Year 7 Transition


Commencing at a new school is daunting but commencing at new school with a whole new educational philosophy and structure with a formal timetable and new times of the day, different teachers for every lesson, different classrooms for each subject – that’s next level.

With this in mind, our Year 7 transition program begins well before our students commence Year 7, helping to remove some of the nerves!

After enrolment interviews with each prospective student our Deputy Principal, Middle School and our Director of Learning Support liaise with the Primary Schools, collecting data and information on each of our new students, which assist us in making informed decisions around the individual needs of each student.

The year prior to commencement

Transition Survey

Although we may be a large school, we like each student to know they matter and are important to us and we give careful consideration to which house and homeroom they are allocated.

The information provided via the transition survey will be used to allocate House, class and activity groupings to best cater for the skills and talents of each student. This information may be shared with their teachers, allowing them to adjust their teaching program to cater for each students interests and learning needs.

We aim to put like-minded students together, some with similar interests, to assist in building new friendships, strengthening old ones and forming a strong bond of collegiality and support within the cohort.

Ignite the Spirit Fun Day

In Year 6, new students who come from Primary Schools where only one or two students are enrolled at AvÐÔ°® are invited to attend our Year 7 ‘Ignite the Spirit Fun Day’. They participate in a series of fun games and activities to help develop early friendships ahead of the Year 7 Orientation Day. This is led by our Head of Year 7 and our Year 12 Prefect Team.

Year 7 Orientation Day

All new Year 7s are invited to our Orientation Day which occurs in November. Students are able to meet their Homeroom Teacher, are introduced into daily Homeroom practices, take part in a practical science lesson, learn about their house patron saint and take part in team building games.

Commencement Year

Orientation Week

When students officially commence their first week at AvÐÔ°®, new students take part in a Year 7 Orientation Week, comprising of activities and events to prepare them for and get them used to life in Middle School.

Quest Retreat

The culmination of the Year 7 transition is the Year 7 Quest Retreat.

Led by our Senior students, the Quest Retreat creates an experience for building community and friendship among the Year 7 cohort. This retreat also assists in developing a buddy system between our new students and our Year 11 and Year 12 students.

A softly, softly approach is applied whilst all students acclimatise to their new surroundings, routines and rules.

It’s not too late to apply for 2022, to apply visit: