eNews #7 Term Three Week 1

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[tab_item active="yes" title="From The Principal" tabs="tabs"]

Dear Parents

Welcome back to Term Three. Over the July break a number of capital works projects were completed around the College by the Grounds and Maintenance Team and ICT Staff. These projects included:

  • The creation of a dedicated Pastoral Care Centre in what was M02 and the Senior School Head of Year (HoY) Office. This space now houses all six of the HoYā€™s, Careers and Workplace Learning staff in one easily accessible location for students. The space also includes a Foyer for students/parents to wait in, a Meeting Room and an Interview Room
  • The former Careers/Workplace Learning Office will be converted into a Year 12 Seminar/Study Room
  • The former English Office is now a classroom replacing M02
  • New glass doors in Mayne Block have improved student movement into and within Mayne Block
  • Tiered seating has been installed in Mayne Block. This will provide a space for whole Year groups/Houses to meet for assemblies. It will also function as a breakout area for classes within Mayne Block. This area will be carpeted in the near future.

As a College, we are extremely grateful to the Maintenance and Grounds Team, and ICT Staff for their hard work and effort in completing these projects within a relatively short timeframe. On a number of occasions, the team worked late into the evening to complete these projects.

The term commenced for all staff on Monday 20 July with a Faith Formation Day led by Fr Richard Leonard. Fr Richard is a Jesuit Priest who has degrees in Arts and Education, as well as a Masterā€™s degree in Theology. On Monday, Fr Richard presented on the topic ā€œWhat Makes a Catholic School Catholicā€ and in his presentation, he challenged staff to consider what truly makes Catholic schools different to other schools. The three key differences identified by Fr Richard were:

1. In Catholic Schools we pray publically.
2. Catholic Schools hand on the riches of the Catholic tradition to their students.
3. Catholic schools want their world of values and ethics to intersect with the real world of the students.

One of the many quotes from Fr Richardā€™s presentation that I found inspiring was ā€œGod is great and we are frailā€. This quote was referring to one of the reasons to why we pray. We pray for forgiveness, help and direction because, as humans, we are not perfect and we need guidance.


This term there is a number of teaching staff in acting leadership positions due to staff on leave or fulfilling other leadership positions within the College. As a College, we are very fortunate to have so many staff that are willing and able to take on new challenges, and enhance their leadership capabilities.

Acting Deputy Principal Senior School - Mr Peter Sackett
Acting Deputy Principal Ministry - Mrs Silvana Vicoli
Acting Coordinator of Christian Service - Mr Isaac Ramshaw
Acting Head of Languages - Ms Maria Belloni
Acting Head of Religious Education - Ms Marian Lavelle
Acting Sports Coordinator - Ms Wendy Quint

This is in addition to the staff who are continuing in their acting positions from Semester One.


We have a number of staff who have returned to us after Long Service Leave in Term Two. A warm welcome back is extended to Mr Simon Keane, Mrs Manuela Piscetek, Mr Jim Greaves and Mrs Shaunnagh Andrewartha. We hope that they had a relaxing time whilst away and return to the College refreshed and energised for the term ahead.


We welcome the following new staff to AvŠŌ°® Christi College for the start of Term Three to cover for staff on leave:

  • Ms Francesca Cardoni who will be teaching Italian in the Middle School
  • Mr Stuart Whelan who will be teaching Chemistry and Science
  • Ms Laura Birkhead is teaching Physical Education, Health and Year 8 Humanities
  • Miss Shanice Palfrey joined the College in a new position as a Music Assistant.



Being Service orientated is one of the key descriptors that is encompassed in the AvŠŌ°® Christi College Learner Profile attribute of being Christ Like. Service can take many forms and at AvŠŌ°® Christi College this is acknowledged through the presentation of awards to students who have distinguished themselves by their commitment, dedication and sense of service to a College activity. The awards are based not on length of service, but on the quality of service to the College in the area of nomination. At Year 11 and Year 12 Assemblies this week, Service Awards were presented to the students listed below. We congratulate these students and thank them for their commitment and dedication to the College.


Bradley LeGuier - 12 Salvado - Service to Ministry
Michelle McMahon - 12 Romero - Service to Ministry
Alida Oā€™Brien - 12 Pallotti - Service to Ministry
Miriam Talbot - 12 Romero - Service to Ministry

Andrew Surjan - 11 Romero - Service to Drama

Alida Oā€™Brien - 12 Pallotti - Service to Music
Ewan Stevens - 12 MacKillop - Service to Music

Joshua Barham - 11 Chisholm - Service to Basketball
Sam Coten - 12 Pallotti - Service to Basketball
Frazer Doyle - 11 Pallotti - Service to Basketball
Sean Grant - 12 Chisholm - Service to Basketball
Kirika Kirika - 12 Chisholm - Service to Basketball
Joseph McKenna - 11 Pallotti - Service to Basketball
Alison Cook - 11 MacKillop - Service to Swimming
Bryce Earl - 11 Merici - Service to Swimming
Nicole Gagner - 11 Merici - Service to Swimming
Hayley Hardwick - 12 Xavier - Service to Swimming
Brayden Hill - 12 Chisholm - Service to Swimming
Matthew Housham - 11 Pallotti - Service to Swimming
Ryan James - 12 Xavier - Service to Swimming
Rebecca Lu - 12 de Vialar - Service to Swimming
Katie McFarlane - 11 MacKillop - Service to Swimming
Scott Price - 12 de Vialar - Service to Swimming
Benjamin Roche - 11 Romero - Service to Swimming
Marcus Vink - 12 Merici - Service to Swimming
Trent Weir - 11 de Vialar - Service to Swimming
Aleisha Wesley - 11 MacKillop - Service to Swimming
Harry Ingram - 12 Salvado - Service to Tennis
Sara Stikic - 11 Xavier - Service to Tennis
Lauren De Souza - 11 MacKillop - Service to Touch
Desiree Louis - 11 Merici - Service to Touch

God bless

Mr Ian Hagen
Acting Principal

One sentence / line here describing this section, can be static, like what is from the principal? it's a message from the principal. It's silly, but it needs to fill up one full line.


[tab_item icon="" title="Middle School" tabs="tabs"]


[accordion_item title="Parent/Teacher/Student Interviews - Tuesday 28 July" accordion="accordion"]

Interviews for Years 7, 8, 9, 11 and 12 will be conducted on Tuesday 28 July from 12.30pm to 7.30pm. Students will be dismissed at 12.10pm after Period 3.

There will be a thirty minute break from 5pm to 5.30pm.

If you are unable to secure a timeslot during this round of P/T/S interviews, you may contact the relevant teachers directly to arrange a meeting on another date.

For information relating to P/T/S Interviews, please check the respective year group portals.

PTO will be made available to parents for bookings on Monday 20 July at 5pm and will close at 8am on the day of the interviews.

Please contact Sara Low at Student Services on 6332 2505 or slow@corpus.wa.edu.au if you need further assistance.


[accordion_item title="Year 10 2016 Courses Career Expo-Tuesday 4 August" accordion="accordion"]

Please note that the Year 10 2016 Courses Career Expo will be held in the Sadler Centre on Tuesday 4 August (Week 3) from 4.30pm ā€“ 6.300pm. More information will be available shortly.

Ms Naomi Larsen
Head of Year 9


[accordion_item title="Forming Partnerships" accordion="accordion"]

With the close proximity of our two schools, we are fortunate to be able to develop fun and engaging educational programs together. This not only benefits our students but also helps to form lasting relationships amongst the staff.

AvŠŌ°® Christi College and Yidarra Catholic Primary School cater for students with a range of educational needs and challenges. The Teacher Assistants in the ESC and Yidarra Primary classes are currently working on a similar theme for 2015, Towards Independence. This shared goal has already provided a common thread for conversation and planning across the two schools. Forming partnerships with students and staff between both schools provides a range of short and long-term benefits.

Why is this partnership beneficial?

  • Allows students from Yidarra to meet and work with staff form AvŠŌ°® and become familiar with the AvŠŌ°® campus. This collaboration will ease the transition period when students enter into Year 7
  • This is often a very unsettling time for students with learning disabilities
  • Enables Teacher Assistants from both schools to become more collaborative with their planning and provides an avenue for sharing strategies
  • The ability to track studentā€™s progress from Kindy through to Year 12, providing a more thorough and ongoing successful intervention
  • Shared professional learning days
  • Allows AvŠŌ°® ESC students to act as mentors to Yidarra students, thus fostering leadership qualities.

    • Mrs Sara AvŠŌ°®bell
      Head of Education Support


      [accordion_item title="Years 5 and 6 Gifted and Talented Programme" accordion="accordion"]

      A number of Catholic Primary Schools have been invited to identify students in their school who have the ability and interest to achieve at a high academic level. AvŠŌ°® Christi College is offering Year 5 and 6 students from our Catholic feeder primary schools the opportunity to participate in the Year 5 & 6 Gifted and Talented Program.

      The aim of the program is to:

      • provide a forum for like minded students to socially communicate and collaborate
      • develop higher order process skills and in-depth investigation skills
      • to interact with practising experts
      • empower students to strive for excellence and to achieve at their true potential
      • provide students with a positive experience in a high school
      • maximise the potential of all students, converting gifts into talents

      Some further details of the Gifted and Talented Program:

      Programs offered: Robotics, Science & Information Communication Technology Duration: 5 weeks (week commencing 27 July- 28 August, 2015) How often: Once per week Location: AvŠŌ°® Christi College

      Mrs Filipa Carvahlo
      Head of Academic Excellence


      [accordion_item title="Year 7 Pastoral Lessons" accordion="accordion"]

      The Year 7s have started back at school with gusto! This week we have had an extended Homeroom where everyone had the chance to tidy their workspaces, catch up with friendships and get themselves organised for another busy term.

      Thursday saw the first of three Pastoral sessions for the term. This weekā€™s session focused on the continuation of Cybersaftey and Goal reflection and Goal setting. Particular focus was made on developing Christlike behaviours, such as Compassion, Hope and Courage.

      In week 4 the Year 7ā€™s have the anticipated event of the calendar year to look forward to in the Sadler Sleepover. More information and a permission note will follow in the next couple of weeks.

      Mrs Yvette Pearce
      Head of Year 7


      [accordion_item title="Year 8 Pastoral Lessons" accordion="accordion"]

      The most recent Pastoral session introduced students to the topic of Life Problem Solving Skills within the SenseAbility program.

      The session dealt with the five steps to take while problem solving:

      1. Identify the problem
      2. What are my options
      3. Consider the consequences
      4. Make a decision
      5. Do and review

      Applying these steps alongside helpful thinking strategies, from previous Pastoral sessions is aimed to equip the students to make good decisions, based on the facts and the actual situation rather than allowing emotion and negative self-talk drive decisions.

      Mr Scott Connery
      Head of Year 8


      [accordion_item title="Year 9 Pastoral Lessons" accordion="accordion"]

      Changing Minds Program

      On Thursday 23rd July the Year 9 students received a presentation from Ms Ashleigh Easthope, a mental health promotion officer from Mental Health Carers Arafmi (WA) Inc. The presentation covered mental health and mental illness with the aim of reducing the stigma around mental illness, promoting the recovery message and encourage help seeking behaviours.

      Ms Naomi Larsen
      Head of Year 9


      [accordion_item title="Safety on the Roads" accordion="accordion"]

      A reminder to all students about the importance of being extra cautious when travelling to and from the College (walking or riding a bike). We have had a number of reported incidences of students being involved in dangerous situations when crossing Murdoch Drive and at the intersection of Somerville Boulevard.


      [accordion_item title="Student Health" accordion="accordion"]

      Head Lice
      It has been reported that a student has had a case of head lice. Transmission occurs with head-to-head contact with an infested person. Please note the following guidelines:

    • Students should remain home from school until after treatment has commenced and live lice removed
    • A head lice fact sheet is available from www.public.health.wa.edu.au
    • Products are available from pharmacies
    • Hair needs to be checked by parents on a daily basis following the commencement of treatment.
    • Chicken Pox It has been reported that a student has chicken pox. Transmission occurs from direct or indirect contact with infected person. Please note the following guidelines:

    • Students should remain home from school for at least 5 days after a rash appears


      [accordion_item title="Peer Pals" accordion="accordion"]

      All Peer PAL application forms MUST be submitted by Tuesday 28 July (By the end of the day). Details of the Peer PAL training session are as follows:

      When: FRIDAY 31st July (Week 2)
      Time: 8.10am ā€“ 9.15am
      Location: Education Support Centre

      We look forward to working with all of the students volunteering to be a Peer PALS in 2015.

      Mrs AvŠŌ°®bell and Mr Brechany



      One sentence / line here describing this section, can be static, like what is from the principal? it's a message from the principal. It's silly, but it needs to fill up one full line.


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      [accordion_item title="Senior School Course Selection 2016" accordion="accordion"]

      Students in Years 9, 10 and 11 have begun the process for making their subject selections for 2016. Students will be completing their selections online using Subject Selection Online (SSO).

      All students will received an email that will contain their username and PIN as well as a link to the SSO login page (shown below). Students have been instructed not to delete this email.

      Once the students log into the site instructions will guide them through the process of making their course selections. After completing selections students will be able to print off a hard copy of their selections that can be kept as a record.

      All current Year 10 students have been issued an interview time to meet with either Mr Scali, Mr Sackett or Mrs Middleton to discuss their selections over the next 2 weeks. Current Year 9 and 11 students are welcome to make an appointment with their Head of Year, Deputy Principal or Mrs Middleton should they wish.

      It is important that students complete their selections by the following dates:

      Year 12 2016: Friday August 7
      Year 11 2016: Friday August 14
      Year 10 2016: Friday August 21

      If students have any questions then their Heads of Year, Mrs Middleton or Mr Sackett will be able to assist them.

      God Bless.

      Mr Peter Sackett
      Acting Deputy Principal Senior School


      [accordion_item title="Parent/Teacher/Student Interviews - Tuesday 28 July" accordion="accordion"]

      Interviews for Years 7, 8, 9, 11 and 12 will be conducted on Tuesday 28 July from 12.30pm to 7.30pm. Students will be dismissed at 12.10pm after Period 3.

      There will be a thirty minute break from 5pm to 5.30pm.

      If you are unable to secure a timeslot during this round of P/T/S interviews, you may contact the relevant teachers directly to arrange a meeting on another date.

      For information relating to P/T/S Interviews, please check the respective year group portals.

      PTO will be made available to parents for bookings on Monday 20 July at 5pm and will close at 8am on the day of the interviews.

      Please contact Sara Low at Student Services on 6332 2505 or slow@corpus.wa.edu.au if you need further assistance.



      One sentence / line here describing this section, can be static, like what is from the principal? it's a message from the principal. It's silly, but it needs to fill up one full line.


      [tab_item icon="" title="AvŠŌ°® General News" tabs="tabs"]

      [accordion_item title="Ministry News" accordion="accordion"]


      The College is offering a wonderful opportunity to all Year 10 students. In December this year, we are hoping to take a group of Year 10s to Adelaide for the Australian Catholic Youth Festival. The Australian Catholic Youth Festival (ACYF) will be the greatest national gathering of Catholic young people since World Youth Day 2008 in Sydney. It exists to provide young people with opportunities to deepen their relationship with Jesus, to be empowered to be disciples in todayā€™s world and to encounter and celebrate the vitality of the Church in Australia today.

      When: Thursday 3 Saturday to Saturday 5 December 2015 (departing Perth on Wednesday 2 December 2015).

      Where: The Festival will be held in Adelaide. The majority of the Festival will be held at the Adelaide Convention Centre on the banks of the River Torrens, (accessed from North Terrace). Across the city, a short tram ride or walk, St Francis Xavier Cathedral will also provide a place of pilgrimage for young people.

      The Year 10 students are currently considering the possibility of attending by submitting expressions of interest in Week Three.

      For more information about the Festival and its programme, please click on the following website: www.youthfestival.catholic.org.au

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      On 1 August 2015, ten students and four staff from AvŠŌ°® Christi College are embarking on an immersion to the remote Mulan Aboriginal Community. The aim of the immersion is to provide the staff and students with opportunities to act with humility and love in assisting those in need.

      The Mulan Immersion seeks to:

      • Empower students to put the Gospel call to live as disciples of Jesus into action within the College community and beyond
      • Provide opportunities for students to develop understanding, appreciation of other cultures and to reach out to others in selfless Christian Service
      • Assist students in an Education for Justice and Christian Service
      • Provide students with opportunities to live the Catholic Social Teaching of the Preferential Option for the Poor
      • Enable leadership growth by following Jesusā€™ example of washing his disciples feet
      • Provide students with opportunities to act with humility and love in assisting the needs of others
      • Provide students with opportunities to reflect upon Christian principles in response to experiences undertaken.


      The College undertakes this immersion with the students from John Pujajangka-Piyirn Catholic School. John Pujajangka-Piyirn Catholic School is situated at Mulan, close to Lake Gregory (Paruku) in a remote part of the Kimberley area of Western Australia.

      We wish Miss Amy Christophers, Mr Ian Bean, Mrs Noreen Stevenson and Ms Jennifer Overend, with students Rheanne Menezes, Ella Hart, Gracie Drennan, Jordan Nadj, Molly Elliott, Robert Stevens, Cassandra Rauh, Madison Arrowsmith, India Santaromita and Desiree Louis all the very best for their immersion journey.


      Donā€™t forget the House Mass held each Friday morning at 8.00am in the College Chapel. Parents and friends are most welcome to join us in the celebration of Eucharist - a wonderful way to start the day.

      Mrs Silvana Vicoli
      Acting Deputy Principal Ministry


      [accordion_item title="Arts News" accordion="accordion"]

      What an incredible last few weeks of term we had in the Arts Learning Area, with some brilliant successes. Congratulations to Mrs Chanelle Spark and her team (Mrs Caroline Fuhr, Mrs Catherine Runyon and Mr Cam Allen) who embarked on a memorable Dance Tour to Sydney during the school holidays. I was especially impressed with the standard of learning and behaviour of all the students who participated. It was an experience the students will remember for a very long time.

      With our Inter-House play and Music Night at the end of last term, the College witnessed a feast of talent from students across the College. Our ever capable and talented Head of Music Mr David Harries, created an incredible stage setup with Mr Evan Georgopoulos our Lighting and Sound Technician. Their combined skills made for a brilliantly timed musical extravaganza.

      On Friday afternoon, 24 July, Music and Drama students are setting off on the Arts AvŠŌ°® which will conclude with a special Choral and Orchestral Mass at St Maryā€™s Cathedral on Sunday 26 July at 11.00am.

      24 July is also the official opening of the Catholic Performing Arts Festival.

      Congratulations to the following students who have reached the highest of successes in two Art forms:

      Tessa Puttick 12 de Vialar has been accepted into the National Theatre Ballet School in Melbourne. We congratulate Tessa on having gained acceptance to all four dance schools for which she auditioned.

      Michelle McMahon 12 Romero, won the overall 3D Sculpture award at the St Georgeā€™s Cathedral Art Awards. This is a very prestigious award as it comprises entrants from the top students from Perth schools including St Hildaā€™s Anglican School for Girls, Hale School and All Saintsā€™ College to name a few.



      I am very proud and grateful for the hard work, commitment, dedication and passion our Arts staff afford our students and the College. They are to be congratulated.

      Head of Learning: Arts

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      AvŠŌ°® Dance Company and AvŠŌ°® Collective debuts at the Catholic Performing Arts Festival!

      Our 95 dancers involved in AvŠŌ°® Dance Company and AvŠŌ°® Collective will be having their debut performance in Week 5. As a part of the Secondary Dance section in the Catholic Performing Arts Festival, the students will present two original dance works which they have been working on since the end of Term One. Our dancers have been rehearsing very hard in the early, cold mornings to develop ā€œFeudal Intrigueā€ a story of a corrupt King, engrossed in his own power while his soldiers and Queen begin to unravel the hierarchal empire. The ā€œBeat of Lifeā€ has been choreographed by artist Peter Fares, who has worked with our Collective students to create a work about the heart beat being central to trust, relationships and the soul of our existence.

      To see these wonderful performances live on Monday 17th August 2015 at the Perth Exhibition and Convention Centre, please book tickets online through the Ticektek website

      We will perform these pieces to the AvŠŌ°® community at our annual dance showcase.

      TESSA PUTTICK (12DE) is accepted into the National Theatre Ballet School in Melbourne!

      After the Sydney Dance Tour, Year 12 student Tessa Puttick remained over east to audition for a number of dance schools in Sydney and Melbourne. Tessa is a highly technical dancer and it is with great pride and excitement that we congratulate Tessa on gaining acceptance in to all four dance schools she auditioned for! This is an exceptional achievement and is a reflection of the hard work and dedication Tessa has given to Dance over a number of years. Tessa has happily accepted an offer from the National Theatre Ballet School in Melbourne ā€“ this school only takes 12 students each year from national and international auditions and is the dance school that Tessa has dreamed of being a part of. We are very proud of Tessaā€™s achievements and we look forward to seeing her shine on stage in the years to come, congratulations!


      Recently in the school holidays, a team of 29 students and 4 staff ventured to Sydney for the Colleges inaugural Dance Tour. This was truly an inspiring experience for all involved and the once-in-a-lifetime trip offered a wide range of experiences and opportunities in the world of Dance. Learning from some of the worlds best choreographers and meeting some of the most experienced leaders in dance is something the students will never forget and are currently putting some of these experiences into their routines for the upcoming Dance Showcase in August.

      To gain a snapshot of the Tour, go to the Dance Tour Facebook page and check out the week day-by-day!

      Chanelle Spark
      Dance Teacher

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      TARANTISM is the title of the upcoming Dance showcase featuring all of the Dance Programmes and groups at the College. The showcase is scheduled for the 30th and 31st of August with tickets available from the 10th of August at the following link:

      After last year s huge showcase success, 2015 is bound to be an exciting and dynamic show! This year the venue has changed to the Curtin Theatre, John Curtin College of the Arts.

      Stay tuned for more information!

      [divider style="divider5" backtotop="no" top_margin="5" bottom_margin="5"]



      A number of our talented singers, musicians, actors and dancers have entered into this yearā€™s Catholic Performing Arts Festival. The Festival opens on Friday 24 July with the first performances being on Monday 27 July at various venues all over Perth. We have already received an Honourable Mention for the College production of A Midsummer Nightā€™s Dream and are looking forward to our students giving performances that will represent the College well over the weeks ahead. Good luck to all of our talented musicians!


      [accordion_item title="Psychological Services" accordion="accordion"]


      Click for some great ideas on how to beat procrastination!

      [divider style="divider5" backtotop="no" top_margin="5" bottom_margin="5"]


      Relationships Australia ā€“ West Leederville
      Wednesday 29th July x 6 weeks.
      This course covers: Why Dads Matter To Kids, Developing a Healthy Parenting Style, Improving Family Communication and Closeness, Steering Your Children Through Stressful Stages, Disciplining the Kids, Without Losing It, Balancing Life, Work and Family, Working as a Team (Partnerā€™s Evening) Identifying and Implementing Change.

      For further information please phone 9489 6322 and click

      [divider style="divider5" backtotop="no" top_margin="5" bottom_margin="5"]


      Screen Shot 2015-07-24 at 11.46.13 am

      A random act of kindness each day can boost your happiness.
      Itā€™s as simple as helping your sibling with their homework, to letting someone in front of you in a queue, donating your old books to a library, holding the door for someone or picking up litter from the street.

      For more kindness ideas go to www.randomactsofkindness.org


      [accordion_item title="Student Services Notices" accordion="accordion"]

      Please include your studentā€™s first and last names when reporting absences or replying to SMSs.

      Please label all your Studentā€™s possessions, including all items of clothing and bags. This enables them to be returned to the rightful owner more easily.

      Please ask your student to sign in through Student Services if/when they arrive at the College late.


      [accordion_item title="Community Notices" accordion="accordion"]


      Enrol now in Academic Task Force Weekend Help Classes in Maths, Science and English for Years 7 Ā­ 10 and ATAR and WACE courses for Years 11 & 12. Students receive individual help to strengthen their understanding in areas of need in their courses. Master classes are also available for Year 11 and 12 students seeking higher achievement and mastery of their subjects and wanting to maximise their school and exam results. To enrol visit the Academic Task Force website at www.academictaskforce.com.au or speak with your Year Coordinator for a brochure. ā€ØCourse brochures below:


      The Awards presentation cocktail evening is set for Wednesday 5th August to be held at The Classroom, 1/356 Charles St, North Perth from 6pm to 8.30pm. The closing date for entries in the four categories has been extended to Thursday 30th July. Nomination forms for this year can be found on our website at .

      This is a fantastic opportunity to recognise and celebrate the amazing work being done in our schools to build positive school communities, so if you have an amazing Principal, awesome P&F, outstanding Parent or wonderful Parish, please nominate for these awards. Anyone in the school community can nominate their Principal, P&F, Parent or Parish. Applications are welcome from all Catholic schools however, only affiliated schools are eligible to win a prize.

      The venue for this year s presentations is aptly named, The Classroom, a bar and restaurant in North Perth. This is a free event for everyone in our schools and drinks and snacks will be provided.

      For more information and to register please go to

      Registration is FREE!

      PFFWA Council and Staff



      One sentence / line here describing this section, can be static, like what is from the principal? it's a message from the principal. It's silly, but it needs to fill up one full line.



      The AvŠŌ°® Christi College e-News is a fortnightly newsletter showcasing all of the latest activities, events and achievements at the College. The e-News is distributed to the AvŠŌ°® Christi College community and made available on the public website. For more information, please contact communications@corpus.wa.edu.au Tags:eNews, news