E-News 15 February 2022


Welcome to Week 3

We were very pleased to welcome back our secondary school students to the campus on Monday after a week of remote learning. Our bustling College campus was filled with excitement as students reconnected and enjoyed retuning to the face-to-face learning environment.

We were pleased to see our energised Primary school students continue their face-to-face learning journey as per usual this week.

I have mentioned in many communications to families recently of the gratitude the College has for the excellent support received from parents and caregivers in ensuring the continuation of learning in our current COVID-19 impacted environment. This strong engagement from families has enabled us to deliver quality learning to students despite the challenges experienced.

We also continue to appreciate your support of the updated protocols implemented to function safely in the current ‘high caseload’ COVID-19 setting as recently announced by the WA Government. Whilst these stipulated protocols will impact the normal routines of College life, they support the health and wellbeing of our community and align with WA Health requirements. For clarity, these protocols are consistent across both campuses.

Principal Jeff Allen’s Welcome Back Message. Shared Sunday 13 February 2022 via social media.

A summary of protocols is as follows:

  • Parents and caregivers will be permitted on school sites for drop-off and pick-up in outdoor locations only

  • A parent/caregiver should only attend the school office in the event of a significant pastoral or welfare issue related to their child; wherever possible interactions by staff with parents should take place over the phone or via email/online

  • All parent information sessions and interviews will be conducted and made available online

  • Gatherings of parents on both school sites will be avoided

 We will also continue to keep you informed on events at the College requiring adjustment given the current ‘high caseload’ COVID-19 setting. We will aim to be innovative in delivering positive outcomes for certain events, whilst postponing others where needed. An update of upcoming calendarised events is as follows:

  • Parent Information Sessions will be available online. Primary school teachers delivered their information packages to families last week. Secondary school information packages will be available next week. We would encourage parents and caregivers to contact their child’s teachers, homeroom teachers or Head of Year if they have any questions or queries. Contact details have been included in the packages. We want to encourage strong parent/caregiver connection with the College despite current circumstances. We want to work in strong partnership with families to support the learning and care of students.

  • The limitation on pool access means that we are unable to run our scheduled House Swimming Carnival as planned. In looking to build House spirit, we will explore future inclusive options and programs to support student participation, connection and culture building. We are currently designing a specific swim program for those competitive swimmers who are aiming to represent the College at the ACC level.

To assist in the efficiency and safety of students accessing their Health Physical Education Uniform (HPE) and selected practical lessons, commencing tomorrow (Wednesday 16 February) students in Years 7-12 can choose to wear their HPE uniform to and from school as an interim strategy. In reviewing the necessary secondary school changeroom protocols put in place to support the current COVID-19 restrictions, we quickly became aware that they were not sustainable and impacted learning in a negative way. Specific details are as follows:

  • HPE uniform consists of HPE shirt and shorts, College sports socks and appropriate runners

  • Given the current weather conditions, it is not necessary for students to wear their College tracksuit over the HPE uniform. They can do so of course if they wish

  • Students may only wear their HPE uniform to school if they have HPE and/or a practical subject (requiring HPE uniform) on that day. Regular College uniform is to be worn on all other days. Homeroom teachers will liaise with students each morning to ensure that they are fulfilling this important requirement

  • House uniform may be worn as per usual on Friday each week

  • The College’s very high expectations on grooming and uniform still apply, irrespective of what uniform the student is wearing. We want our students to wear their uniform with pride and to uphold the values and traditions that it represents

  • We will review this interim trial strategy during the term to determine if it has been well supported by the students and has assisted their learning

We understand the disappointment that adjusting planned events brings to our community but know that families will understand the necessity given our current climate. I acknowledge our committed staff, students and parents for their ongoing efforts in rescheduling and redesigning programs to ensure we still provide engaging pathways for students both in and out of the classroom. We are continuing to review future events given latest protocols and the evolving nature of circumstances and will provide regular updates to families to keep them fully informed.

The last fortnight has illustrated the importance of resilience and our capacity to work through issues as they arise. We applaud our students for their growth mindsets in managing a different style of learning in a very positive way. We also acknowledge their capacity to adapt quickly to new initiatives and strategies in the current dynamic landscape. This agility of thinking, and the capacity to step outside of their comfort zone with confidence, allows students to grow and are important skills for their current and future world.

Best wishes and every blessing

Jeff Allen



News (all years)


In case you missed it...

Keep up to date with news as it happens by following our social media accounts and by checking out our latest posts, blogs and podcasts below:

📌 Absentee Reminder ðŸ“Œ

Did you know that WA law requires all school-aged students to attend school every day and we are required to keep attendance?

How can you help?

Parents - If your child is going to be absent even for part of the day, please let us know!
Students - Please do your best to get to Homeroom on time, otherwise you will need to visit Student Services on the way in.

Primary Absentees

Parents are to report all absentees to the teacher & office before 8.30am. This can be done via the Primary Absentee Form here: 

Secondary Absentees

Parents are to provide updates of their child’s absence via the following options: 

Phone: +61 (8) 6332 2522 (Call)

SMS: + 61 481 883 528 (SMS only)

Email: Absentee@corpus.wa.edu.au

Facebook Family Groups

We remind our community that we have College Facebook Groups for each student year level from Pre-Kindergarten to Year 12 which can be accessed via:

The year groups are named using the students' anticipated Year 12 graduating class year to ensure it remains consistent throughout their school years.

These groups provide an opportunity for families to engage with one another, ask questions and connect. Happy networking!

Secondary Uniform Shop Update - Online Orders Only

The Secondary Uniform shop will be taking online orders only during this time.

Students are able to attend the shop during the normal opening times and parents are able to pick up online orders during normal opening times.


A Message from Accounts:

All School Fee Accounts have been sent to families for 2022. 

Please note the second page for payment plan options and be aware that Bpay is not available as a payment method.  

Complete and return your school fee account information via email to accounts@corpus.wa.edu.au

Concessions on tuition fees may be available to Healthcare Card Holders (MOB code excluded) and some Pensioner Concession Cards. 

Please contact Accounts on (08) 6332 2516 to determine eligibility. A current Healthcare Card must be in the name of the parent/guardian responsible for payment of school fees and submitted to the College in Term 1. 

Concessions can only be applied during the validity period of the Healthcare Card; i.e. discount will cease with the cessation of Healthcare Card entitlement. To complete the concession application form please visit: 


Student Success

Madison L (Year 5)

We wanted to take a moment to acknowledge one of our Year 5 students, Madison! She's currently participating in the Starlight Super Swim Challenge to swim as far as she can for sick kids. She has committed to swim 32km for the month of February, and has even completed a whopping 119km before the challenge even started!

To find out more about her challenge and to support her fundraising efforts, visit

Well done Madison! Just keep swimming

Kade De Luca (Year 10)

In the Christmas holidays Kade was involved in a fundraising event to raise money for the Children’s Leukaemia and Cancer Research Foundation.

He performed with friends at Westfield Carousel Shopping Centre, raising $1364.50.

Well done Kade!


We love celebrating student success, so if you have a story to share please send details and a photo to:



We continue to follow the guidelines provided by Catholic Education Western Australia (CEWA) in line with State Government and Department of Health advice in the current COVID impacted climate.

To ensure a smooth transition into the routines of the College and classroom, please read the information below: 

Start of Day - Drop Off Routine

For families with surnames that begin from A to M, please use the Administration Kiss n Drop drive through, if possible.

For families with surnames that begin from N to Z, please use the Canteen Kiss n Drop drive through, if possible.

Pre-Primary, Year 4 - Year 6 Families

If you would like to escort your child into the school, please use the single gate to the RIGHT OF THE ADMINISTRATION OFFICE.  

Parents are reminded to please always wear masks and to sign in via the QR code on the gate prior to entering the College grounds.  

Gates will open at 8.15am.  Students and parents are asked to wait in the undercover area until 8.30am at which time Pre-Primary students will go to their gate and be admitted through to the verandah area, along with their parents.  Children will place their bags in their allocated locker and then move through to their classroom.  

Parents are not able to go into classrooms at the present time - so please 'kiss and leave' at the door.  

Year 4 to 6 students and parents will move through to the senior atrium where students will hang their bag, say goodbye to parents and move into their classrooms. 

Parents are not able to go into classrooms at the present time.  We ask parents to leave the atrium area as quickly as possible after their child is safely in their classroom.  Tuition time will begin promptly at 8.40am.

Year 1 - Year 3 Families

If you would like to escort your child into the school, please use the single gate to the RIGHT OF THE CANTEEN.  

Parents are reminded to please always wear masks and to sign in using the QR code on the gate, prior to entering the College grounds.  

 Gates will open at 8.15am. Year 1 to 3 students and parents will move through to the Junior Atrium where students will hang their bag, say goodbye to parents and move into their classrooms.  Parents are not able to go into classrooms at the present time.  We ask parents to leave the atrium area as quickly as possible after their child is safely in their classroom.  Tuition time will begin promptly at 8.40am.

Kindy (Monday To Wednesday) Pre-Kindy (Thursday) Families

Kindy parents (and Pre-Kindy parents on Thursday) are asked to wait at the double gates to the LEFT OF THE ADMINISTRATION OFFICE.  

Gates will open at 8.50am. Parents, are reminded to please always wear masks and to sign in via the QR code on the gate, prior to entering the College grounds.  

Please move through to the undercover area to wait.  A member of the Primary Leadership Team will direct 10 families at a time to move through to the Kindy gate and escort their child into the Kindy classroom.  You will receive further direction, once in the classroom, from the Kindy staff.  

End of Day - Pick Up Routine

For families with surnames that begin from A to M, please use the Administration Kiss n Drop drive through, ifpossible.

For families with surnames that begin from N to Z, please use the Canteen Kiss n Drop drive through, if possible.  

A Primary Leadership Team member will be supervising, calling and assisting students to move safely to their parent's car.

Kindy Families

​Double gates will open at 2.50pm for Kindy families only.  

Parents are to move through to the Kindy classrooms and wait outside the door.  Children will be released to them at this time.

Please note:  As per our usual procedure, if your child becomes restless or upset during the day at any stage, parents will be notified to come and collect their child earlier than the end of the school day.  

Pre-Primary - Year 6 Families wishing to pick up students from the classroom.

The single gate to the right of the Administration Office will open at 2.50pm - parents of PP and Year 4-6 students are asked to enter via this gate and to go to the PP gate or senior atrium area to wait for their child.  The single gate to the right of the Canteen will open at 2.50pm - parents of Year 1-3 students are asked to enter via this gate and to go to the junior atrium area to wait for their child.

If you are new to the College and are unsure of where to go, please refer to the College Map available, here: 

Again, we thank all parents for their support, understanding and positive attitude at the beginning of our school year.  The safety and emotional wellbeing of students and families is the number one concern for our College.  

We will continue to update parents, as the days progress, should there be any changes to which we will need to adopt.



Middle School (Years 7-9)


A big welcome to our new students in Year 7 and those who have joined us in Year 8 & 9. My name is Patrick Woolley and I have the privilege of holding the Deputy Principal Middle School position for 2022. We are now in Week 3 and students are settling into their new routines of Middle School with great adaptability and enthusiasm.

Pastoral Care

In addition to our Learning platform, is our Community responsibilities which is where our Pastoral Care Program starts to take shape. Fundamental to our understanding of Pastoral Care is the belief in the dignity of each member of the community, created in the likeness of God who is worthy of respect and love. Pastoral Care is the expression of the caring partnership between members of the learning community (students, staff and parents), the Church and wider community. The mapping of our Pastoral Care Program upholds RESPECT as the core foundation, with respect for SELF and respect for OTHERS the branches that extend from it to arm our students with the knowledge to navigate our ever-changing world. As we progress throughout the year you will see various pastoral based sessions dedicated to this. I encourage you to discuss these sessions with your children so that they can reflect further on the importance respectful relationships in their lives.

This week sees us focus on building Good Learning Habits and an Introduction to Wellbeing for oneself. Central to good Learning Habits is reviewing the Semester gone by and establishing clear, measurable, ambitious Goals. These should be broad to challenge us in Learning, Relationships and Extra-Curricular. This Year we will be working hard with our College Diary to create, reflect and review these Goals on a termly basis. Please do review these with your children and ask them to explain what they have chosen and where they are up to. We will also spend some time establishing key Study Skills (see button below) as part of the necessary toolkit needed to find academic success for each individual student.   

Finally, as Parent Information Evenings move to a Remote Platform please keep a close eye out for details about the different sessions you are able to see.


Senior School (Years 10-12)


Remote Learning

As we move back to face to face learning this week, the Year 10-12 Heads of Year and myself would like to congratulate all of the Senior School students on the resilience they have shown through this time. The number of positive affirmations we have seen from teachers to the students indicates that they have engaged in the online lessons to their full capacity and that is something the should be very proud of.

We are very much looking forward to welcoming them all back this week

Positive Psychology in Pastoral Care

Positive psychology focuses on the positive events and influences in life, including positive experiences like happiness, joy, inspiration, and love. The model, developed by Martin Seligman, identifies the five essential elements that should be in place for our students (and all of us) to experience lasting well-being. The College diary has a significant amount of literature and activities from pages 1-7 on positive psychology in which you can work on with your children.

The ‘A†in the PERMA model stands for Achievement

Achievement, in positive psychology, is about more than getting top marks in the class. It is about students seeing their own progress in their learning. They will then feel a sense of accomplishment. Students should define what their level of success and achievement is and therefore should

  • clearly define their goals

  • set realistic timeframes to attain their goals

  • understand what is needed to complete their goals

  • reward themselves for reaching their goals

Goal Setting in Homeroom

During Homeroom in Term 1, the Year 10-12 students will be working on setting their own goals. It is important to remember that goals for each student will be different and not all goals will focus on marks. For some students, submitting assignments on time or turning up to every class might be important.

The Year 10 and 11 students will be using pages 8 and 9 of the College Diary, while the Year 12s will be working on goal setting using a template distributed by Mr Ramsey.

It will be important for the students to celebrate their achievements and whilst this will occur at the College through affirmations, feedback etc, we would love you to also discuss your children’s goals with them, help them on the journey of achieving them and celebrating their success.

After Wednesday 16 February, all Year 10-12 students should have set some goals for the first semester which will be reviewed by them during the Year.

Excelsis Club

Due to the current restrictions in place for all schools in Western Australia, limiting activities where year levels are mixed, the Excelsis will return to being an exclusively Year 12 activity with the hope we will be able to include Year 11’s later this year.

The name excelsis is Latin which when translated means in the highest degree or on high. The aim of the club is to promote and reward academic excellence in the Senior School. Providing students with the opportunity to participate in activities and events will empower them to strive for excellence and achieve their true potential.

Students and parents who accept the invitation to become members of the Excelsis must be willing to sign the contract of commitment. This commitment form is there to simply acknowledge the commitment that is being made by the students as members of the Club.

It is important to note that there will be no cost to parents for student participation in the Club.

Below is an outline of how the Club will operate each week:

  • Meetings will commence with students being provided with a light afternoon tea.

  • Club members will meet each Thursday

  • The meeting place will be the College Library

  • These meetings will run from 3:30-5:00pm (on occasions it may be longer)

In the weekly meetings students will participate in a variety of activities which will include:

  • Working either individually, in pairs or small groups with other high achieving students

  • Engaging in Peer Tutoring

  • Workshops presented by the Elevate Education company on topics including ‘Memory Mnemonics’ and ‘Ace Your Exams’

  • Listening to guest speakers present on topics including – examination preparation, UMAT preparation, maximising feedback from assessments 

Year 12 students applying to be a member of the Excelsis Club must meet the following criteria in Year 11 

  • Achieve five ‘A’ grades in any course unit combination:

  • A ‘B’ grade in the other course unit being studied.

  • Maintain a high standard of behaviour

 Application forms are available in the Head of Year Office or in Students Services and are due by Tuesday 22 February as we are hoping to commence the 2022 Excelsis Club ASAP.

Further information can be found on page A42 of the College Diary or by speaking to Mr Scali or Mr O’Callaghan.



Welcome to Ministry 2022


Ash Wednesday 

Each year, Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of Lent. In 2022, Ash Wednesday falls on March 2. Ash Wednesday focuses our heart on repentance and prayer both personal and communal.  

Ash Wednesday begins our forty-day season of Lent that leads to Easter. On Ash Wednesday, we come together like the people of the Old Testament to remind ourselves that we do not always follow God’s ways and that we need to ask for God’s mercy and forgiveness. Like God’s people in the time of the prophets, we wear ashes to show that we want to turn away from whatever keeps us from God, and to have a change of heart, so that we can live in peace and in joy with God and with each other.

Project Compassion 

Project Compassion is Caritas Australia's annual Lenten fundraising and awareness-raising appeal. Project Compassion assists and empowers communities in Australia and all over the world by helping those in great need to shape a better future for themselves, their families and their communities. 

The theme of Project Compassion in 2022 is ‘For All Future Generations’ and reminds us that the good that we do today will extend and impact the lives of generations to come. It invites us to make the world a better place by working together now and finding long-term solutions to global issues.  Caritas encourage us to put our compassion into action this Lent through our prayer, fasting and almsgiving by supporting Project Compassion.  

What do we do during Lent? 

During Lent we work together to focus on three areas: Prayer, Almsgiving and Fasting 


Donations to Project Compassion to assist the poor and vulnerable.  

Each Homeroom receives a Project Compassion box for students and staff to donate coins or notes to this worthy cause. To help us understand the work of Caritas on these projects we are able to read the stories or watch the videos to see what our donations are used for and who they help. Caritas aims to assist people and villages to become self-sufficient. 

Our cafeteria is set up to receive donations using our smart rider payment process. If students are donating this way, they let the cafeteria know so they click on the Project Compassion button and this then gets recorded against their name and House. 

In Week 10 we have our Line of Hope. This is where in the last week of term we collect as many coins to make a money snake called the Line of Hope. 


We are asked to give up something to make a change in our lives. For many this was meat on Fridays and lollies or other things for the duration of lent. Pope Francis has put forward the following challenges for fasting: 

We could… 

Fast from hurtful words and speak kind words to one another 

Fast from sadness and be filled with gratitude 

Fast from anger and be filled with patience 

Fast from negativity and be filled with hope 

We could… 

Fast from bitterness and fill our hearts with joy 

Fast from selfishness and be compassionate 

Fast from grudges and reconcile with others 

Fast from words and be silent so that we can listen to the words of others 

Let us find a way we can fast to make a positive difference. 


We are called to stop, take some time to pray, to come into the presence of the Lord. A chance to reflect on our daily lives, to examine our lives and to see how we can make a positive difference in the world we live in.  

We can reflect on the following:  

  • Become aware of God's presence. Look back on the events of the day. ... 

  • Review the day with gratitude. ... Give thanks 

  • Pay attention to our emotions. ... Review the day 

  • We may be shown and remember some ways that we fell short. ... Face our shortcomings 

  • Choose one feature of the day and pray from it. ... 

  • Look toward tomorrow. Be positive, resilient and go forward knowing God is with you. 

2021 Ash Wednesday


St Thomas More Bateman Parish

 Sacramental classes for St Thomas More Parish, AvÐÔ°® Christi College and other surrounding schools commenced on Wednesday 2 February. These classes are conducted every week on a Wednesday from 4-5pm from Term1-3, not including school holidays. Enrolment day was held on Thursday 27 January. However for any children/ parents who may have missed the day please contact the RE coordinator Mrs Judy Machado on 9310 1747 (Tuesdays/Wednesdays 9am-5pm) or email her on catechist.bateman@perthcatholic.org.au at other times, to enrol. 

We do conduct a high school class for all children who may not have made their age relevant sacrament. Special arrangements are made for these children. Please contact the Coordinator for further information and to enrol your child. Enrolments for high school class close on 01st April 2022. 

Please note that Confirmation is a 2 year program. 

Sacramental dates for 2022: St Thomas More, Bateman 

  • First Holy Communion: 25 /26 June 2022

    Enrolments for this class close 25 March 2022 

  • Confirmation: 10 /11 September 2022.

    Enrolments close for this class 20 July 2022 

  • Reconciliation: 22 October 2022.

    Enrolments close for this class 30 June 2022. 


St Thomas More Parish, afterschool Religious Education programme is in dire need for catechists this year. If you are able to volunteer an hour each week, this would help out the Parish and the community a great deal. It is the most rewarding experience teaching and imparting our faith and knowledge to the children of the parish thus enabling them to make their sacraments. 

The R.E. program operates on Wednesdays, afterschool from 4.00pm – 5.00pm. From Term 1 – Term 3. We have the school holidays off. 

R.E. Classes commenced on 2 February 2022. Please contact Mrs Judy Machado on 9310 1747 on (Tuesday at 8.00am – 3.30pm or Wednesday 9.30 – 5.30pm) or email: catechist.bateman@perthcatholic.org.au for more information on the position or if you can help out. 

St Benedict’s Parish Applecross


Families who wish to enrol their child in the 2022 Sacrament programme at St Benedict’s Parish Applecross can download enrolment forms via the St Benedict’s parish Applecross Website.

Follow the instructions via the About us(top Panel) Read the information sheet which has all the information required on the requirements and instructions on how to enrol your child.

All enrolment forms are to be returned to the Parish office by Friday 4th of March.  Payment is to be made by direct debit into the Parish Account. Details are outlined on the relevant enrolment forms.

Further enquires can be directed to the Sacrament  Co-ordinator Rosa Ranieri at stbenedicts.sacraments@gmail.com.  Rosa works at the parish office every Wednesday 2-4pm.



Centre for Faith Enrichment - Adult Faith Courses

More information can be found by visiting:

Marriage Encounter Weekends

WORLDWIDE MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER: ATTENTION MARRIED COUPLES.  Enrich your love for one another away from everyday distractions. What better way to celebrate the gift of your unique love than to make time to focus on each other and your marriage. We invite you to join us on our next Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend 12-13 March 2022 (Live-out at Prendiville College Ocean Reef) or 29-31 July 2022 (Live in Atrium Hotel Mandurah). For more information or booking contact:  Valerie & Brendon on 0424 220 625 – Email: WAbookings@wwme.org.au  Website –   

WORLDWIDE MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER – Take time out for yourself and your spouse  with the gift of a weekend that will focus on your relationship.  It will be the best gift you’ll give each other this year.   We invite to you to join us on a WORLDWIDE MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER weekend and come back with a marriage that is refreshed and exciting.  Weekend details are 12-13 March 2022 (Live-out at Prendiville College Ocean Reef) or 29-31 July 2022 (Live in Atrium Hotel Mandurah). For more information or booking contact:  Valerie & Brendon on 0424 220 625 – Email: WAbookings@wwme.org.au  Website – 


Indonesian Cultural Event

Recommended by Primary Indonesian teacher.

The next edition of the AvÐÔ°® Christi College

e-News will be released on Tuesday 1 March 2022.

AvÐÔ°® Communications