E-News 3 August 2021


Healthy Community

Adolescence is a crucial period for developing and maintaining social and emotional habits important for mental wellbeing. These habits include:

  • healthy sleep routines

  • regular exercise

  • developing problem-solving strategies

  • learning to manage emotions

  • building social skills (e.g., being a part of a team or group) 

Mental illness among teenagers (and adults) is on the rise around the world and in our own community. Australian statistics (Australian Bureau of Statistics) show the highest proportion of people with a mental health condition in the last census was between 15 and 24 years old.

The mental health of our broader community and especially our AvÐÔ°® student community, is very important. This Term, the Heads of Year have continued to shape the focus of our extended Pastoral Sessions to support a number of initiatives which raise awareness about mental health and opening up conversations about how to look after our mental health and support our friends.  

Year 11 Retreat 

I would like to particularly mention our Year 11 students who will be on the Retreat this week, some students commencing today. To the many staff who will lead the Retreat program, the management overseen by Mrs Anita Finneran, Ms Gemma Wooltorton, Mr Sam Borg and Mr Ray Andrew, a big thank you for your willingness to provide this opportunity for our senior students. I encourage our Year 11 students to embrace the workshops and experiences of the Retreat. 

Australian Census - 10 August 2021

Leading up to the 10 August census, I encourage families to indicate Catholic religion if they are Catholic.

The Australian census on 10 August 2021 will provide a snapshot of who Australians are and what is important to us.  The census is a key tool that government uses to determine how organisations, schools, church ministries and community groups are prioritised, funded and empowered to best operate in our State.

If your faith is important to you or if you identify with Christian values, please use your voice in the Australian census when asked your religion. 

This is an important opportunity to demonstrate the significance of faith-based families in our West Australian community and will support endeavours to secure equitable access to opportunities and resources. 

Policy Update 

You may have noticed a change to our website with our policy page (/policies) now referring to Catholic Education Western Australia Ltd (CEWA) Policies. The embedded CEWA policy hub is a comprehensive ‘one stop shop’ for all community members regardless of which Catholic school(s) they are affiliated with – ensuring clear, consistent messaging on one platform. The policy page will continue to contain the most up-to-date CEWA policies and executive directives for your easy reference. Should you need to refer to AvÐÔ°® Christi College procedures (including Uniform & Grooming, Attendance, and Codes of Conduct), you’ll now find them on the newly created procedures page: /procedures

NAIDOC Activities

Thank you to our Aboriginal Liaison Officer, Mrs Rachel Taylor, for the planning and delivering of NAIDOC activities during the week, including an art exhibition with Noongar Artists in the Sadler Centre and the sharing of their stories and culture. I had the opportunity to sample Kangaroo and Emu Sausages.

I was also privileged enough to share in a  special NAIDOC lunch with the Indigenous students at AvÐÔ°®. Rachel cooked a traditional Aboriginal meal of Kangaroo Stew and Damper, followed by a Lemon Myrtle Cake. Not a good week to begin a diet.

NAIDOC Week Art Exhibition

NAIDOC Week Art Exhibition

Young Justice Leaders Forum (YJLF) 2021

Over the last few years, a variety of Young Justice Leaders Forums have been staged for young people – each one designed to provide ‘Justice and Peace Education and Formation for Action and Advocacy’.

These programs are conducted with a focus on practical outcomes in areas of knowledge, skills and practices. These experiences are designed to nurture the growth of emerging young justice leaders within our Catholic Schools and Ministries around Perth. The 2021 YJLF has been prepared so delegates could actually trial the implementation of a Justice/Advocacy Project in the couple of months between two forum days that they will attend. This will allow students to regather on day two and compare and contrast their learnings with other delegations.

RATIONALE: The overall purpose of the ‘YJLF’ programs include:

1.     LEARNING: To provide students an experience of learning about:

1.     INJUSTICES: local and global inequities,

2.     GOSPEL FOUNDATIONS: the gospel basis for acts of justice and nonviolence,

3.     RESPONSES: the variety of Justice/Advocacy actions and/or contemplative discernment responses they can have to these matters

2.     JUSTICE, PEACE AND ADVOCACY TRAINING: Education and Formation on key elements of Justice, Peace and Advocacy, including differences between charity and justice, (upstream and downstream), between activism
and advocacy, what is peace and nonviolence, how to plan an advocacy campaign and/or awareness raising campaign.

3.     LEADERSHIP: Opportunity to consider and develop your understanding of their own leadership style and capacity.

4.     PUBLIC SPEAKING: Opportunities to practice and develop public speaking competencies and confidence.

5.     NETWORKING: Opportunities to network with other like-minded students interested in Justice, Peace and Advocacy.

6.     PROJECT PLANNING: Time set aside to prepare their own responses - ideally for use in their own school community.

Thank you to AvÐÔ°® staff Ms Gemma Wooltorton and Ms Katelyn Ralston for supporting the students.


Student Success – The Arts

AvÐÔ°® students continue their involvement in the Catholic Performing Arts Festival. We received acknowledgement and congratulations from the Performing Arts Festival Committee to the students listed below on achieving the following Award(s). Other students continue to be involved.

Instrumental Ensembles (Secondary woodwind):

OUTSTANDING - AvÐÔ°® Christi Flute Choir

Meikin Ashby

Jessica Aulfrey

Emily Boudville

Amelie Braine

Arabella Edgar

Shirin Fozdar

Amy Hitie

Jasmyn Maney

Brianna Mo

Megan Schutte

Anna Thomson

Stella van Der Lee

Ruth Vincent

Accompanists for Flute Choir

Anson Hii

Marcus O’Leary

Jacinta Thamrin

OUTSTANDING - Year 8 & 9 Flute Ensemble

Veronica Ruth Vincent

Jasmyn Maney

Emily Holloway

Emily Boudville

EXCELLENCE - Saxophone Ensemble

Monique Bacus

Stephanie De Luca

Kilian Jordan-Keane

Holly McAnuff

Gianni Petta

Lachlan Wickham

Tia Woods


UN World Day Against Trafficking in Persons

Please note that last Friday 30 July, was United Nations World Day Against Trafficking in Persons. Please see this modern slavery video .

A broad spectrum of people from the WA Catholic community, including Dr Debra Sayce, were involved in the production of the video, which concludes with Archbishop Timothy Costelloe inviting us to consider ethical purchasing as a behaviour we should all adopt, as a way of putting our faith into action.

Ethical purchasing aligns with Catholic Education Western Australia’s (CEWA) system-wide commitment to uphold Catholic social teaching principles, including the Dignity of Human Person and with the Executive Directive – Modern Slavery Prevention. Accordingly, CEWA treats it as a priority to do all we can to purchase goods that are not tainted by slavery or slavery-like practices. I specifically thank College Business manager, Mrs Sharon Carmichael, for having this as a focus.

Let Us Pray

We pray for the men and women trapped in sexual exploitation,

bonded labour in fields, market gardens, mines and factories,

that they will be respected as human beings rather than reduced

to commodities and tools of production.

We pray that our unnecessary demand for cheap goods and services

will be reduced so that workers’ conditions and payment will reflect

the dignity of the persons and their work.


Thank you 
Frank Italiano






In case you missed it...

Keep up to date with news as it happens by following our social media accounts and by checking out our latest posts, blogs and podcasts below:

AvÐÔ°®ArtCast: Season 2 - Episode 2: Alumni student Noah Gilmore (Class of 2019) is interviewed by Declan Cooper on what it is like being an Arts Captain at AvÐÔ°® Christi College.

Spotify -

Apple -

🎶 Music Bursary 2022 ðŸŽ¶

Interested in learning an instrument next year?

We are offering students a number of Bursaries for the study of a musical instrument in 2022, with each Bursary offering an approximate annual value of $2000.

Applications are open to current students as well as students joining us in 2022 who are interested in beginning or continuing on their path of learning one of the available instruments.

Apply online by 4.00pm September 30, 2021: 

Student Success

We love celebrating student success, so if you have a story to share please send details to:



‘Dad’s of AvÐÔ°®â€™

We need your help! In the lead up to Father’s Day we hope to collate a selection of images of our students with their dads/father figures to make use of in a Collage.

If you can help, please submit your photos via the below form:

* By submitting a photo you consent to it being shared on our social media channels.


Reception and Student Services Early Closure Monday 9 August, 3.30pm

Please note that the Main College Reception and Student Services will be closed from 3.30pm on Monday 9 August to allow staff to attending a whole staff meeting.


Academic Excellence - The Australian Science Olympiad 2021 

Last week, twenty-seven valiant and blossoming scientists took part in the Australian Science Olympiad, a series of online examinations run by the Australian Science Innovations team in Canberra. 

These challenging tests empower the students to extend themselves above and beyond the school curriculum.

The number of students participating in the Olympiads at the College far exceeded any previous years and I would like to congratulate the following students for showing the grit and determination to challenge themselves, especially those in the Junior Olympiad as they are examined at a Year 10 level of scientific knowledge.

Adrian Richmond - Coordinator of Academic Excellence

Junior Science Olympiad

Year 7

Ruben Reji

Varad Kurkute

Leo Webb

Year 8

Vincent Kim

Clara Blet

Chris Dass

Dylan Romeo

Aldrich Kartadinata

Gabriella Grima

Ramielle Lazar

Ari Lindner

Samuel Dimov

Alexander Dempsey

Nate Tonkin

Maureen Sherry

Dorothy Lai

Year 9

Joshua Zhou

Ruth Vincent

Christopher Ng

Hannah Oversby

Mia Watanabe

Diya Tiwari

Naomi Videmanis 

Science Olympiad – Physics

 Year 11

Juan Selvan

Emmanuel Foo

Brendan Boudville

Science Olympiad – Earth and Environmental Science 

Year 8

Nate Tonkin

Science Olympiad - Chemistry

 Year 11

Yang Chau

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Inter-house Athletics Carnival

When: Friday 13th August 2021 (Week 4)

Where: AvÐÔ°® Christi College

Time: 8:40am – 3:15pm

The carnival is an excellent opportunity for students to participate with enthusiasm, show pride for their House and appreciate the excellence of the top athletes at the College.

Parents and families are very welcome to attend and experience the AvÐÔ°® spirit!



  • Full sports uniform with House shirt

  • College cap & sports shoes


  • We ask that you support your house and cheer on your athletes on the day!

  • Aim for the day is promoting house spirit. NO PHONES/IPADs etc.

  • The College is not responsible for the loss of any valuable items. Do NOT bring them to the carnival.

Food & Drink

  • Have a sensible breakfast on carnival day.

  • Bring your own drink bottle


  • Medical details need to be updated prior to the Carnival, including emergency contact numbers.

Attendance and Participation

A reminder that attendance at the carnival is compulsory and all students are expected to participate in either the major or minor carnival. Any non-attendance or non-participation requires a letter to the House Coordinator prior to the event. Non-participants are expected to assist with the running of the Carnival on the day. Participation at Inter-house events is part of the graduation expectations of Senior School students and absences are not tolerated.


Inter-house Play Competition: Tickets on Sale

AvÐÔ°® Christi College is delighted to announce the performance of the Inter-House Play Competition.

Students across all year levels work together within their house teams to compete for house points by preparing their own interpretation of their selected scenes from Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night’s Dream.

The students have been working very hard on this performance and are excited to show you their work!


Wednesday 18 August, 6.30-9.00 pm


Caroline Payne Theatre


$5pp from


Music Night - Tickets on Sale


Join us for an evening of music to exhibit the talents of some of our fantastic College ensembles.


Wednesday 1 September, 6.30pm


Caroline Payne Theatre


$5pp from



During Week 2 we held our NAIDOC Week celebrations at the College.

Each day commenced with an Acknowledgment of Country and prayer.

There was a a range of activities on offer including screenings in the Theatre, ‘Bush Tucker Tasters’, a NAIDOC Week focus in some of our curriculum classes including Religion, Science and Art, as well as a number of activities and displays being run in the Library.


Faith in Action Update 

Service is one of the most fundamental belief in the Christian Church. This is why our Faith in Action program is so important at the College!

Each year group have particular focusses and in the Middle School in Term 2 were focusing on donations. These donations were given to St Patricks in Fremantle and Vinnies, which were well received and very thankful. If any student in Years 7 to 9 who have not handed in their Faith in Action booklet to their Homeroom Teacher, please do so ASAP, this was due Week 11 last term!

In the Senior School, there is a focus of supporting and helping the wider community. The students do this by completing hours either CORE or INDIRECT. For our Year 11 students, the formal portion of their program is coming to end, meaning their Hours and Reflections are due. Please hand in all GREEN booklets and sheets to the Upper Room Dropbox by Thursday 19th August Week 5. In addition to hours, you need to complete two reflection questions from page 5 of the Booklet. Please find the link below to complete reflection questions, this will also be in Seqta:

 A new opportunity for our Senior Students to help complete their Hours please see below:

 Kardinya Toy Library have recently received a large government grant for buying new toys and now need some help with commissioning them. The dates are as follows: 

  • October:  17th   - 9:30 - 11:30am

  • October:   31st  - 9:30 - 11:30am

  • November:  14th  - 9:30 - 11:30am

  • November:  28th - 9:30am - 2:30pm   - A longer commissioning day.

  • December: 12th   - 9:30 - 11:30am

 They require only two students per session. If interested, please see Ms Thomas in the Ministry Office.


Youth Leaders Conference

Last Friday, a group of AvÐÔ°® Students attended Iona Presentation College for a Youth Leaders Conference, that was centred around ending the injustices that persist in our society today. We were able to meet like minded individuals, and explore ways in which we can resolve injustices, and create positive changes in our school community.

It was encouraging to see that we students had the primary voice. From the beginning, the students were up from their chairs and discussing their ideas and thoughts to the group. This made us come to a sense of realisation that we can actually make a change ourselves and face these problems head on. We also realised that we can cause this change in a way that represents the views of ourselves, rather than the adults in our community. 

The injustices we explored were ideas that we were passionate about, and that resonated with our personal beliefs and ideas. We were also able to have conversations with strangers from different schools in Perth, and we were introduced to a range of different and unique ideas that could help us in our projects at our own schools. Overall, We thoroughly enjoyed making new connections with like minded students. 

It was a valuable experience, and hopefully we can use the knowledge learnt to create change in our school community. The forum will meet again in the upcoming holidays at AvÐÔ°®, where we will share our experiences after we have had a go at fighting the Injustice. On behalf of all the AvÐÔ°® Students that attended, we thank Mrs Wooltorton for helping to organise the event, and we also thank Ms Ralston for accompanying us to the venue.

- Joshua Diaz, Hannah Oversby & Lilly Grace (Year 9)

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ACARA Item Trial 2021

This year our College has been selected by the Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA) to participate in this year’s Item Trial. The purpose of the Item Trial is to evaluate potential NAPLAN test questions (‘items’) for use in future NAPLAN tests.

A random selection of Year 7 and Year 9 students have been asked to participate in the Item Trial. This information has been sent to the relevant parents and students late last term.

About the Item Trial

  • The Item Trial is being held in approximately 500 schools across Australia between Monday 26 July and Friday 13 August 2021.

  • Selected Year 7 students will complete the Item Trial on Monday 9th August 2021 and selected Year 9 students on Tuesday 10 August 2021.

  • Schools are carefully selected to ensure that a range of student backgrounds and abilities is represented.

  • The Item Trial is about testing the questions, not about testing the students or their ability. Students results are not reported.

  • The students will sit two Item Trial tests. There will be, for example, a Reading and a Numeracy test, a Writing and a Conventions of Language (spelling, grammar and punctuation) test, or two Writing tests.

  • The tests will be administered at the school by trained supervisors. Students will use their iPad.

  • All selected students are expected to participate in the Item Trial, unless they have been exempted or withdrawn from NAPLAN tests. If you have questions about your child’s participation, please make contact with me.

Further information about NAPLAN is available at 

To read the ACARA Item Trial privacy notice, please visit 

Kind regards,

Simon Messer
Deputy Principal Middle School


Pastoral Program

On Monday 26 July the College collapsed the normal timetable for the first three periods of the day as part of the Pastoral Program to enable our students to participate in a number of specialised sessions based around the theme of Respectful Relationships and Striving for Excellence.

Year 7 Pastoral Sessions

Session 1: United by emotion

Using the Olympics theme and the context of this amazing global event and what it has had to overcome just to begin, Year 7s were welcomed back to Semester Two with a busy term ahead. An acknowledgement of NAIDOC week, the Interhouse Athletics Carnival and Semester 1 Report Analysis to name a few. The Olympics allowed us to reflect on sacrifice, goal setting and achievement leading into defining our own success for Year 7s. Students returned to class to analysis reports once again to identify key areas of concern/improvement whilst breaking the report down.  The analysis gave students a chance to really break down the feedback their teachers have given them, most importantly their ‘Approach to Learning’.

Session 2: Respect Effect 

Tamara from FRAME INITIATIVES came to speak to students about the importance of respect and its effect on people and oneself. With a Key focus on Respectful Relationships this term, it was well pitched presentation that really broke down what this looks like and why it’s important.

Session 3: Goal Setting

One part of Session 3 was designed to highlight key areas of improvement, students then took these areas and once again turned them into meaningful SMART Goals. When used correctly, these Goals are a fantastic opportunity to focus students into key areas to improve, with the support of key people, timings to achieve and actionable steps to finding success.  


Year 8 Pastoral Sessions

With Semester Two swiftly upon us, the Year Eight cohort took time to reflect upon the relationships they had in their lives. Students started unpacking how they could improve the relationship they had with themselves and as a result, how they could make their life easier. Students focused on ‘life hacks’ for health and organisation; setting up things like the use of their device’s calendar to set alerts to prompt them towards action.

After some self-analysis, the students thought about how they could connect better with their families, particularly, improving the relationship they had with their care givers. All students sent text messages of love and support, along with offers to cook meals and go for walks with family members, hopefully creating nice moments for all to connect.

Finally, we explored friendships. Frame Initiatives took time to delve into how these friendships operate and whether they were respectful, as well as whether students felt empowered by these relationships or disempowered. Additionally, the mechanism that students used to cultivate friendships was also analysed. We challenged students about whether the use of social media in these specific circumstances created the authentic and genuine friendships that we all crave, as well as if digital boundaries were in place between friends.

Overall, students came away confident with how they could respect themselves better, started the journey to better connection with families and an understanding of the importance of respectful relationships.


Year 9 Pastoral Sessions

Session 1 – Reflection and Goal Setting

Students were introduced to the SMART goal format for writing a goal. The session was centered around the understanding that when setting goals they should be:  






Students then reflected on their academic and social achievements for Semester 1. They had to then create two goals for Semester 2 based on this reflection.

 Session 2 – Making assertive ‘I’ statements

The goal of this session was to get students to understand the concept of assertiveness and how they could make ‘a²õ²õ±ð°ù³Ù¾±±¹±ð’ statements when dealing with peer/ society pressure. Students were given opportunity to understand the difference in how to express their feelings / opinions without being ‘a²µ²µ°ù±ð²õ²õ¾±±¹±ð ‘ or submissive .

Statements were set up using the following format :  

When….. ( state action or happening )

I feel ….( say how you feel )

So…. ( make a request )

Session 3 -  Incursion run by Frame Initiatives

Presenters from Frame Initiatives engaged the students separately to discuss how students can avoid stereotypes:

BOYS - Real Men talk focused on getting the boys to identify positive body image and behaviours. A real focus of RESPECT for SELF and FEMALES was delivered.

GIRLS – Real Beauty talk was aimed at girls realising the importance of having / developing the confidence to love themselves and not aspiring to look like others especially through the lens of social media. The unrealistic portrayal of beauty and body was emphasised.


Year 7 Icons

During weeks 9 and 10 of Term 2, Year Seven students were engaged in creating icons in their Religious Education classes. After learning about what an icon is, why they are important to the Christian faith and the significance behind the images and colours used for decoration, students were given the task of choosing a template and beginning the process of ‘making their icon’.  Fervent activity followed for several lesson with many comments being made by the students regarding how enjoyable the process was. Thank you to the Year Seven Religious Education teachers for their dedication and enthusiasm for this project.

 Reflection from Palak Vadukoot (7SA):

I chose the Resurrection of Christ (for my icon image) because I thought that what Jesus did for us was amazing and His passion and love for us is so important because he died for our sins to save us and show that we can overcome the fear of temptation, sin and death. The resurrection is the story of Jesus Christ rising from the dead after being crucified on the cross. It is fundamental to Christian conviction and the foundation of Christian hope. By rising from the dead, Jesus Christ consummated his own promise to do so and solidified the covenant he made with his followers that they too will be raised from the dead to experience eternal happiness with Him and our Father in Heaven.

I also learnt that all the colours I used symbolised different meanings that show the story behind the icon. The colours that I used in my icon were Red - everything human and earthly. Blue, - all that is mystery and of God. Gold - radiance and heaven. Purple - royalty. White - the light of God. Black - sin and death. I chose these colours because red and blue on Jesus’ robes means that He is both human and Divine. I used Gold mixed with white to represent the light of God and the radiance of Heaven. I used black to represent that Jesus has conquered death and has forgiven our sins.



Year 10 Vaccinations - Tuesday 10th and Wednesday 11th of August

This is a reminder that the round of vaccinations for Year 10 students will be occurring on Tuesday 10th of August (Day 1) and Wednesday 11th of August (Day 2 - catch-up).

 Please note: 

  • Year 10 students are to wear their full House uniform on Tuesday and will go to Room F04 at their scheduled times. Wednesday morning is a catch-up for those that may be absent on Tuesday.

  • ALL Year 10 students must go to F04 at their scheduled time to speak to the nurse, regardless of whether or not they are going to be vaccinated. Students will not receive vaccination(s) if their parents have not given consent.

  • Subject teachers will allow students ample time to move from your class to F04

 Additional information for Year 10 Homeroom teachers – please reiterate this to your Year 10s: 

  • Students must ensure they are aware of their scheduled time by checking the notices during Homeroom on the day, and they must be punctual.

  • Students are to line up outside the room at their scheduled time in a quiet and orderly manner

  • After receiving vaccinations, students will be required to spend a 15-minute recovery period in the adjacent room. During the recovery time, they must sit or lie on the floor (no sitting on chairs).

  • Students must bring their water bottles and books from class with them during their scheduled vaccination time

Any questions, please contact: eso@corpus.wa.edu.au


Pastoral Program

Year 10

Monday 26 July saw the group from ‘Frame Initiatives’ enter the College for the Pastoral Program to discuss respectful relationships with a focus on harassment and consent to the Year 10 group. 

The students gathered as a Year group to listen to the discussion raised around the topic of harassment. Harassment in its various forms is experienced by the majority of young women and men in society today. Increasingly, this is taking place more online. The presentation focused on appreciating boundaries of respectful speech and behaviour towards others and equiped the students with strategies for dealing with different forms of harassment whilst encouraging them to look after one another. 

The Year 10 Girls and Boys were split for the second part of the presentation. 

The Year 10 Girls discussed consent in the eyes of the law, and focused on the rights of young women in relationships. The presentation offered protective behaviour strategies to keep them and their friends safe. 

The Year 10 Boys discussed consent in the eyes of the law and encouraged them to choose respect in relationships. The presentation offered strategies for recognising when others might be in danger and practical advice for how to ensure the safety of others. 

All students returned to Homeroom in Period 3 to complete a set of activities based around risk-taking and Safety Behaviours. Feedback from the students was extremely positive and they enjoyed all parts of the Pastoral Program. 

Lee-Anne Marroccoli 
Head of Year 10 


Year 11

Senior Students were privileged to have Adam Prizula from Armed for Life speak about Sexual Harassment on Monday 26 July. The topic was particularly relevant to this age group and a useful reflection on an issue that is very current.

Adam offered a clear definition of sexual harassment, offering numerous relatable examples that students understood and reflected upon. He discussed examples such as sexual humour, groping, online harassment, staring and leering and spreading rumours. Adam shared a precise understanding of what the law deems illegal and actionable and also examined the reasons for such behaviour such as the objectification of women and a deep sense of entitlement that is prevelant in modern society. Adam also discussed how to respond when sexually harassed; to be assertive and to seek help. 

It was a thought-provoking discussion and raised an awareness of the issue in a practical and applicable manner.

Ray Andrew
Head of Year 11


Senior Boys AFL

Our Senior Aussie Rules Footy Boys played their Jakovich Division Grand Final this afternoon at Steel Blue Oval against La Salle College.

After a slow start the boys found their groove and were teaming well with some slick supply to key forwards. At half time AvÐÔ°® were a few points ahead.

In the second half La Salle lifted their defensive game and stifled the AvÐÔ°® ball movement. It was a strong physical contest with admirable effort and impressive skills from two disciplined teams. In the end, La Salle’s clean skills and quicker response on transition saw them run out winners by 16 points.

La Salle 7 5 47 def AvÐÔ°® 5 1 31

Glen Jakovich himself was on deck to present The Cup and make a point of reminding the boys of the importance of school footy and enjoying the experience with mates.

Jackson McManus was a powerful presence up forward and was named best a field for AvÐÔ°®.

Other notable contributions came from Patrick Shaw, Luke Yeo, Charley Wehr, Taj Forrest, Cade Ravlich, Kade McDonald and Captain Kale Paton.

It was a great season for our Senior Boys and congratulations to all involved including Head Coach Mr Matt Jackson and assistants Mr Rowan Platel and Mr Geoff Cantwell

James Howard
Head of Sport



Yidarra Parent Connect Talk - Wednesday 11 August, 7.00-8.30pm

AvÐÔ°® families are invited to join Yidarra families for an evening with Dr Peter McCarrey, an expert in mental health, especially in the area of anxiety in kids and teenagers.

An Evening with Dr Peter McCarrey Flyer[1]_Page_1.jpg
An Evening with Dr Peter McCarrey Flyer[1]_Page_2.jpg

CSPWA July 29 Newsletter

Visit the link below to view the latest edition of the Catholic School Parents Western Australia Schoolzine eNewsletter:
