Year 9 - Self Image and Loving for Life


As part of the Year 9 Curriculum, the Year 9 students were engaged in a One-Day Retreat experience focused on appreciating the Gift of their Own Uniqueness and self-worth.

Facilitated by the ‘Youth Mission Team’, students would realise the potential they have to influence the way others value themselves.. Rather than suppressing our unique qualities, we should appreciate and respect them in ourselves and others.

From fun Ice-breaker activities to thought-provoking drama scenarios, students started to see the connection between Jesus and his willingness and patience he has in us as individuals to welcome him into our lives. That each of us has a dignity and value beyond measure and this is reflected in the unconditional love that God has for us.

LOVING FOR LIFE – Choosing to Love

This Module of learning in the Year 9 curriculum allows students to understand how the formation of a healthy sexuality is very important in their journey thorough adulthood. The Program is about a journey; A journey from conception to happiness where each part reveals a path towards love for all young people.

With a team of trained Facilitators, small groups of boys and girls reflected and evaluated on the content, focusing on friendship, positive and negative aspects of relationships in our lives, lifestyle choices, the path to adulthood and ‘love in marriage.’

Choosing to Love is a crucial component of the Year 9 Education, inviting the students to understand the truths of the Catholic Church on human sexuality and that these truths are logical and beneficial to individuals, couples and society today.

As a College we are fortunate to engage with a variety of inspiring individuals and groups that visit the College assisting our role as teachers to evoke conversation and a positive message and awareness of self.
