E-News 20 July 2021


The Start of Term

As we start a new school Term, many of our senior students will be considering their future careers. Year 10 students will be selecting subjects for next year based on their demonstrated performance, a springboard to their immediate future. Year 11 students will be contemplating their grades and scores after their first semester exams. Year 12 students are entering their final term at AvÐÔ°® Christi College, selecting courses for university or TAFE, or applying for apprenticeships and traineeships.

We want every student to seize their potential and push the boundaries of possibility. To ignite the spirit takes courage, self-belief and perseverance, it requires all to trust one another, so that our community will be able to transform the world to one envisioned by God. To serve the Lord is our purpose, and we will do this passionately by never letting the fire in our heart go out.

AvÐÔ°® Christi is a community which is proud to lead the way, to be connected to one another and develop life-giving relationships that are both positive and enriching; to be challenged to push boundaries by being engaged, taking well-considered risks whilst being resilient; to develop a sense of awe and wonder, curious to learn and discover more, to be creative and look at problems and solutions in new ways. 

At AvÐÔ°®, we have big dreams for our students – and we want to accompany our students as they discern the path that God has for you.

Based as our College is, on the values of the gospel, we focus on:

  • Nurturing a living faith

  • Promoting justice and service to others

  • Striving for excellence in all that we do

  • Fostering joy in learning

  • Respecting the dignity of each person

  • Creating and maintaining a caring and inclusive College community.

Ideally a Catholic school is a school where young people are invited to experience a range of learning opportunities in the context of educating the whole person. At AvÐÔ°®, we are Christ-centred and student-focused. Staff are dedicated to ensuring every child has the opportunity to learn and grow. I am grateful for the support and dedication shown by the staff in your daily work, with our College values as a guide. From Romans 12: 11:

Never let the fire in your heart go out. Keep it alive. Serve the Lord.

I hope our students have experienced the whole-hearted support that should be the hallmark of all followers of Jesus Christ. I particularly acknowledge the contribution of our staff who have given witness to these values. 

I would like to draw your attention to the articulation of the great importance of the teaching vocation by the Declaration on Christian Education GRAVISSIMUM EDUCATIONIS proclaimed by his Holiness Pope Paul VI on October 28, 1965.


Staff Professional Learning Day (19 July)

Yesterday, all College staff had the wonderful opportunity to be participants in a Social Justice Faith Formation Day. The day focussed Catholic Social Justice Teachings (CSTs). These teachings are crucial to all Catholic organisations and underpin our mission as a Catholic school. It is important that we all have a greater understanding of CST’s to help us to support our students, families and our wider community.

Our day is focused around the scripture of Matthew 25:35.

For I was hungry

And you gave me food,

I was thirsty

And you gave me something to drink,

I was a stranger

And you welcomed me.

It is very clear that as we strive to promote and enact our College values, values based on the gospel, we are promoting Catholic Social Justice Teachings. The following graphic provides clarity with regards Catholic Social Teaching.

This focus on Catholic Social Justice Teachings was made possible by a Keynote speaker presentation followed by various workshop sessions. For your information, please find details of each of the sessions.

Keynote speaker: Vicky Gonzales Burrows, Executive Director, Mission and Ethos, MercyCare.


MercyCare was started more than 170 years ago with the vision of creating a better, more equal, caring and compassionate outlook for all Western Australians, no matter who they are.

ACRATH - the Australian Catholic Religious Against Trafficking in Humans.

ACRATH’s mission is to eliminate human trafficking and the harm it causes, in Australia, the Asia Pacific region and globally.


Every Tuesday night you can find them on Wellington Street feeding the homeless and providing many necessary services.


Farzad is a refugee. We heard his personal story.


Centacare is an agency of the Catholic Archdiocese of Perth and services are proudly based on Catholic values. Services are available to any member of the community without prejudice or discrimination. They have been transforming lives through education, training and employment for over 40 years.


The Edmund Rice Centre provides services initiated by the Christian Brothers network. The Edmund Rice Centre WA has a proud history and an on-going commitment to assisting people from refugee and migrant backgrounds, as well as Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. The Centre has a particular emphasis on young people and youth leadership as a way of ensuring a positive future for all.


Walk in my Shoes is used in the College Year 10 Retreat program to assist students in understanding about global poverty. It helps us to better understand the work of Caritas and why we participate in Project Compassion.

It was a very well received professional learning opportunity. A big thank you to Deputy Principal Ms Gemma Wooltorton and the Ministry team for the overall planning for the day.


Opening of Catholic Arts Events for Catholic Schools and Colleges

On Thursday this week, Ms Sally Farrington and I will accompany College Arts Prefects Megan Schutte and Gianni Petta to celebrate the Opening of Catholic Arts Events for Catholic Schools and Colleges at St Mary’s Cathedral. The mass will be celebrated by The Very Reverend Vincent Glynn, Episcopal Vicar for Education and Faith Formation


World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly

His Eminence, Cardinal Farrell, Prefect of the Dicastery for the Laity, Family and Life at the Vatican, has recently provided a number of pastoral and liturgical resources for the forthcoming World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly.

This Day will be celebrated for the first time this year on 25 July with the hope of deeply embedding this joyous celebration into the lives of communities. Parishes have been asked to dedicate one of the Sunday Masses on 25 July to grandparents and the elderly, linking it to the memorial of Saints Joachim and Ann, grandparents of Jesus on 26 July.

Please check if your local parish is celebrating the World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly and I encourage you to go to Mass as a family with grandparents.   is a link to the resources from the Vatican including a video of the Pope.

Picture 2.png

Staff Success

I would like to acknowledge the wonderful work of our talented staff in recent weeks.  

James Dove, Director of Digital Integration presented online to a worldwide audience on the topic of Apple Teacher Portfolio’s, on Friday 16 July. James offered example lesson ideas and templates for educators to use. He provided strategies to help educators use the iPad in more meaningful ways with students, something that he provides for AvÐÔ°® staff on a daily basis. 

Chris Brehaut, Head of Learning, Technology and Enterprise, presented at the Design and Technologies Teachers Association WA (DATTAWA) state conference at Edith Cowan University, Mount Lawley. He focused on the use of the CAD software called Fusion 360.


Staffing News 

Firstly, I wish all the best to the following staff taking leave. Mr Michael Ostler and Mrs Tammy Nguyen on Long Service Leave for Semester Two. Best wishes to Mrs Anna Triscari who is on leave for Term Three. Mrs Anita Finneran will be on leave for the first 4 weeks of Term Two.

Mr Corey Holmes completed his time with the College at the end of Term Two after joining the Health and Physical Education Team. Thank you Allarice Barendilla, Acting Head of Sport (covering for Mr James Howard), a job well done. We also welcome back Mr Jim Greaves, Mr Mark Green and Mr James Howard.

Mrs Marie Drygan retired at the end of Term Two. Marie commenced at AvÐÔ°® in 1996.

Marie, you have been totally devoted to the students. My words won’t be enough to really articulate what role you have played in the promotion of your subject area, Technology and Enterprise, specifically Foods and Textiles. We have seen the fruits of your efforts over many years and have witnessed the wonderful achievements from our students because of your inspiration. Just as important, your role as a Homeroom teacher (Xavier House) is immeasurable.  

We thank you and we wish the best of luck on a well-deserved retirement.

Staff commencing in Term 3 - Welcome:

Sophie Luck                Technology and Enterprise - Home Economics

Kayley Fisher              Technology and Enterprise - Home Economics

Timothy Martino          Religious Education

Dinara Kaur-Baja        Languages- Italian

Erene Duffy                 Teacher Assistant (Education Support)


College Assembly

We will have the Semester One Awards Assembly on Friday 23 July in the David Heath Gymnasium at 8.40am. Parents are welcome to attend.

Frank Italiano





In case you missed it...

Keep up to date with news as it happens by following our social media accounts and by checking out our latest posts, blogs and podcasts below:

College Calendar

Our new-look calendar is now live on the College website. It can be accessed via the main home page, the 'News & Events' tab, or the direct link:

As always we encourage our students and families to check the Seqta notices for the most recent updates.


Term 3 Groups and Clubs

With over 50 extra-curricular options offered throughout the year, students can participate in a range of activities outside of regular timetabled classes. We have options across a variety of areas that allow for intensive participation and skill-building:

  • Academic

  • Arts

  • Hobbies

  • Ministry

  • Sports

  • Stewardship

Head to or access via Seqta Jumpstart to view the timetable for Term 3 and to nominate for a group or club today!


🎶 Music Bursary 2022 ðŸŽ¶

Interested in learning an instrument next year?

We are offering students a number of Bursaries for the study of a musical instrument in 2022, with each Bursary offering an approximate annual value of $2000.

Applications are open to current students as well as students joining us in 2022 who are interested in beginning or continuing on their path of learning one of the available instruments.

Apply online by 4.00pm September 30, 2021: 


Student Success

Gisella Colletti (Year 8)

Congratulations to Gisella who recently performed in the vocal sections at the ‘Enter the Stage’ competition and won first place in all three of her performances!

Well done Gisella!

Joshua Duckworth (Year 11)

Joshua is to be commended on his recent participation, via the Valerie Heston School of Dance at the Mandurah Festival of Dance 2021, where he performed in a number of items, resulting in the following placings:

Open Hip Hop duo/trios: 1st Place

16U Tap: 3rd Place

16U Hip Hop: Honourable Mention

Alex Hayes (Year 9) 

Alex completed the Ride for Autism Challenge during the first week of the holidays. His goal was to raise funds to support people on the Autism Spectrum.

Donations can still be made via the

Congratulations, Alex.

Min Woo Lee (Class of 2016)

AvÐÔ°® Alumnus Min Woo Lee has won the Scottish Open, making him a two-time European Tour winner! Congratulations!

To find out more about his success, visit:

Fleur McIntyre (Class of 1996)

Fleur was recently featured in the West Australian for her new position as the Sydney Kings assistant coach for the upcoming basketball season.. She was recommended for the job by non other than Luc Longley! Well done to Fleur on her continued successes in this field.


We love celebrating student success, so if you have a story to share please send details to:



‘Dad’s of AvÐÔ°®â€™

We need your help! In the lead up to Father’s Day we hope to collate a selection of images of our students with their dads/father figures to make use of in a Collage.

If you can help, please submit your photos via the below form:

* By submitting a photo you consent to it being shared on our social media channels.



Dance Gala

We warmly welcome you to join us at the 2021 Dance Gala, featuring the Dancers of AvÐÔ°® Christi College Curriculum Dance and Extra Curriculum programs.

Vi’tae = Life. This year’s Dance Gala explores different aspects of what constitutes ‘life’. We are all individuals, and our stories and journeys are uniquely different and extraordinary. What we consider important, what we value, and what we offer not only reflects who we are but impacts the world around us.


When: Thursday 22 July and Friday 23 July 2021, 7.00-9.00pm

Where: Caroline Payne Theatre

Tickets: $5 per person


Inter-house Play Competition

Inter-house play is back for 2021! Rehearsals each Wednesday are in full swing.

This competition for house points will be performed on stage on Wednesday 18 August (Week 5 of Term 3).

Tickets will be released in due course.


Save the Date - Rescheduled Music Night


Catholic Arts: Parent Volunteers Needed

Secretary to the adjudicator wanted for Contemporary Bands performances at the College.

Running from August 2-6, starting at 6.00pm for 2-3 hours each night. You will work with the adjudicator to assist with their paperwork for the Contemporary Band section.

Please get in touch with our Arts Administrative Officer Donna McCrystal to register your interest: donna.mccrystal@cewa.edu.au



💦 Learn to Swim 💦

Our Learn To Swim program has a range of options for all swimming abilities.

Each program is run by our Aquatic Centre Manager and Advanced Swim Coach, Luke Gavin, and is currently available to both AvÐÔ°® Christi College and Yidarra Catholic Primary School students.

With our Term 3 programs starting Monday 2 August, we encourage you to visit the below link to find out more information and to sign up today!
