students who are all working towards ensuring that Year 7 at AvÐÔ°® Christi is a great year for everyone. We look forward to a productive and exciting term.


[accordion_item title="Uniform and Grooming" accordion="accordion"]

Parents are urged to ensure that their children s uniform and grooming is perfect for the start of the Term. It is expected that the College uniform is to be worn with pride and for students to ensure that they are fully compliant with all College regulations. While holidays may be a time for more extreme hairstyles and casual dress, this should not be carried over into the school environment. It would be most unfortunate if your son s or daughter s start of Term is marred by failing to comply with the College s requirements and the consequences which would flow from this.


[accordion_item title="Home-School Communication" accordion="accordion"]

Parents are reminded that in the first instance, if you have concerns about your son s or daughter s progress, it is always appropriate to make direct contact with the relevant class teacher. If there is no resolution to your concerns, the College s protocols require the Head of Year or Learning Area Coordinator to be contacted.

As our teachers have full time teaching loads, please note that any return of parental contact may not be possible until the following day. You are also encouraged to use Direct Message in SEQTA to bring matters to the attention of staff.

The eNews is a fortnightly communication which provides our College community with important information. You will receive an e-mail providing a link to the College Website. The eNews is available electronically through the College website.


[accordion_item title="Year 8 Retreat July 20th 2016" accordion="accordion"]

Mr Scott Connery Head of Year 8

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Today we had the good fortune of attending the 24/7 Ministry in Osborne Park for our Year 8 Retreat. The rationale behind this excursion is to deepen the student s awareness of God within their lives through three sessions on the topics of The Created Points toward the Creator, The Masterpiece and The Responsibility of Stewardship. Mario Borg and his team directed the sessions very well and all students participated well and with enthusiasm. Their behavior was exemplary and a very proud moment for me as Head of Year and the attending staff to observe.

Reflections from Madison Wilde and Yannick Machado, our Ministry Captains on the Retreat:

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Today we learned about creation and how small earth is compared to other planets in the universe and our place in that universe. Talent was something that was brought up by our Group Leaders and we were told that our talents werent just for our benefit; talents are to be shared and not hidden. They are a gift from God. When you show your talents to others, you are sharing in Gods creation.

Madison Wilde

What I learned today was that I am not on this earth just for myself and that the world does not revolve round me. 24/7 Ministry taught me that we should be happy with who we are and why we should not change for other people. I should not take things for granted. The experience at 24/7 School Ministry was a fun and interactive day with movies, music and games overall. I really enjoyed the day and learned a lot.

Yannick Machado

Group session activity

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Mario Borg brought the threads of the day together presenting the tapestry of the day. Through our recognising of our place in the universe and accepting our talents as a gift from God. We have a duty to care for all of creation. The symbolic act of caring for this seedling; we accept our place in this universe.


[accordion_item title="MakerSpace" accordion="accordion"]

Mark Stephens

Integrator of Learning Resources

MakerSpace is a club which aims to provide students with an extended time to tinker on projects. These projects include Laser cutting, Sphero programming, Google Goggles, Virtual Tours and more. It is a place to explore their creative side. More details can be found at this website



One sentence / line here describing this section, can be static, like what is from the principal? it's a message from the principal. It's silly, but it needs to fill up one full line.


[tab_item icon="" title="Senior School" tabs="tabs"]


[accordion_item title="Year 10 Educational Programme for 2017" accordion="accordion"]

All WA schools will be required to fully implement the new curriculum in Humanities and Social Sciences (HaSS) and Health and Physical Education, joining English, Mathematics and Science (curricula which have been revised) for 2017. The College will be assessing and reporting on these new curricula in 2017. This requires the College to change its Year 10 educational programme.

In the past two months, in consultation with the Academic Council and Heads of Year, the College developed a Year 10 curriculum for 2017 which is able to meet the requirements of the SCSA mandated WA curriculum, whilst still adopting some of our senior school principles including student choice, a transition into Year 11 ATAR and General courses, and the ability to accelerate student learning.

This was the reason for the postponement of the Parent Information Evening last term. Parents of Year 9 students will be invited to attend an information evening, soon.


[accordion_item title="Chartered Accountants Scholarship 2017" accordion="accordion"]

The College has been informed of the Chartered Accountants Scholarship Fund 2017.

Applications for this open on 10 October, 2016 and close on 8 January, 2017.

Students in Year Twelve can apply, as can university students who are undertaking a business degree (as long as they meet the criteria). Please click on the link below to access information.



One sentence / line here describing this section, can be static, like what is from the principal? it's a message from the principal. It's silly, but it needs to fill up one full line.


[tab_item icon="" title="AvÐÔ°® General News" tabs="tabs"]


[accordion_item title="Inspirational students win over the audience!" accordion="accordion"]


There was a buzz in the air of the Sadler Centre on Tuesday evening, 28 June 28 as the eighth AvÐÔ°® Christi College Public Speaking Competition took place. Students had mixed emotions of nervousness and excited anticipation. There were 63 competitors in 8 separate heats, which ran concurrently, followed by 6 students participating in the impromptu speech competition. The evening was a great success providing the audience with entertaining and inspiring speeches. I would like to commend all these speakers who took up the challenge to speak publicly. They can be very proud of their achievements. The skills of public speaking acquired over Terms One and Two will stand them in good stead in the years to come.

An evening such as this would not be possible without the support of so many people. Thank you to the parents and families of the students for their ongoing support and for being such an enthusiastic audience. Thanks to all the adjudicators on the evening; Mrs Manuela Piscetek and past students Mallorie Gan, Daniel Thomas, Wai Sin Wan, Tiarna Petterson. Rebekah Craggs and Aveen Yoong. The task was daunting, with many adjudicators commenting on the high standard of the competition. In addition, I would like to thank our student leaders Olivia Watson and Madison Holling who were the Masters of Ceremony for the evening, as well as Brielle Petterson, Taylor Sciorilli, Andrew Silveira, Ella Hart, Abigail Logan and Cassie Rauh who carried out so many roles including chairing, setting up and time keeping.

In other news in Public Speaking, Ike Adesanya, Rachael Dellaca and Erin Martin represented AvÐÔ°® at the State Final of the Rostrum Voice of Youth in the Junior Section on Saturday 25 June. All were exceptional in the delivery of their speeches. Unfortunately, none of the students progressed through to the National Finals. The competition at this level is fierce. All represented the College with poise and eloquence. Their dedication to prepare a new speech in a matter of weeks after the semi finals, attend an impromptu speech workshop run by Rostrum and keep up with school work and assessments is nothing less than inspirational. It was a proud moment for me and the family members present.

In addition, Year 12 students Desiree Louise and Molly Elliott competed the Plain English Speaking Award (PESA) State Final which took place on 9 July in Shenton Park. Desiree and Molly successfully progressed through from the qualifying heat and needed to use all their public speaking skills, along with their interpersonal skills to meet the demands of this final. It entailed; the delivery of an 8 minute prepared speech, an on- stage interview with questions relating to the issues presented in their speech, current events and perspectives about the future, as well as a 3 minute impromptu speech after only 4 minutes to prepare. Although they performed admirably, they were unsuccessful in progressing through to the National final. On behalf of the College, I would like to congratulation them on their achievement, dedication and hard work in the lead up to this competition.

I would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge and thank the following Brielle Petterson and Molly Elliott for their efforts in coaching the Year 7 groups. These students gave generously of their time and expertise, which enabled this extra curricular activity to take place.

I am also very grateful to Mrs Manuela Piscetek, Mr Adrian Richmond and Mr Jamie Clark for their support and assistance in coaching students this year. The time and energy they devoted to this after school activity cannot be underestimated. Without the help of these wonderful people, the opportunity for so many students to be involved in public speaking would not have been possible. My sincere thanks are extended to all.

Public Speaking will be available again next year in Semester One. I look forward to seeing all the students back again for another exciting year.

Mrs Noreen Stevenson




Prepared Speech Results

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Impromptu Speaking Results

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[accordion_item title="Careers Office News" accordion="accordion"]

University Open Days 2016

Sunday 24th July: Murdoch University

Sunday 31st July: Curtin University

Sunday 14th August: University of Western Australia

Sunday 14th August: Edith Cowan University (Mt Lawley) and WAAPA

Sunday 21st August: Notre Dame Fremantle

TISC Applications now open

It is strongly suggested that Year 12 students attend the TISC presentation at the College during P3 (all students scheduled to attend) before starting to their University Application through TISC.

  • Complete the Registration Status Check
  • Once logged in, follow step by step instructions on the Welcome page.
  • Please remember that there are closing dates in applying to university. The TISC calendar will advise you of the dates. These dates are absolute.
  • Your application is considered for admission only after you have paid the application fee.
  • Make sure you read your coversheet. Your coversheet will advise you of the documentation that is to be submitted by you in support of your application.
  • Once the payment has been processed you will be able to amend your preferences and change your contact details. Any other information cannot be changed. If you find that you have forgotten to add something or made an error, you will have to submit the changes in writing to TISC. Be aware that TISC is under no obligation to accept payment of applications if received after the required date. Applications that have not been paid are considered invalid and will not be included in university offers.

Early Offer Engineering Courses at Curtin, UWA, Murdoch and ECU

Curtin, ECU, Murdoch and UWA are conducting a trial of issuing early offers for engineering courses to current Year 12 students, based on predicted ATARs.

What are the criteria for getting an early offer?

You ll need a predicted ATAR above a certain level, and confirmation that you re enrolled in courses that are likely to satisfy the universities English competence and course prerequisite requirements.

Can I still apply for other courses?

Of course. You can put in all your preferences from 4 July, if you want, or just put in an engineering preference to participate in the trial. Or you can wait. Just get an application in before 30 September, so you don t have to pay a late fee.

Do I have to apply early?

No, you don t. If you don t want to participate in the trial, you don't have to apply early. Even if you do want to take part, you ve got plenty of time to put in an application. It's not first come, first served, so you don't have to rush to submit an application the moment they open.

How do I get an early offer?

Apply via TISCOnline.

List the course you d like an early offer for as your 1st preference (you can always change preferences later).

Get a letter from your school stating your predicted ATAR and confirming which Year 12 courses you re currently enrolled in.

Scan the letter and send it to: 


TISC will send it on to the university concerned.

Once the university has checked that you meet the criteria for an early offer, they'll send you an email with details of the offer.

What kind of offers are they?

The offers in this trial are conditional offers. They let you know that the university will be happy to have you as a student, however you will still need to meet certain requirements in your final results for the offer to be confirmed. Those conditions will be laid out in the offer you receive.

If you satisfy the conditions of the offer, you ll receive a confirmation offer in Main Round (18 January).

Do I have to accept the offer?

That s completely up to you. As this is a trial, we don't want to limit your options in any way. So whether you accept the early offer or not, it won t affect your chances of getting an offer in the main round.

Universities may ask you to accept the offer via their website, so that they can invite you to various activities. Even if you accept the early offer, you are still in the running for offers as usual in January. You can add preferences (for most courses), delete preferences and rearrange your preferences until 11pm on 5 January 2017.

Murdoch University: Media Portfolio Prep Day

27th September, 2016 at Murdoch University, Hill Lecture Theatre

Are you a Year 12 student wanting to study an Arts course at Murdoch University?

Come along to our Media Portfolio Prep Day and find out how you can gain entry to Murdoch by showcasing your work. Participate in creative workshops conducted by our industry-experienced academics, get feedback on your work and learn how to compile a stunning portfolio for submission to Murdoch.

As a portfolio applicant, you will be assessed on your motivation and potential for creative aptitude, rather than by your ATAR results. You can apply by portfolio for any of the following courses:

English and Creative Writing

Games Art and Design

Graphic Design



Public Relations


Screen Production


Theatre and Drama

Web Communication

To register your interest email engage@murdoch.edu.au or register online at Murdoch Future Students.

Curtin UniReady Enabling Program

UniReady is free to Australian and New Zealand citizens, and Australian permanent residents. It s designed to help you gain entry into a range of Health Sciences, Humanities or Curtin Business School undergraduate courses.

UniReady is for you if you meet at least one of the following criteria:

missed out on Curtin s minimum ATAR; or

completed year 12 but did not take WACE exams or equivalent; or

did not successfully complete your high school studies;

This year, for the first time, there is a capped number of places in the UniReady Enabling Course and it is first in, best dressed. So applications need to completed early to secure a place.

UniReady semester one and two

UniReady is a one-semester (12 weeks, plus orientation and exam week) program offered in first and second semester, either on campus at Bentley, fully online, or a combination of both.

All applicants will need to apply via TISC as well as complete an eProfile. Please visit the TISC website to find out how to apply.

Please note, your application will only be considered if you complete both the TISC application and the eProfile. It is advised that you complete both as soon as you can.

If you have any issues with the TISC application please contact TISC directly, as they are separate from UniReady and will be able to provide you the most accurate advice.

For the exact closing dates and application fees, visit the TISC calendar.

Applications open: 4 July 2016

Applications close: 23 January 2017*

Semester One, 2017 eProfile

The eProfile consists of multiple choice questions and two short answer questions. In order to complete the e-Profile you must have a TISC ID number. Please ensure the TISC ID number and personal information you provide is accurate or we will not be able to accept your application.

Submit your eProfile

If you have any issues with the e-Profile, please contact UniReady as soon as possible by emailing (including a screenshot of your issue if possible) or calling 9266 7632.

Notre Dame Early Offer Program 2017

Notre Dame University acknowledges and rewards the achievements of outstanding students through the Early Offer program by simplifying their access to university. Students who have a predicted ATAR of 90+ (or 93+ for Law & Physiotherapy) are encouraged to apply for this early offer by contacting Mrs Burke at AvÐÔ°® Christi College. If a student is successful and accepts their Early Offer, it would in no way prohibit them from applying and accepting an offer from another university. Applications are now open and close on Friday, 29 July, 2016, for study beginning in 2017.

University Scholarships Opening Soon

UWA: /

Curtin University: /

Murdoch University: /

Edith Cowan University:

Defence Force Gap Year 2017

The ADF Gap Year program is an excellent way for students to experience military life and to gain a greater understanding of what s involved. On completion they can continue serving in the Navy, Army or Air Force, or offer the skills and experience they have acquired to an alternative career path.

In 2017 there are 11 roles to choose from ranging from admin to artillery, and flight crew to logistics.

Details of all the Gap Year roles are available at

Employment commences early 2017. Applicants must have completed Year 12 and be aged between 18 and 24 as of 1 April 2017 (Navy), 31 May 2017 (Army), or 7 April 2017 (Air Force).

Rachel Burke

Careers Coordinator


[accordion_item title="Chartered Accountants Scholarship 2017" accordion="accordion"]

The College has been informed of the Chartered Accountants Scholarship Fund 2017.

Applications for this open on 10 October, 2016 and close on 8 January, 2017.

Students in Year Twelve can apply, as can university students who are undertaking a business degree (as long as they meet the criteria). Please click on the link below to access information.


[accordion_item title="Mindsmart Parent Workshops" accordion="accordion"]

A teen s job is to transition into an adult. This is a complex task, which often brings emotional turmoil. During this time, teens have the daunting task of learning to balance their own emotions.

Emotions lead to behaviour. Because teens are still learning to manage their emotions, they can be vulnerable to making undesirable behaviour choices:

  alcohol abuse, illicit drug taking, smoking, harmful eating patterns, aggression, violence, self harm, suicide attempt

  The problem is, these behaviours work by providing temporary relief of emotional pain, so they are reinforced and more likely to be repeated.

But short term strategies are not always so great in the long term.

  And that s where you, as a parent or guardian, can help.

  Maya Manning, Clinical Psychologist, will be running a series of parents workshops, from July to October 2016. During these workshops parents will learn:

what are emotions?

why are emotions important?

how to help your teen manage excessive emotionality

how to help your teen decrease unhelpful coping behaviours

how to help your teen increase helpful coping behaviours

2016 Workshop information:

1-3pm at St Catherine s College, The University of Western Australia, Perth.

Dates: 30 July, 13 August, 27 August, 8 October, 15 October, 22 October.

Attendance is $175 per person, or $300 per couple.  Afternoon tea included.


[accordion_item title="Athletics Carnival 2016" accordion="accordion"]

When: Thursday 18th August (Week 5)

Where: AvÐÔ°® Christi College

Time: 8:40am – 3:15pm

The carnival is an excellent opportunity for students to participate with enthusiasm, show pride for their House and appreciate the excellence of the top athletes at the College. Parents and family are very welcome to attend and experience the AvÐÔ°® spirit. We always appreciate the support given by parents which ensures a positive and enjoyable experience for all.

A reminder that attendance at the carnival is compulsory and all students are expected to participate in either the main or minor carnival. Any non-attendance or non-participation requires a letter to the House Coordinator prior to the event. Non-participants are expected to assist with the running of the Carnival on the day. Participation at Inter-house events is part of the graduation expectations of Senior School students and absences are not tolerated.

Pre Carnival events will be taking place at the following times:

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Full sports uniform with House shirt

College cap


We ask that you support your house and cheer on your athletes on the day!.

Aim for the day is promoting house spirit. The use of phones, ipods, games etc does nothing to enhance this. These items will be confiscated if seen. NO PHONES/IPOD like devices.

The College is not responsible for the loss of any valuable items. Do NOT bring them to the carnival.


Have a sensible breakfast on carnival day.

Bring their own plastic water bottles (NO glass is allowed).

Fizzy drinks are discouraged.


Medical details need to be updated prior to the Carnival, including emergency contact numbers.

Sheldon McIntyre

Head of Health and Physical Education


[accordion_item title="Arts News" accordion="accordion"]


25th July – 31st August (Catholic Performing Arts Festival)

12th August (The Caucasian Chalk Circle – Drama Excursion)

9th September (Senior School Dance Performance)

22nd September (Year 7 Production)

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Catholic Performing Arts

All members of the Arts team would like to wish all of our students participating in the Catholic Performing Arts Festival all the very best. You all have worked incredibly hard and we know that you will do yourselves, your families and the College very proud.

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Guys & Dolls Production USD NOW ON SALE

Purchase your copy of this amazing performance, showcasing our very talented students.

A USB can be order via Try Booking (link below)

Cost per USB is $15.00.

All orders need to be placed by Friday 24th June 2016

USB can be collected from the school reception from Michelina Crane from Monday 27th June 2016.

Great gift ideas for family members

Year 7 Performance Opportunity

Dear Parents and Year 7 Students

It is with great pleasure that I announce a new addition to the Year 7 calendar. As many students have asked what drama events can they get involved in I am happy announce that this term we will introduce the Year 7 performance at the end of this term.

This is an after school extracurricular activity that will involve 20 Year 7 students.

The number of students involved is limited due to the size and nature of the production. Students who are interested should take part in auditions Tuesday and Wednesday during recess in the auditorium.

The final list of students will be announced by email and rehearsals will start on Thursday 28 July from 3:30 5:00.

The commitment is every Thursday after school from 3:30 - 5:00 and a few recess rehearsals closer to the performance date of September 22nd.

Drama Day

Our amazing Year 11 and 12 ATAR students attended Drama Day on Tuesday 28th June 2016. This was a fantastic opportunity for our students to work with three production companies, Black Swan Theatre Company, Barking Gecko Theatre Company and Off the Beaton Track.

Students had the opportunity to develop skills in Character, Movement, the study of practitioners such as Anne Bogards and Tadashi Susuki, Voice work and specifically geared workshops on the students own solo performances which will be performed later in the term.

I am really proud of the hard work that went into setting up these workshops. The students were excellent and I know they found them engaging and challenging. It is so important in our arts subjects that students are offered this range of extension so that they can delve into the process of these workshops and gain experience at a deeper level over an extended day.

We should see some really great results in our next performances by the Year 11 in Week 6 and the Year 12 in week 8 later this term.

I would like to thank Kelsi Davis and Michelle Hunt for all of the organisation and hard work that went into designing such a fantastic day.

James Dove

Head of Arts

On Tuesday 28th June 2016, the Senior School Drama student took part in the Senior School Drama Day.  Students in Year 12 Unit 4 Drama were privileged to have workshops conducted by professional theatre company Into the Mask Theatre Company and NIDA. The workshops focused on each component of the Practical WACE exam and the students explored physical theatre techniques, Commedia Dell Arte, Improvisation and Devising processes. The students will undertake their WACE practical exams in the Term 3 School holidays and we wish them all the best for the remainder of the term. 

Kelsi Davis

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Boys Dance Crew

Boys Dance has started up again at AvÐÔ°®. New dance teacher Lauchlan Bain will be taking the Boys Dance Crew and has a variety of exciting practical workshops planned for them, including exploring different dance genres such as hip hop and capoeira.

Boys Dance will run every Monday afternoon in the Hall from 3:30pm to 4:30pm. All AvÐÔ°® boys are welcome to attend. 

Senior School Dance Excursion

The Senior School curriculum dance students attended a performance of OUR land people stories by Bangarra Dance Theatre on Thursday night at the State Theatre Centre. Under the direction of Artist Director Stephen Page, Bangarra is an Aboriginal and Torres Strait organisation and one of Australia s leading performing arts companies. The AvÐÔ°® students enjoyed a night of watching three short dance works that explored a variety of ideas such as the historic context of the tensions between the early European settlers and the native Indigenous population, and the visual artwork of acclaimed Aboriginal artist Nyapanyapa Yunupingu. 

This was a valuable opportunity for the students to view some powerful dance works and gain an insight into Aboriginal cultural identity. 

Caroline Fuhr and Lauchlan Bain

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Three Gold awards at Rhapsody Rotorua AvÐÔ°® Christi College Music Tour to New Zealand 25th June – 3rd July 2016

At the end of last term 25 members of the College Choir travelled to Rotorua, New Zealand to take part in the music festival for schools Rhapsody Rotorua. Attending this year were five schools from Australia, and nine schools from New Zealand.

AvÐÔ°® Christi College was the sole representative of WA, and all our students performed magnificently. The tour was a huge success for our College, and also great fun.

Please check out the Music Tour Face book link:

The tour consisted of:

  • An adjudicated competition covering choral and instrumental ensembles,
  • Workshops with professionals for each school ensemble entered
  • Attendance to general music master-classes covering all musical genres and aspects of musical performance
  • Participation for all students in combined schools Festival Ensembles of their choice eg. Stage bands, Jazz bands, Concert bands, Jazz choir, Honours choir etc
  • Gala Concert showcase for each school
  • Rhapsody Rotorua Festival concert for all Festival Ensembles
  • 3 concert performances to the community in the Rotorua area
  • Excursions to the cultural, historical and geological sites in the area
  • Study of the Maori culture and traditions
  • Trips to adventures parks!
  • Parties and shopping!!
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Schools entered their top Music ensembles into the competition element of the festival. AvÐÔ°® Christi College entered a Choir and a Barbershop vocal group into the Choral section, and a Celtic band into the ‘Stage Band’ section of the Festival. The three adjudicators all commented on our musicality, passion and level of polish.

All three AvÐÔ°® Christi groups won Gold – we were the only school to achieve this.

We can be proud of the students too in the way that they represented our school and our community. The students behaviour was of the highest order, and they impressed everyone with their friendliness, enthusiasm and good manners. We also won the ‘Dance-off’ at the welcome party!

I would personally like to acknowledge and thank my colleagues on the Tour. Selena Meegan, Michelle Hunt and Shanice Palfrey worked tirelessly for the students, both caring for them on the tour and during the many months of rehearsals and planning leading up to it. They have been both excellent in their areas of expertise and kind and loving in the way they have looked after our students. I consider myself very fortunate indeed to have had them with me.

I would also like to thank the College leadership, Caroline, Jim and Karen, for their kind help in organising the tour – it could not have happened without their generous support.

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The Students


Rhiannon Bowhuis

Lauren Cannell

Caitlin Dougall

Holly Forster

Eve Hampson

Isabelle Jefferies

Charli Lill

Nadia Long

Madeleine Marsh

Teresa Math

Alessia Scarfo

Talia Scarfo

Megan Schutte

Cassandra Sutton

Mathilde Swan

Annie Tapping

Bethany Tandy


Christopher Clark

James Dalgleish

Christopher Fitzsimons

Samuel Forster

Mitchell Garland

Corran O’Brien

Kenith Png

Angelo Ravina

David Harries



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The AvÐÔ°® Christi College e-News is a fortnightly newsletter showcasing all of the latest activities, events and achievements at the College. The e-News is distributed to the AvÐÔ°® Christi College community and made available on the public website. For more information, please contact communications@corpus.wa.edu.au Tags:eNews, news